samedi 30 janvier 2016


We have a business that is appropriate to develop in other markets. This business is based on the philosophy of humane rabbit breeding, using eco-technology maintenance and breeding of these animals. We have developed eco-farms and special equipment where breeding rabbits occurs without the need to use antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants. Working at the Slavic market for 13 years, we have sold more than 4,000 units of such equipment.

We are searching for representatives who are aware of opportunities in their market and would agree to commercially promote our inventions and obtain for themselves a particular benefit, ideally create a dealership or dealerships.

Why the theme of eco rabbit breeding can be commercially interesting?

1. Because many individuals buy equipment, eco-farms, mini-farms for breeding rabbits, rabbits which grow with little or no veterinary intervention and such eco-farms produce 210 - 500 kg of rabbit meat per year (this depends on the model of equipment). Sale of such equipment is already profitable.

2. Because whole businesses, companies, farm enterprises are created and with the help of the equipment "Rabbitax" can get natural products (rabbit meat, skins) of best quality unlike the broiler industry. The demand for organic foods is only growing, so the benefit for enterprises, farms is obvious. For a complete farm many equipment units are required, therefore such equipment is a good help for the owner of the business and our dealer or representative. It also happens that when one customer orders one or two hundred units of equipment, all the investments in our business will be immediately repaid to our dealer.

3. Because our operators can take control over the formed new market influencing the main one. Completely new paradigms are introduced which our time is demanding, and if the operators are able to enjoy the responsiveness of this theme, they can build a new branch of eco-rabbit breeding in their country.

Rabbit breeding equipment. Cage for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” (also called mini-farm, eco-farm) is the construction for rabbit breeding that provides the most convenient and comfortable conditions for animals. The special construction for rabbits was invented by the rabbit breeding project “Rabbax Technology” that is well-known in Eastern Europe. This mini farm is the bestseller model at the market of outdoor rabbit raising (open, external, outdoor, domestic, suburban and industrial). The industrial variant of the platform “Rabbitax 8” is presented by the cages for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK”. Each this minifarm consists of 8 rooms; 2 or 3 of them are used for does to give birth to young animals. Equipment for rabbit breeding “Rabbitax 8BVK” is the eco farm in its essence as the animals have the best and the most natural living conditions for growth and reproduction. In such cages for rabbit breeding the air flows are redirected that is the real achievement of engineering. This innovation matters a lot. There is no smell in this eco house as compared to the Baltic fake-models where the smell is, and the vent-pipe is put down in the bunker system of faeces removal. The opposite direction of air flows in constructions for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” allows placing does and bucks in the same ecofarm – there is no mixture of smells and the animals are not disturbed with the presence of each other. Besides, there is no smell at all at the rabbit raising farms as the source of it is liquidated on the whole territory of enterprise. The compulsory ventilation in the cages for rabbit breeding “Rabbitax 8BVK” collects the smell and it can be easily removed with the help of pipe that can unite two different cages “Rabbitax 8BVK”.
The redirected air flows dry the floor and keep the rabbits from the draught. The compulsory ventilation prevents the animals from gas-poisoning – there is no ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbonic acid, methane and other stink that can occur during the decomposition of excrements. The animals grow with heroic health and strong immunity. Mini farm “Rabbitax 8BVK” serves for keeping the rabbits outdoor as well as placing these eco-hutches inside the building. The good quality of solid wood protects the rabbits in winter cold and summer heat. The chipboard products, that can be the source of bacteria and harmful evaporation, are not used in our eco-constructions!
Minifarm “Rabbitax 8BVK” keeps the rabbits from the transverse fall-outs. The animals will not suffer from rain or snow. Besides, these innovative constructions for rabbit breeding prevent the animals from heating in summer due to the protection against infrared and ultraviolet rays. Usually, they are painted in white to reflect the sun rays. Also, the construction of ecofarm “Rabbitax 8BVK” protects the rabbits from mosquitoes and flies. There are no chinks and the insects will not get inside. The window frames are equipped with mosquito nets that let the necessary amount ultraviolet and disperse sun rays to come inside. Each construction has its own system of water conveying for each animal; this water is being heated and never freezes in winter. [Also the rooms for does with kids are heating.]? This is made in order to keep the young animals from cold and make them use their mother’s milk not for warming, but for growing. As a result, the rabbits grow fast and have strong immunity. Mini farm for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” has enough space for animals to live a full life. This equipment for rabbits is not the concentration camp with iron nets (as we used to see in industrial broiler rabbit breeding), but it is a real home for rabbits! And these are not excesses, but the necessities that will help to get enormous profits from this business! These living conditions and appropriate care help to raise healthy and natural rabbits without growth stimulators, steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals. The rabbit breeder’s attention is enough and the rest is done by nature. Mini farm for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” also has protection against the rodents, small and big predators, draught and moisture. We produce eco-rabbit equipment “Rabbitax 8BVK” in a lot of models that answer all the demands and may serve all the possible tasks in rabbit breeding.
Empty weight rabbitry – 234 kg
Dimensions : 3000 mm x 1500 mm x 2000 mm

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