mardi 26 janvier 2016

Politics and Marketing

This isn't a politics thread! I don't care who you want to vote for or why. Makes no difference to me whatsoever... and even less so if you live outside the US where I live. So that said, keep it away from candidates and more to marketing and you won't run afoul of the forum gods...

I came across this article last year and have been thinking about my own marketing methods ever since.

Clown Genius | Scott Adams Blog

If you listen to politicians for how they use marketing messages you can see what works and what won't and why it might work with some people and why it won't with others.

This came up because Mrs. Freelancier was putting together some branding for a client and I told her to "Trump-ize it", shorten the sentences to increase impact, think past the sale, that kind of thing.

So the question: have you looked at your own marketing and wondered how you could connect to your clients better by using what some politicians seem to instinctively already know what to say?

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