samedi 30 janvier 2016

Girlfriend Going To College This Fall: What Should I Expect?

I figured I'd ask this here since this is literally the only forum I'm active on. I also have more posts on this forum than any other forum, and I know you guys will give me good advice. Anyways, my girlfriend of almost 4 months is going off to college this August. I know I still have 7 months, but I want to prepare myself now. I know 4 months doesn't seem like long, but I really really like this girl. She understands me and puts up with me for some reason and actually seems to like me back. We've become very emotionally attached to each other. She's my first love and my first real relationship, beforehand it was those bad relationships, the longest being a month, and the one before her cheated on me. So it was a little hard to trust this girl, but I can trust her more than any other girl now.

The issue is: college. She's a grade above me and a little over a year older than me, so when she goes to college I'll be a senior in high school and she'll be a freshmen in college. She's going to Husson University which is about 3 hours away from where I live. I have my license, however, she doesn't. She will have it by the time college comes around, however, she won't have a car thus freshmen can't have cars on campus. They're also required to live on campus for their first year. I plan to go to college at the University of Maine which is 20 minutes from Husson, the only issue is that'll be a year away.

I'm scared I'm going to lose her, the worse part being by the time it's been a month of her at college it'll be our 1 year anniversary. I'm terrified of being heart broken, I want it to last to badly and make it past college and have a life together. She's going to school for video production and when I go I'll be going for my bachelors in business administration and management and I may or may not minor in finance. She's going for 4 years and so am I, and I want to get an MBA after my bachelors. I just don't know what to do. Have any of you had a similar experience in your younger days? How did you make it work?

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