mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Ethical Question

I recently joined a company that processes Merchant Credit Cards in the United States. This company has taken a new approach to Merchant Processing.

Most Merchant Services companies simply say they will save a client money on their CC processing by reducing their rates and/or fees. As you would imagine, surprise surprise, we offer that option but then go on to sweeten the pot. We offer our client the opportunity to get additional cash back by becoming an Agent with us first, then signing themselves up for processing. Basically, they would be earning commission on their own processing. This means that not only would they save money on their rates and fees but they would get an additional 20% cash back on any Processing fees charged.

So here's the ethical Question......

I know business owners love doing this because they are saving even more money and they are an agent with the company there therefore have easy access to any fine print so they know they are not getting screwed.

If an Accountant who owns their own business became an agent with us, then signed the Merchants they do the books for as agents (with their permission of course) and had them process with us as well, is there any conflict? The Accountant would earn 5% of any Processing Fees their clients were charged and each merchant would not only save with lowered rates and fees, they would also earn 20% cash back.

Basically, everyone makes or saves money.

I just don't know if there are any guidelines written or unwritten that would make a difference here.

I was thinking of marketing to Accountants and CPA's with this idea in mind, but I don't want to waste my time or theirs, if there would be something standing in the way.

Thanks in advance for your help!!! If you don't wish to post an answer here in public, please feel free to message me.

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