samedi 30 janvier 2016

Lyric Videos

Hi. So I make lyric videos on YouTube. I made a total of 52 videos with 176 subs so far and over 100k total video views. I qualify for the YouTube Partners to monetize my videos for money. But obviously I can't because all my videos songs are copyrighted. I was just doing it as a hobby not anything to make money off of anyways. So I didn't care for it. But as I saw my subscriber count grow, views grow, and comments on my videos applauding my work.

I decided to make it into a little small business selling my service of creating lyric videos to music artists. But then I started to think is there even a demand for that? i used google keywords. and nothing came up so I figured maybe not in demand. But then I googled other lyric video production business to see if they even exist. and wala I found They seem to be a big professional business that not only makes lyric videos but promotes.

So there lyric videos are completely different from mines. They use big flashy animated words. And mines is just words that just pop on the screen in normal readable fonts. They use some animated scenes. I recently been making videos with a mixture of animated scenes and still pictures. They work with pop,rock,metal,hiphop,punk,jazz, and soul. And I only work with Alternative&Underground Hiphop. The background images and animations looks like it was made from scratch. Mines uses google images and gifs.

The only difference between there lyric videos and mines, the backgrounds I choose correlate with the meaning of the lyrics. while they just pick something that looks cool and fancy. And well with the pop videos they gave examples of, it makes since to pick those kind of images I guess. The genre of music for my videos is like poetry. so with the images that go along with the meaning, Makes it seem like a visual poetry book with a beat. But then I thought I can't actually sale this service to people anyways because the images and gifs I'm using are other peoples work mostly under copyright probably. So I thoguth to myself then I have to step up my game now and stat creating the images from scratch but I am not an artist...nor an animator. and I would have to learn how to draw and animate. and that's to much just to make lyric videos.

So my question is is it possible to sell this service they way my lyric videos are now? or am I having to have to make them from scratch.

Heres my channel

Thank you in advance!

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