jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Scaling up & hiring


I run profitable digital marketing business with 1 employee. Now I feel that it's time to scale up and start hiring people, but I have no experience on hiring/managing people - I don't even have any business degree! Currently I have one employee who is close friend of mine from personal life so it's totally different than actually managing a team of employees. I've had couple of workers before, but combined with me being busy with personal life and not managing my business well, too early expanding and poor employee choices we are now back to just two of us.

Now I'm looking for hints, tips and resources on scaling up and hiring/training process.

My main concerns are as follows.

1) I've been doing everything myself (with help from my friend) for a long time, but now I should divide most of my tasks to lower level employees. What's the best way to approach this?

2) Related to first questions. If I divide my tasks too widely, then I'd be overstaffing and my employees would have plenty of time to do their tasks. If I'm understaffing, then my employees might feel overwhelmed with constant tasks. Any advice what to think about this?

3) What's the best way to train new employee to their job? The job descriptions would be quite broad with changing tasks from month to month. In some other industries or professions the job description might be very clear and simple, but in digital marketing/SEO it's not always that simple.

4) What's the best way to know if we are ready to be expanding? How about financially ready?

5) Should I be hiring executive/manager and give the responsibility to someone who knows how to do it? How much money we should be making to consider hiring management from outside?

Any feedback to my exact questions is welcome as is broad advice about scaling up your small/one man business. Would love to hear your stories related to hiring and growing as well!

/ Anders

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