dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Strange Google Search result for my site. Hack?

This morning I noticed google is giving a very strange search result for my website. The Title is wrong and just completely different. Seems to be referencing a page on tumblr. Very strange. The result also uses https and the description is this: A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.

The link still goes to my website, the https seems weird cause my site is only secure in the shopping cart and the link goes to homepage.

Searching the source on the landing page from the google link the title and description look normal. Also see no reference to what google is using as the title. Is this some sort of weird hack? I just switched hosting 2 weeks ago and search results were fine till today.

Webmaster tools is not giving me any issues.

If I search using my domain the results are normal. This search is using my company name.

Is this some sort of hack or has google bots just messed up somehow?

My new hosting is saying it is because my robots.txt blocks the crawling of https by default and google should fix this with future crawls.

Google only search engine giving weird results at this time.

Hosting says I just need to wait it out. Any thoughts?

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