mardi 26 janvier 2016

Small businesses don't answer 62% of phone calls

I recently came across a study, results of which show that 62% of phone calls to small businesses are left unanswered. This is astonishing! So first businesses pay marketing agencies to get them more calls, then they fail to pick up the phone.

SMB Phone Calls Statistics_src411 Locals.jpg

So, they count voice mail as a lack of response too, because your voicemail can't sell.. which sounds about right.

Anyway, this signifies a lot of missed opportunities and diagnoses a problem small businesses must work on. But what can they do about it? We all know that time is never enough and most of them can't afford a secretary. The author of the article suggested hiring a virtual secretary, which costs a lot less than a real one.

What do you think? What would you do if that was your problem too?

Which option would you choose?

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