jeudi 21 janvier 2016

Are design and content more important than SEO score?

To me this is an age old battle. Is it more important to follow every SEO rule on every single page, or design for people and accept that not every page can follow every rule?

Personally, I'll let some pages go if it means a better user experience, or it's going to screw up the layout. I won't cram 300 words on the home page if the design doesn't support it, or it makes no sense to do so. To me the entire site works together and it is possible to do well in the SERP's if you're doing all of the other stuff. One page is not going to be so detrimental that it makes or breaks your entire marketing strategy.

Other people believe that Google has to be pleased on every page like some ancient Volcano God, regardless of user experience and design.
Sometimes you can do both. But if you can't, which do you choose?

What do you think? Google first or people first?

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