dimanche 20 mars 2016

351 Transfer, Depreciation and Carryover

I am getting ready to 351 transer assets into my C Corporation. I believe I will have Net Operating Loss for the first few years. I intend to straightline depreciate the assets as opposed to accelerated deprciation to realize the duductions later down the road.

I know that I can take carry forward my Section 179 deduction if not used so I will be taking all of those now.

My question comes to the NOL carryover. Would it make sense to go ahead and take the accelerated depreciation now so the carryover of the NOL would be available to me if I get profitable faster than expected?

In other words, if I depreciate as much as I can now, does the NOL carryover benefit me just as much as depreciating later.

If this is not clear, I apologize, please let me know.

Thank you sooooo much.

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