dimanche 27 mars 2016

How would you do this?

I have been here a while and I think this is the first time I have really asked for advice. So here goes.

I have about 8 websites for my business. I started off 15 years ago using FrontPage then switched to Dreamweaver and now am using Wordpress with one site under my belt and 3 more that I want to do. One of the main reasons is the change Google made almost a year ago. I am a month or two away from tacking what I consider my main site which is one I created with FrontPage a dozen or more years ago. I really am fine with the way it looks on a computer but it really looks horrible on a cell phone and it isn't responsive of course. Here is the part that makes me ask that question. When I redo the site I also want to change hosting companies (not sure which yet but that is not what I am asking about). The hosting company I use is just too expensive and when I called customer service last week for the first time in 5 years they didn't impress me and didn't seem to want to be bothered with my problem although they did give me the answer I needed.

So what I want to do is the make a new site (using Wordpress) and change hosting. I am just trying to figure out the best way of doing that. The site is probably 60-80 pages so it isn't going to be quick.

Option 1. Create the site in a subfolder on my existing site and then move the subfolder to the new hosting company. This is probably the option I am leaning toward before asking the question. One of my concerns is since I would be creating the site in a subfolder such as mysite . com/test if I moved it to the new hosting company in the root folder all my navigation would be messed up since it would all be pointing to files in the subfolder.

Option 2 I have other domain names I am not using. I could create the site in one of those domains and then move it to the proper domain. This seems to me it would make a mess and probably cause problems in the database as well as the problem I would deal with in Option 1 so at the moment this is my least favorite choice.

Option 3. Download wordpress, PHP, MySQL and whatever else I needed onto my computer and create the new site on my computer and then upload it to the new hosting company. This seems to me it could be my best option but may be beyond my limited talents (or limited experience and brain power)

Option 4. Actually I just thought about this one after typing this post. That would be to get the new hosting company first. Set up the data base and just keep repointing the domain back and forth when I wanted to work on the new site. This would be clean and easy but would have a lot of downtime on the main site right when I am in the peak of the season and getting lots of traffic.

So I would like to ask those who are a lot more experienced and smarter than I am how you would do it and which of those options would be my best choice and which are a total no-no. Of course if there is a better way I would be more than happy to hear it.

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