jeudi 17 mars 2016

Bachelors In Finance vs. Bachelors In Business?

I am looking for a good college. I am probably going to go to the University of Maine in Orono which is roughly 3 hours away from where I live. Plus it's in state college so it's cheaper, roughly being $25,000 a year to attend.

Anyways since UMO has the best business program in the state of Maine I was wondering what I should go for? I love finance and everything to do with it. The numbers, the charts, people looking at me like I'm crazy when I talk about it, it's great. My issue is if I go for just straight business administration what are my limitations? I already have a job lined up at a bank, most likely starting either this summer or when I turn 18. I want to work in stocks and securities mainly and become an investor and venture capitalist. My issue is would you recommend a finance degree or a BA?

My GPA is about 3.4 right now so Harvard is out of question xD

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