mardi 15 mars 2016

Bicycle Beer Delivery Service

Hi there,

I'm trying to start my own business, on the side of work initially but hopefully it could become full time. I'm thinking of offering a beer delivery service by bicycle. Here in Portland, OR there's tons of breweries and tons of beer consumers. Many like me have purchased growlers but I always forget to bring them with me to a bar to fill them up. I'm thinking a delivery service where I pick up people's growlers once a month, fill them with a beer from that months brewery and drop them off at their house, all by bicycle.

I'm going with the bicycle option because I have an incredibly small amount of money to invest (under $500). It also appeals to my, and the other Portland hipsters, environmental philosophies. Perhaps the bike would be a unique feature of my company that people would like.

There's a ton of questions I have about starting a company though.
- I live with my in laws, having just moved to America. Do I need to make myself an LLC before I pick up a single beer or can I test the theory before needing to register as a business?
- If I register as an LLC is it wise to use my home address at the start, or should I pay a business service to use their address (especially considering I don't own the property)?
- Does anyone have any advice on how to collect payment? I'm thinking at the start when I pick up the growler, the customer pays me. This way I could start the business without a website and just use a Facebook page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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