lundi 7 mars 2016

Proposing business expansion to current employer

I am currently employed at a small custom fabrication shop (custom furniture, architectural elements, signage, etc.). We are a very small group (3-5 employees).

I am interested in proposing a new "side-business" to my boss - the owner of the company. I'm interested in parlaying the success of this custom design business into another division that focuses on graphic design, web design, identity design, etc. My career background is in graphic design/web design, so I have the expertise in that area.

Rather than simply expanding his business into this area, I want to propose this as a joint-venture - where I will be part owner, rather than an employee.

Seeing that I'm looking build off the success and recognition he has built in the community - possibly even naming the new venture as a derivative of the current business - I'm hoping for any advise or anecdotal evidence of a similar situation in order to make further plans.


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