dimanche 27 mars 2016

We Are Newbies Here


We’re the team of enthusiasts that is currently working on one online project. It is all about web design solutions including also SEO, logo, branding, coding and copywriting. We do admit that is not a unique startup and there are a bunch of well-known studios over there on the internet. Our challenge here is to eventually bring something unusual and untrivial to the customers. It doesn’t necessarily mean we gonna be doing a completely new web design that has never been revealed before. We not gonna change the product itself. I don’t think that is what the current market looks for (but who knows…). We gonna be adding absolutely new things to our services to make it more competitive. Sounds simple? It might be, yes. But have a look at today’s start ups. They all may be plain but if they have their own uniqueness and no competition in this area, that will definitely be a new ‘facebook’ or ‘instagram’ in the market. A couple of our members have an online business experience in fields like currency trading, MLM and e-marketing and the rest are professional designers. So we’ve decided to combine our knowledge and initial investments to come up with the design studio. Pretty much that’s it. We are sure that every business could be properly run with the competent management and hard work (that would definitely pay off). We’ve come to this forum for any advice and of course to share experiences. Hoping this gonna be a win-win solution to all of us.

Look forward to being in touch. :cool:

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