lundi 28 mars 2016

Company Name

Hello, my name is Jackson Pugliese, and I currently own a LLC. We own the LLC, and everything is filed for it since about November. Just a few days ago, I searched Google for my company, to see how our seo was going, and saw another company of the same name. I then went to their website, and they are a Canadian company specializing in the electric motor cycle market. We are an american company based in the quick charge external battery pack market.

They have apparently been founded since 2010, but did not have good exposure, so I was not able to find them.

We will be selling our product online, so we will not only be shipping our products to america, but shipping them all over the world, including Canada. So what I was wondering, is how will this work, are their any legal ramifications, can I legally ship things to Canada, since we have the same name? Could I get sued, or hurt because we have the same name?

Any help will be much appreciated,

Jackson Pugliese

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