dimanche 27 mars 2016

Easy full time remote job (with side gigs) or high paying in house job no side gigs?

My username says it all. But I work long hours and produce results no matter where I'm at.

On linkedin I received a message from a successful entrepreneur in our same niche, one who knows my boss. They are part of the same community and are very tight knit. I called him after I received his message and nervously pitched my services but he already knew about my work and my boss, he knows our whole operation. Both of them almost did a deal in the past that did not go through. They are both wealthy millionaires who are up to date with Internet marketing in our niche (my specialty)

I've been with my boss for 7 years, who is very flexible with my schedule, kind, allows me to work from home on most days and allows me to leave early to beat the traffic. He's a great man. I do produce results. B The new offer said it was an IN HOUSE only position, no remote work. But due to my ADD, sitting for 8 hours is going to be hard for me when I'm so used to having my own schedule. Also it's 1.5 hours away from my house. Instead of coming home at 2pm, I will not come home at 7:30pm due to traffic. The rentals are too expensive in surrounding area.

He asked me to come by to check the office this week, it's a guarantee hire in my eyes. Over the phone he didnt ask how much I made. but did say he will easily offer me more if I work for him. I've been in this specialty niche that produces large results in his industry and have been doing it with my boss for 7 years. He started me at $25 and give me a 5 dollar raise 2 years ago. So I've been only making $30 a hour for 5 years, which is laughable for what I do. I have friend who works for Intel and develops and manages 2 new landing pages per year and is making over 100k.

I love my office and co-workers and awesome schedule. It allows me to do side projects, which I've been working on but planned to go full speed in the next few months. I always wanted to be my boss, and with 500 sites under my portfolio ranking in top 3 for all their keywords, I could easily become successful on my own. But I'm lazy and over worked.

The potential new employer asked me to keep this confidential, I imagine from anyone at work.

Do I tell my boss what I was offered before or after I meet? It can annoy him to assume I'm using a sneeky tactic for a raise but I'm sure he will match and raise but ask me to be in house and throw more work on my plate. But I would be breaking confidential verbal agreement and could cause friction. Why would one successful business owner snatch up a competitors main man in the same feild, sooner my boss of 7 years will find out. I can only imagine it will turn ugly and never have an opportunity to work with my current boss.

Do I keep the kush 30hr job (not far from home, able to spend more family time, able to enjoy the sun) or work at this new job with a better work ethic that could potential pay more 2-3x more. I meet with him this week. Nervous and need advice. I've been so much in my comfort zone, I've yet to reach my potential to become very successful myself. Maybe this is wake up call to keep kush job and go hard on my side projects. But 90% of friends and family tell me to go where the guaranteed money is at, the in-house job

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