mardi 8 mars 2016

Anyone thinking of Opening a Group Home? Or have on established already?

I'm planning on opening a group home this year and know the majority of what I need to know. But there is still so much to learn. I've already registered my business & had a property lined up but my offer turned into a counter offer. Long story short I still looking for a property :). That's not my problem tho.

Because these businesses can be so competitive, there is almost little to no info on how to get certified, zoning laws, and the list goes on. You'll most likely be coming out of pocket to get some info from a company that you may already most likely know. So for the last 6months I have been doing my homework. Learning, watching the market, weighing my options, and just figuring which type of group home I want to establish. I'm a nurse so I have experience with peds, geri, md, adolescents, & rehab. Im just ready to open my home already & help those in need.

Anyone thinking of starting their business? Or have a group home open already? I would love to connect & bounce ideas off of eachother & go over a checklist of what's needed to operate. <removed> I'm located in Colorado springs

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