mercredi 31 août 2016

Greetings everyone!

I'm new here. I would like to greet everyone to have a good day. Hope we all become good friends. I'm looking forward on learning a lot on this forums.

I hope everyone is having a good day!.:D

Looking for Personal Accounting Software, Any Suggestion..!!

I am referring to comprehensive, full-featured systems that allow their users to keep on track of their portfolios with clear, systematized reporting and solid support. This would likely cost a few thousand bucks at least. Few of my friends suggests me Asset vantage's next generation SaaS-based asset management software and other suggested me QuickASSET Software. Looking for few more suggestion as well.

Thanks in advance

New Member her

Hi Everyone,

I am Joshua from U.S, I am here to learn new things. I love Internet Marketing and I always want to learn something new related toe the field.

I look forward to meet new People.

Joshua Allen

Partner Issues

I’ve found myself in a very awkward business and personal situation. My business partner “Elliot” was the high school big man on campus in the 80’s. All the women loved him and all the men wanted to be him. He was four years older then me and I looked up to him. He, his brothers and sisters and parents have been like family to me and mine for over 35-years.
A few years ago, Elliot found himself in a dead end job that he hated and I was self-employed but in desperate need of cash. In fact, I was so desperate that without a cash infusion, I may have gone out of business. I agreed to sell Elliott an unspecified portion of my corporation (annual sales of $ 4,000,000) in exchange for $ 125,000.00 in cash. Because of our history and complete trust in one another, the details would work themselves out in the future, or so we thought. Furthermore, even though Elliot had no experience in the field that we specialize in, I also agreed to provide Elliott with a staff position that would start out paying him the same salary as the job he was leaving ($ 64,000/year). I “assumed” that Elliot would be energized by this new opportunity and work diligently to contribute as quickly as possible. Finally, I further agreed to let Elliot take hunting season off before he started work (about six weeks). This was always a dream for him and I had no issue with it.
Elliot has now been with the company for 36-months. His salary of $ 64K began paying Sept. 1st of 2013. He was supposed to report for work October 15th 2013 (after hunting season). However, Elliott didn’t just take off hunting season, he didn’t show up for work for 24-months. In utter befuddlement, as well as wanting to avoid a confrontation with my high school hero and family friend, I kept paying him his salary. However, by the time he decided to start coming in sporadically, he had already been “paid back” $ 128,000 of the $ 125,000 buy-in. When I say he decided to report to the office, I don’t mean that he decided to report for work. Rather, Elliot goes into his office and, for the most part, simply browses the internet. To this day, Elliot may come in some days at 1:00 and leave at 5:00 and other days, like yesterday, he’ll tell me that he needs to take the following day off because he has to mow the lawn and change the oil in his car (he’ll tell me this on a Monday when he could have done all of these things the previous Saturday and Sunday). Elliot taking days off has no real effect on the company anyway as he’s declined to actually do anything productive during his time here. Yes, he’ll pick up an occasional check, loan the company more money here and there (charging interest) or he’ll run the occasional errand. Time and time again, I’ve tried to nudge him towards filling real company needs and offering him training, hoping that he would grab the ring and go for it. Despite this, Elliot always ends up right back up where he started, at home or browsing the internet on his office PC. I think that, in his mind’s eye, he’s an owner and can simply come and go as he pleases.
In fact, he’s came to me several times wanting his salary increased.
For the record, in addition to his salary, the company is also making a $ 1,000 a month payments towards Elliot’s vehicle, contributes 14% to his 401K and pays for his gas to and from the office via a fuel charge card. As I’ve previously stated, Elliot also charges interest for any “growth” loans that he’s made to the company as well.
I’ve finally had enough but given our families histories and the fact that I love him like a big brother, I want to handle this morally and with kindness (if possible), but the facts remain:
1. Even if Elliot showed up for work and was driven, until he becomes fluent in our field, he’s drastically overpaid.
2. He has shown no interest in learning our field.
3. In the three years since Elliot “bought-in”, there have been 6,240 standard work hours. I would estimate that Elliot has actually worked approximately 60 of these hours.
Elliot may have thought that the $ 125,000 buy-in was actually the purchasing a very early retirement????
Elliot’s name is not on any corporate documents, nor was there any type of formal stock transfer. Elliot gave the company $ 125,000 and the company gave Elliot $ 128,000 before he decided to start making sporadic visits to the office. The company then gave him another $ 40,000 before he decided to even show up for his first 20-hour week (once again, mostly just sitting in his office on the internet).
Given the above, I’m inclined to not grant Elliot any stock and further, tell him that if he doesn’t start contributing daily and with earnest, he will soon be looking for a job as well.
I’m aware of how dysfunctional this is. I’m also well aware that I should have put an end to this long ago. However, I was and am very grateful to Elliot for saving my business in a time of great need.
Finally, during the first two years of Elliot’s tenure, the company hasn’t turned a profit, rather we’ve been operating at breakeven (regarding year end owner’s draw/profit sharing). This year, we will turn a significant profit.
I would value your feedback regarding what my next actions should be.

mardi 30 août 2016

Don’t Get Screwed Over When You Sell Your Business

As a corporate attorney as a large law firm, I worked mainly for buyers (often a private equity firm) purchasing private companies. We often saw smaller companies, without an army of lawyers, overlook issues in the purchase agreement. Here’s some of the common areas someone selling their business should look out for:

Purchase Price: How much money are you actually getting?

Earn-Out: What target do I need to reach?
Many sellers are under the impression that when they sold their business, they just get a check when the agreement’s signed and that’s that. It rarely works that way. A buyer often wants to hold back some of the purchase price and require the seller to “earn it” by hitting a certain financial goal. A buyer might say “I’m willing to pay $500,000 for your business - but only $400,000 now, and another $100,000 only if EBITDA next year reaches a certain amount.”

First, make sure that you’ll actually be able to influence the operations of the company during the earn-out period. Don’t let a buyer take over the company and intentionally miss the earn-out target so it doesn’t have to pay the entire price.

Second, make sure you put restrictions on what the buyer can do during the earn-out period. You don’t want to allow the buyer to incur a huge expense that hurts EBITDA during the earn-out period.

Materiality: What’s important and what’s not?
You’ll see “material” and “material adverse effect” everywhere in the agreement. Materiality is a strange concept. Lawyers basically invented it as a way to make sure that “foot faults” - minor slip-ups - are excluded. If the seller says “there aren’t any worker’s comp claims against us,” but then an employee comes forward with a $50 overtime claim, technically that statement is false. But if you say “there aren’t any material worker’s comp claims against us,” then you may be covered. What does “material” legally mean? No one really knows - there isn’t a clear legal standard. The purchase agreement itself will define it, and you’ll probably end up arguing a lot about what “material” means.

Representations: What’s true about your business?
Representations are a section of the purchase agreement where the seller promises, or represents, that certain facts about the business are true. Usually they cover things like “no one’s suing the business” and “the business has paid all its taxes” It ends up being a heavily negotiated section of the agreement.

Knowledge: Who knows what?
You want to make sure that only the right people are saying that these things are true. Some small businesses have investors that are family members or other investors that don’t have day-to-day knowledge of the company. They shouldn’t be on the hook if something goes wrong.

Representations: What do they know?
Lawyers like to throw in language in the representations, so read them carefully. You won’t want to say “no lawsuits against us exist” without qualification. It might be true, but what if someone is preparing a lawsuit right now and you find out the day after you sign the agreement? For this reason, you’ll want to qualify what you’re saying: “no lawsuits against us exist, as far as we know.” Also, remember materiality here: “no material lawsuits against us exist, as far as we know.”

Indemnification: What happens if something isn’t true?
Indemnification is a fancy word that covers what you’re on the hook for after you sell. For example, what happens if the IRS audits the company a year after the sale? Will you have to pay any penalties? It’s one of the most heavily negotiated and important sections of the agreement, and also one filled with the most legalese.

Survival: How long do you need to worry?
The survival period is how long after the sale you’re indemnifying the buyer. You’ll want to make it as short as possible. You’ll probably end up somewhere in the range of 12-24 months, maybe with different time periods for certain representations (like tax or environmental matters).

Deductible/Cap: How much are you on the hook for?
An indemnity deductible works like an insurance deductible, with you as the insurer. For example, if the indemnity deductible is $10,000, you won’t have to cover anything like a worker’s comp or tax claim until it’s worth $10,001. After that, you’re “insuring” or covering the cost of the claim. Likewise, the cap places a limit on how much you have to cover. This is usually a percentage of the purchase price. Buyers and sellers go back on forth on indemnity for a long time, and the mechanics can get really complicated. It’s important for the business owners, not just the lawyers, to understand it.

Materiality: What are you covering?
This is a tricky one I saw often. The buyer will often try to say something like “materiality doesn’t matter for purposes of indemnification” - basically, this strips out all the work you did putting materiality in the representations! I’ve seen this slip past a lot of expensive lawyers.

Non-Compete: What can you do after you sell your business?
The non-compete agreement is usually a separate agreement, but it’s usually negotiated at the same time. It covers what you can and can’t do after you sell your business.

Restricted Activities: What can you do?
Make sure that you can do what you want after you sell your business. Maybe another business opportunity comes up and it’s related to the business you sold - are you allowed to pursue it? This can be annoying because you might go back and forth on specific language, but it’s worth spending time on it. I had a family friend sell her online business and continue in the same industry with a brick and mortar store. Her non-compete agreement stated she couldn’t have anything online - but could she have a Yelp listing? The agreement didn’t say, so she was basically at the mercy of the buyer.

Restricted Area and Period: Where and for how long?
Make sure you’re not restricted in too big an area (“the state of California”) or for too long (“five years”). Of course it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen, but push back on this. State law often comes into play here, defining what a reasonable area and time are.

This isn’t meant to be comprehensive, and you should always get your own legal advice, but hopefully this helps anyone here who’s thinking about selling their business. Just being familiar with some of the issues can help a lot.

Our company is not in good standing, how exactly do we remedy this?

Our company is an LLC based in Maryland and just formed this December. We have no inventory, revenue, debts, or liabilities aside from the liabilities we owe to the IRS.

I recently checked the status of our LLC and I found out that our company is not in good standing and thus I understand we need to fill out a Annual Report and Personal Property Return, but I am not sure how the late fees will work or how to fill out some of the options such as Manufacturing/Research and Development (R&D) Inventory when we do not have anything.
These last few months we have only done research and designing which did not cost our business any money . We have not spent any money other than filing IRS forms with technically personal money.

We would also like to know how urgent is getting this form filled out, and when will our company become forfeited.


Greetings, fellow humans!

Hello there!

I've actually been here a while but for some reason, I forgot to introduce myself. Well, here goes.

Hi! My name is Katrina Alyssa, you can just call me Alyssa if you want. I'm not a small business owner... yet but I would love to be soon. I plan to set up my own library cafe here in our small town.

I'm currently a content writer and, though I thought I wouldn't like it at first, I have grown to love it more and more as I dive deeper into it.

I'm still learning. There is still a lot to learn and I wish to do so here in this community of ours.

Have a productive and wonderful day, guys!

lundi 29 août 2016

SBF Blog

Okay, I kind of mentioned this in the past, but what if specific users could post on an SBF blog, similar to Digital Point's homepage?

Has Anybody Else Seen Those Stupid Get Rich Posting Facebook Ads Ads On Facebook?

I am a pretty avid Facebook user. Since Facebook tracks my search history, they're very aware I am interested in business. Almost everyday I see some guy in a luxury vehicle of some sort while he opens an envelope and starts counting around $10k. He then says you have like, share, comment "I want in", and then private message him the same. Like they're literally everywhere. They'll also post something like "He worked at McDonald's before and now look at him" or something like "He was a serial killer before this, now everyone wants to be him" or something stupid. The best part? PEOPLE ACTUALLY COMMENT AND EVERYTHING. People man.

New Member Here


Finally Joined the beautiful forum, Been looking for a while... This looks like an active forum with lot of Enthusiasm, I looking forward to being here to meet new people in the forum

Susan Andrews

Looking for Business Partner


I'm Looking for Business partner Web Design & Web Development Business sector.

Please reply me serious CA, US, UK, Aus, NZ person only "No Investment Required"

Drop your email with reply message.

Many Thanks

dimanche 28 août 2016

Opening a music venue

It is a dream of mine to open my own music venue. I have tons of ideas including locations, decor, style of venue, etc. I am having 0 problems in the creative department. What I am having problems with are the steps I need to take. I have no clue where to begin. I know I need licenses, permits, and loans, but I have no clue what order I need to do these things in.

Also, I know there are different types of business licenses. Considering the fact I want it to be a DIY kind of a thing, I would want as much free reign as possible with the property. What type of business licenses are there, and which one is right for me?

Any tips from knowledgeable and/or experienced music venue owners would be greatly appreciated.

Messy situation

I have a messy situation and I'm not sure how to best handle it.

I started a business with $0 while broke and homeless 12 months ago. Today, we're a team of 12 in our own office. It's a commercial cleaning business in California.

Initially, I was doing the cleaning work myself but as we started to grow I brought on independent contractors to help with the load. I'm trying to build a business for the long term and offered everybody equity including the problem contractor I write about below. All the contractors signed paperwork agreeing to vest equity over four years.

One of the contractors after a few months cleaning wanted to work in the office with me instead of cleaning. He's a smart enough guy. I couldn't afford an office person and told him that. He was homeless like me, and said it would be ok if I paid him enough to get by and get caught up when/if the business is getting more successful. I could use the help so agreed to it.

We've had month on month growth but I'm still not able to pay myself much of a wage yet. A few hundred dollars a month at most. Every penny in revenue is covering the service workers payroll, office rent, van rental, and other costs of doing business. Last month we did just under $20k in revenue. I'm still homeless, I view it as my time will come later on... We're about to release new technology that will give us a massive advantage over our local competitors.

This pay as we can arrangement with the contractor has been going on for 8 months and we're now right at the one year cliff we put into the equity agreement. From what I can see, mostly he actually works around 2 or 3 hours per day, and the rest of the time he's on his mobile phone reading websites. We've spoken about this, how I'm not too happy about him sitting in the office not working and only causing a distraction by being there. I'd prefer he wasn't here if he wasn't working. Each time that conversation comes up (maybe every 2 months) he does better for a while.

In the past 8 months I've given him around $4,500 and he claims there's another $12k owed. Sometime recently he must have logged into our time tracking software and logged the hours he claims we owe him as typically he never logged in daily to record the hours worked when he was here. Today, he came in with a crappy mood. He demanded that I either pay him $12k now, or agree to a payment plan with interest. I said I'd agree to a payment plan but not to interest. He wasn't interested so started shouting he's holding all the cards and is going to sue me. I told him to leave the office and come back when he'd calmed down. He asked if he was fired to which I said no. I asked if he'd quit to which he said no. However under the hostile environment it can't go on as-is. As he was leaving he took a laptop that belongs to the company. He never usually takes it with him. I told him he can't take it, that it's company property and he's not authorized to take it offsite. He took it regardless, then said he was going to sue me again claiming he can take my equity in the company.

Other than this messy situation with one person, everything else in the business is done by the book. The cleaners are all paid for the hours they work, we're registered with the state of CA and Board of Equalization (as we resell supplies too). We're currently in the process of changing the workers from W9 to W2. That begins on Sept 1.

Any advice about this mess I can get here would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

samedi 27 août 2016

Website for the selling the companies contacts

Hi guys!
My name is Eugene, I am the web-developer from Ukraine. I have an idea which to my think should be implemented. I want to create one country oriented website for selling the information about companies (legal persons) of this country - names, emails, phones, addresses and other. Point is to get this information from public access, for example from Yellow Pages and give them to buyers in the comfortable for viewing structure like Excel files. All information will be systematizated and divided by rubric and city. As I see this - there is the form on website where buyer can pick the city and rubric that he interested in - for example construction companies of the New Jersey. Then he go next to the payment form, make a payment. System generate the Excel file with his data and gives to user the order number. Then user use this number for the order downloading. It is quite simple and comfortable. Point is not in giving to user some private information but in giving the public information in the very convinient look. I guess this must be useful for the sms sending, email sending, partner search. All technical part I take to myself. <link removed>

There used data from - the biggest directory of legal persons all over the Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. There are 2.5 millions companies in the database. My system works fine and exactly the way I have described. I have not much sells yet someting about 3 in a week but I guess it is because of low searching position in the google and low promotion level basically. I think this website could make good profit if somebody interested and with the promotional skills will do some appropriate work. Thats why I am looking for the partner. For me it is not the problem to create the same website but with the another data.
But actually I would be glad to see your comments. I have no idea how much interesting this kind of service may be for USA, Europe, Australian people. How do you think will somebody pay for this data?

Hi Everyone

Hi friends. I am new this business forum.

vendredi 26 août 2016

Repeated entries in a facebook page

I am obtaining in a facebook page several entries or repeated entries when I publish

I am doing with TwitterFeed.

Anyone knows what happens ?

Best Regards

Credit Card Terminal Acquisition

Hi everyone,

I was wondering where you got your credit card terminal. Did you look up your credit card terminals online, or did you just get an account with a credit card terminal company locally.


Google cracks down on intrusive interstitials - Hallelujah!

To put it plainly, Google is cracking down on sites that show immediate pop ups or ads, blocking the content.


"Pages that show intrusive interstitials provide a poorer experience to users than other pages where content is immediately accessible. This can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are often smaller. To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly."

  • Showing a popup that covers the main content, either immediately after the user navigates to a page from the search results, or while they are looking through the page.

  • Displaying a standalone interstitial that the user has to dismiss before accessing the main content.
  • Using a layout where the above-the-fold portion of the page appears similar to a standalone interstitial, but the original content has been inlined underneath the fold.

You can read the entire announcement on the Google Webmaster blog:

I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Sites like this were ruining the web for me. I use an exit intent pop up on my site, but it triggers when you're leaving, not when you first arrive. I've always thought that was a horrible user experience and companies that do it were deliberately giving their readers the middle finger.
JMO of course.

What do you guys think? Is this welcomed news or don't really care?

jeudi 25 août 2016

Just venting

One of my good customers is changing over to using Ariba for their accounts payable. We've dealt with Ariba before and it is no fun. I'm Net 30 and they want to change that to Net 90. They do offer quicker payments but they demand a discount. I'm thinking keep it Net 90 and increase my prices to make up the difference. I get the impression Ariba (or a companies like it) is the way of the future.

mercredi 24 août 2016

What personal finance or accounting software should I use as an owner or freelancer?

Hi All,
I'm new to this forum and wanted to get tips and tricks on software to use as a small business owner and freelancer. I'm personally a freelancer and hoping your tips are helpful!
I'm doing some survey work to understand how you manage your property or business, and this will help me prioritize features. This survey will be anonymous and you can access the survey here. Would you be open to providing your feedback on this? Here's the link:

Thanks again for all of your help and input!


Project Funding and Banking Instrument!

We have direct and efficient providers of Bank Guarantee (BG’s),
Insurance Guarantees, MTN, Confirmable Bank Drafts, Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) and Third Party Guarantees. If you are a potential Investor or principal looking to raise capital, we will be happy to answer any questions that you have about this opportunity and to provide you with details regarding these services. Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with the providers of these instruments. Leased Instruments can be obtained at minimal costs to lessor compared to other banking finance options. This offer is open to both individuals and corporate bodies. If you have need for Corporate loans, International project funding, etc. or if you have a client that requires funding for his project or business, We are also affiliated with lenders who specialize on funding against financial instruments, such as BG, SBLC, POF or MTN, we fund 100% of the face value of the financial instrument. Inquiries from agents/ brokers/ intermediaries are also welcome. If you are interested in seeking to raise finance for your business/projects in this way,


for more information and enquires

Found another great online Marketing class by Seth Godin

I've been sharing marketing resources lately, and found another good one on Skillshare (which has a lot of good courses by the way) taught by Seth Godin.

It's not free, but they were running a 3 months for .99 cents deal..which I think is a very good promotion. I think Skillshare memberships run around $14 mo., but there's a lot of free content too.

Where as the others were more technical, this one is about thinking like a marketer from top to bottom.
I'm halfway through it and I find it very informative. I'm also a big Seth Godin fan so it's easy to stay engaged.

Hope it helps.

What Laptop To Buy

I'm now using a MSI gaming laptop for my work. It has a 17 inch screen and 16G of ram.

I want to get an inexpensive smaller screen laptop for when I travel and backup.

I don't know the processors and specs for laptops. Does anybody have any recommendations?

mardi 23 août 2016

We bring Offer For Lease Bank Instruments, Such As BG and SBLC DLC LC

We offer financial instrument lease and sale at a reasonable price with affordable procedure and condition. Our bank instrument lender offer Fresh Cut and Seasoned bank instrument such BG, SBLC, MTN and Confirmable Bank Draft (CBD), which can be engage into PPP Trading, Outright Discounting, signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects.

With our bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve a collateral in your bank to fund your project.

We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable. Below is procedure for BG/SBLC and MTN lease, other bank instrument procedure will be provided on request.

1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee {BG/SBLC}
2. Total Face Value: Eur 10M{Minimum} to Eur 10B{Maximum}
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank Plc and Barclays Bank Plc {London, U.K}
4. Age: One Year and One Month
5. Leasing Price: 5%+2% =7%
6. Delivery: MT-760 {Bank-To-Bank Swift}
7. Payment: MT103/23
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier Service {within three banking days}

You can contact us through our

Mr. Larry George
Skype: larryg_110

Hello I Am grega182, working with marketing, finances

I am grega182.
I am currently starting a project/business of mine. Its a marketing business. I am also good with finances, stocks, forex etc.
I project/business is called GSX Marketing Group
I also have a website for it where I offer marketing services.
I am looking forward to post and be a part of the community. Thats why I joined to get help and learn to be better at what I do.

Starting a marketing business "GSX Marketing Group"

I am new to this forum. I was searching for a forum in whitch I can find other people who can help me and share some ideas and give me advices on how to
make a successfull business. Well if I may start. I had and idea about making a marketing business. I have started it and so far created a website for it.
Let me give you some background about my idea/business.
Well like I said. I have created a marketing business if I may say so called: GSX Marketing Group. Its about helping indiviuals in marketing their business/projects etc. I also offer email marketing and marketing consulting. I already did some work for some people and friend to help them with their ideas. But I am always happy and willing to learn more to becoume successfull with my Idea of the business I want to have.
Like I said. I would like to hear from you what you think. I personally think that the idea of mine has potentail. But like I said.. I would like to hear it from you.
What do you think? Would you improve it? And any advices, tips are more then welcome!!!

Thank you again for reading my thread and taking your time to comment/reply on it! It means a lot!! Thanks again!


Today Karachi Gold Price | Karachi Stock Exchange 100 Index

Today Karachi Stock Exchange price check online by Money & Matters News Company. We Provide a Karachi stock exchange 100 index best price in all over Pakistan.

Packaging Company in United State

The Ac Crating is well-known group which deals in moving and packing service over the united state.

A range of service provided by Ac Crating is very vast such as packaging the material, shipping the material etc.

Feel free to contact us if you need moving and packing service. :o

Contact details:

920 W. 2nd st.
Lakeland, Fl 33805
Phone: 863.412.7734
Fax: 863.646.1005

lundi 22 août 2016

Need Ideas

I'm a full time college student, also working full time for a trucking company on their lot. The company I work for repoed 2 semi trailers full of rubber floor mats. They had no use for them and didn't know what to do with them. So I asked if I could have them and ended up bringing them to my farm and unloading all of these floor Matt's into a barn. I have been selling these floor mats to car dealers around me, but I am now running out of dealers to sell to. I am writing this post to see what other people's ideas would be to sell them. (Yes I have tried ebay.)

Do you watch any business related TV shows?

I use to be hooked on 'Shark Tank', and I do still enjoy it. But I think I've pretty much gotten the gist of whatever I'm going to learn from it. That being that ideas are a dime a dozen, and no one cares. What people care about is have you proven the concept, how much skin do you have in the game, and is the product or service saleable to a large audience to make it worth while for an investor. A lot of people go there with nothing more than a small scale idea that is solely about making them money, but not scalable enough for an investor to care.

Now I'm hooked on 'The Profit'. Been binge watching episodes the past week and have learned a lot of things that I didn't know, specifically when he deals with some of the retail shops, and people with products. It also seems less scripted than the others in that he doesn't fund everyone, and there are clear reasons why.

For me the really interesting part is the varying personalities of some small business people. Some are real egomaniacs and control freaks, and some seem to be really genuine and you really root for them to succeed. In almost every case of those who didn't get funded, or failed, the owner was a complete jerk, but they're opinion of themselves were that they were just "driven". Some people have no business managing other humans.

Being in the bar business I've watched Bar Rescue, but it feels too scripted. I learn more about how successful restaurants operate, and find their niche by watching the shows on Travel and Food Networks.

I'm also hooked on American Greed. I'm still floored that so many people still pull off ponzi schemes and the people they take STILL never see it coming. Amazing.

Do you guys watch any business related TV shows? Do you think you learn anything from them?

Invoice Template for wholesale distribution business

Hello guys. I needed some suggestions on this invoicing template I've made to make invoices for a wholesale distribution business. Please advise me if it's decent or not and on how I can improve its design. I've attached the image here. Your help will be much appreciated.
Attached Images

How long til I break even?

Hi all! I'm new to this forum and to owning a small business. I opened my store in October last year so I haven't seen a full cycle yet. My store carries developmental toys, therapy tools, sensory integration products and more. It's geared to children with developmental delays but is also good for a neurotypical child developing. Majority of my customers have been teachers and therapists to whom I give 10% off as a thank you for working so hard to help our children. Parents are my other customers of course but it can be difficult to reach the parents that their children are just starting out in early intervention. I have my flyers at a lot of agencies and schools and they are always given to teachers and therapists when they come in. I also have a basement that right now I have a music therapist I rent to for 20% of her fee for music therapy groups. I host monthly mom support groups for free. And I hope to use the basement for more. The business was doing well first few months, December I broke even. Jan- mar was ok, covered rent and bills but not the cogs. April to now have been awful. Barely making rent some months. I've been as careful as possible with ordering inventory but my overhead is very high (I'm in ny- not Manhattan but rents are high). My store has been very welcomed in the special needs community here which is pretty large and all the customers thank me for opening the store but I'm getting nervous. Cash is just going down and I keep telling myself it will pick up in sept when people are not in summer/vacation mode and school is back but what if it doesn't? And even if it does pick up, can it carry me through the very long slow season?
My question is, how long did it take your small business to get out of this and at least break even to survive? I'm sorry if this is long and if you have any questions to understand my finances or how I've been operating feel free to ask. I really appreciate any insight or advice. Thank you in advance!

a sales person from

Hello,everyone, my name is wangyingying ,I work in Shanghai, China. now I want to introduce our company to you, Thank you for your patience to see this post., taking Chinese homonym “Access to Russian”, that is, access to Russian-speaking countries, aims to build the convenient internet platform for the best-selling of Chinese products, specially focuses on helping all types of small and medium enterprises selling products into the market of 15 Russian-speaking countries, constructing the largest and the most professional e-commerce service platform for trade between Russia and China. is founded by <<Shanghai Tonger Network Technology>>, which is headquartered in Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University, Tongji University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and other famous universities, has built deep cooperation relationship with a lot of universities, and brings the talents of scientific research , translation and foreign trade into play.
Currently Russian, English and Chinese languages are used in, Online, by the web page display, website promotion, forums, micro-blog and other means, offline, through newspapers and periodicals, various of exhibitions, door to door promoting and other methods effectively increase the numbers of foreign inquiries, negotiations and transactions of members on our website, improve the success rate. has successfully helped many Chinese suppliers and Russian buyers to establish relationship, provides business opportunities to them, and promotes trade and cooperation between buyers in Russian-speaking countries and chinese products suppliers .

dimanche 21 août 2016

Hello, My name is cheta.

Hello, name is cheta, an internet marketer who specializes in the deliver and sales of SEO products and reps.

samedi 20 août 2016

An Interesting Opportunity

My partner and I met with a fellow restaurant owner last night. He owns three restaurants in a nearby summer resort community. They cater to the weekly vacation crowd. One is a store that sells scoop ice cream, coffee and sandwiches. He met with use to see if we were interested in selling our crepes in a section of that store.

We talked with him for a while thought it was an interesting idea but we still have reservations. It gets us into that resort area, which is part of our long term plans, without having to pay for a storefront. But we lose our branding as we would simply be making crepes as part of his larger restaurant. We asked him why he wanted to work with us? Why not just buy some crepe pans and train his employees to do the work? What do we bring? He told us he had enough headaches with his three businesses and did not need more, but he thought that selling crepes would complement his current products. He knows my partner from previous businesses and trusts her so he thought we could take on that aspect of the business without him having to manage it.

He has a staff already and a kitchen along with storage and refrigeration. We would simply set up our operation in a kiosk area of the store, and possibly buy the needed equipment and hire more staff. We kicked around how we might split costs, equipment, rent, labor, etc. This was our first meeting and was only the preliminary spit-balling of how we might work together.

My question to you all is how would you suggest we divide the costs, equipment and revenue? Any examples where this has worked? Any pitfalls we should look out for? I'm already considering a contract where we are assured a % of revenue from crepes for a certain period of time regardless of whether we are the ones actually making the crepes or not, so that he can't just take our menu, recipes and equipment and start doing it all himself after have spent the time and money to set-up the operations. What else should we be considering before we agree to move forward with this? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

vendredi 19 août 2016

Market research section for an import export business plan

I want to start an import and export company. I started the business plan but I have been stuck at a particular section namely the market research section.:( The first thing I am not sure about is whether the market research should focus specifically on one product or whether we should just focus on importing and exporting in general between the two specific countries. The second thing I am unsure about is if I should try to do the market analysis myself or if I should somehow get the funds to employ a market research company. These companies fees are very high and as a start up we have to ask ourselves if spending so much money is really necessary, at the same time me and my partner have zero marketing background. We want to import a spread that people can use for cooking or just to eat on their bread. That would be the initial product but we do have other products that we want to import and export too, but only later once we have established our business like for a year or so. It will be relatively small scale at first. What do financial institutions actually look for in your market research? And lastly if anybody has any tips on how to get some very cheap market research done I would appreciate it.:confused:

NJ Single-Person LLC

Hi. I formed a single-person LLC in New Jersey. For Federal tax purposes, I elected to disregard the LLC and will file Form C on my personal Form 1040. But I am not sure what to do for my New Jersey tax return. Does NJ recognize a single-person LLC? Or do they too disregard it for income tax purposes?

Also, do I pay the employer and employee Social Security taxes with Form SE or does should I pay those through the LLC?


Small Business Financing

I am writing a free small business guide to help new business owners with the financing process. Please help me gather some information. Any help would be great. Below are some examples of what I am looking for, but feel free to talk about things related to small business finance.

(1) What are some small business financing mistakes that you personally experienced?

(2) What online resources/websites provided information that really helped finance your business? What are some websites that did not help as much?
What are your thoughts on the SBA?

(3) What are some of the best ways to finance a business when loans are not an opinion? ( Ex. bad credit scores, recent startups, or poor revenue)
How did you overcome?

(3) What are some experiences with borrowing from friends? Did you use a promissory note? why or why not?

(4) What was your experiences with merchant cash advance?

(5) what are some specific advice for certain types of business ( Ex. restaurant, hair salon, bars, consulting, etc. )

Hello !

I am Jeff Marlon, new at this forum.

mercredi 17 août 2016

Greeting Everyone!

Greetings Everyone,

It is my hope that you are all having an awesomely productive week at whatever time you're reading this. My name is Monica and I've been a business owner officially for 5 years. The reason why I say "officially" is because I've always wanted something I can call my own, always had a business mindset and I put into motion several ideas before setting the course to true business and entrepreneurship which is based on putting your talents to great use, being helpful to the community and being able to live off an income you've created with your gifts and creativity.

Being a business owner is such a thrill for me for so many reasons but one being the fact that someone, somewhere loves and needs what I do and benefits from my products and services.

I look forward to engaging with you, learning and sharing.
Stay Motivated, Stay Positive, Gain Knowledge & Apply It!
Nice to meet you!


I recently did business with a clothing store and computer supplier I've never done business with before, and per modern business mode they both immediately made me regret my decision. I now receive two new sources of junk email and snail mail. My thought was, there needs to be a business that is a buffer between you and the companies you want to purchase from so you can avoid the advertising BS. After thinking about it a while I came to the conclusion - that is what Amazon does. But, if there is room for one Amazon there is room for another.

Also, a friend of mine said Amazon needs a button you can click when you are shopping for friends, so that stuff you don't care about doesn't end up on your feature recommendations. I thought that was a good idea.

I also thought a decent business might be transporting large or wheelchair bound people. They still must go places and their numbers seem to be growing.

It's been slow the past week so my mind has had time to wander. :)

mardi 16 août 2016

barcode scanner isnt dead

You can still carry on on using your barcode scanner with cable and more easly with devices that let you do your inventory very quiqly.

there is many on google and apple store one of them is fastinventory that i recommand to you see the video to know how to use your barcode scanner in a new way :

lundi 15 août 2016

A few management/staffing questions......

I own a personal training studio. I have 2 full-time personal trainer employees and one assistant. I have been open 65 months and we have been profitable every month but one (when we expanded and I paid cash for expansion items).

I put about $100k in my pocket annually with salary and profit. In many industries that is not great but it is very good in the fitness industry (and it looks to be a bit higher this year-maybe $115k).

I have about 4.5 months of expenses cash in reserve (I am risk averse in many ways). I have bootstrapped everything and have no personal or business debt. My personal overhead is pretty low so I am very happy with my financial situation. I am very proud of this aspect of the business.

I love my business in many ways but the staffing has been a bear for me.

I have had a very hard time finding personal trainer candidates who:

1. have the necessary knowledge to safely and effectively train our mostly middle-aged clientele and;
2. are able to "connect" with clients in a way that keeps them as clients (this can be the more difficult to find of the two). Contrary to what might seem intuitive, many in this field are not especially self-confident.

If I could wave a magic wand and resolve the staffing issue my business would be very smooth.

Evaluating the ability of a trainer to "connect" with clients during an interview is difficult. We have a probationary period during which that can be evaluated but every trainer I have ever hired except one somewhat grew into that...or not. I just haven't found an effective way to assess that. I spend a lot of time with them. Hundreds of hours in a year training them and trying to encourage them. At times, I am too uptight but I am generally patient and helpful, I believe.

At a large gym like Equinox, the business hires 50 trainers and it is sink or swim as far as the ability to "connect". Those who can connect get to stay and those who can't have to leave. "You either have it or you don't." It is not really practical for me to do that.

Bringing a new hire on is extremely labor-intensive and has resulted in mostly 75 hour weeks for me during my ownership (I am not really wired for that :-) although I have done it). Went through some burnout/depression/exhaustion about 2 years ago but things have slowly improved. I reached out and talked to friends and a counselor at my church and that helped a ton.

If the trainers can't connect with the clients, I feel I need to be here to make sure that happens. I am sure this could be in part perception, but I think it is about 80% real. I also take each person's safety and well-being very seriously...probably more seriously than they do. :-) I feel horrible when someone is not making progress or heaven forbid get injured. I know this is a huge part of my challenge but it is hard to turn that off. I am happy to make a good living but I definitely am not just in this for the money.

I think maybe a high-end hotel like 4 Seasons might have similar needs and I have read some how they evaluate during hiring but could read more-in fact, I think I will do that immediately.

Our staffing is currently good but I would like to prepare for the possibility of a future change.

Any feedback on these issues?

Thank you!

New comer

Hi everyone,
I'm a blogger. And I'm very interesting about serch new things about google. & Hope to go a long journey with you.

samedi 13 août 2016

Hi! Would love to connect with everyone.

Hi everyone!

I'm Grant Merriel, one of the founders of More Time More Profit, a business coaching company. To learn more about us and what we do, you can check out our Breakout Show podcast. We have narrated there our entrepreneurial journey!

Please feel free to connect with us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


Interested in buying an established franchise for 150k with great cash flow


I'm interested in buying an established sandwich franchise which is being sold for 150k. The cash flow is a little over 70k a year and ran absentee. As for my credentials, I'm currently a taxi driver that takes home about 6k a month after expenses. I have little to no collateral and my credit score is 700+. My question is, what is the probability of being offered a SBA loan to purchase this kind of business assuming all the assets of this establishment will be used as collateral?

Also a side note I have extensive experience in the food industry, if that means anything.

Launched a website, no sales - should I continue?

I've recently launched an online retailing website, the product we are selling is popular and there's quite a few websites selling it out there. My prices are 10-20% lower than competitors' and we currently have a campaign "buy two items and get one for free". Google Advertising has brought about 500 unique visitors to our website over the last three days, however not a single order have been made by the visitors, nobody even added anything to the cart. Should we pull the plug on the business? Does it make any sense to invest more in advertising of this website given that out of 500 unique visitors there were no orders at all?

vendredi 12 août 2016

Dumps Services by TBBD The Big Bang Dumps. Track1 , Track2 and Track2

Dumps Services by TBBD The Big Bang Dumps. Track1 , Track2 and Track2

1. We have regular updates
2. We sell original tracks
3. We are for reall in business and like to work with reall people.
4. We always have your bins US, CA, UK, EU, Asia, AU

Please add our ICQ for more info. We are friendly with friendly peoples.

ICQ : 239885 TBBD

TAGS : dumps track1 track2 track12

Dumps Services by TBBD The Big Bang Dumps. Track1 , Track2 and Track2

Dumps Services by TBBD The Big Bang Dumps. Track1 , Track2 and Track2

1. We have regular updates
2. We sell original tracks
3. We are for reall in business and like to work with reall people.
4. We always have your bins US, CA, UK, EU, Asia, AU

Please add our ICQ for more info. We are friendly with friendly peoples.

ICQ : 239885 TBBD

TAGS : dumps track1 track2 track12

Hey :o)

I'm a freelance artist in Montreal. I specialize in identity and branding. I own an Etsy shop and a website.
I've worked in a bunch of places around the world, I love doodling pretty flowers, watercolour, hand lettering and just anything pink.
I also build websites, I don't code but I do the setting up and managing and a little bit of customizing.

I've worked in marketing, packaging design then moved to freelance.

A couple of months ago I also studied makeup and will start a freelance career soon. I don't plan to have a big business, I like the socializing aspect of it and the art in beauty.
I also do some stock photography.

This year my business grew around 40% so I've been wondering of how to better manage my website. I've been thinking of converting my website to eCommerce. Not sure yet.

My name is Karen, currently I live in a small town next to Montreal. I moved here 5 years ago and love it by far.

Finding a Partner?

We have a small business in education services started from scratch which currently caters to young kids pre-k- 2nd grade. It has gone very well and we could have much opportunity to expand however the business and human resources side is a big achilles heal. After some employee turnover and software development issues, the energy and growth which was present has been sucked out of the business and my wife (who is soley running it) needs a partner to "reset" and contribute to growing the business the way it could. She desires a business partner so she can focus on building the education and experience side while having a partner to focus on HR, expansion, and building for licensing and or franchising. This is a business of only a few employees.

This is a business which cater to part time either former teachers or up and coming teachers- mobile business traveling to schools and doing an enrichment program. Hours vary but are anywhere from 9-4

What experiences do people have with trying to find business partners? Where are the best places to look or post to?


I just started a new company with two other inventors. We are in the process of obtaining our first patent. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

jeudi 11 août 2016

Where did you get your Merchant Processing from

First of all, I am just asking where you get your Merchant Processing from. Do you get it from some major company that you found on the internet, or did you get it local. I am NOT trying to sell anyone merchant processing and I will never post any ads about merchant processing, message anyone about it, or anything else. This is research.

Growing your business

Hi everyone,
My name is Micah M Tinife, I started my business at the age of 18 about 2-3 years ago. Since than I had ups and downs and now I am about to be 20 and all my partners have left me about a year ago and I am back to 0. I have no idea how to get back up all the people I had before were family and friends, I don't know no one else; my network is weak and have tried to build it up but nothing is working. Right now my company is lunching mind blowing products and services, that will make many people serious rich. I want to be part of that and bring as many people as I can with me. just side note of what we do, we help people/business save money, we share great products for health and home and we get paid for it.

So is if anyone can help me with any pointers on how to build more networks I would really love that.
And with the services and products I have, I will be happy to see how we can help other businesses out there or on this site to build their business to the highest point.


Micah M. Tinife

Mobile Outdoor Advertising

Hi guys,

We’re recently established start-up Wowtto combining the advantages of sharing economy with mobile outdoor advertising and we are carrying out a survey to identify goals and challenges that SMBs are experiencing. Therefore, if possible, we’d love to ask you to fill-in a very short survey: Small Business Marketing Survey

Have you used any type of mobile outdoor advertising? What's your experience with it?
Would appreciate any kind of feedback

Trying to find opportunity to sell - away from major competitor

I realize that this is probably a "minor issue" post, given some of the intricate small business issues I read about here.

I have a competition-based issue I'm trying to work through and could use some feedback. Background: We are a very small "niche" sporting goods store in a small-market city. We have been very involved in this sport community for 10 years and we were doing ok until this year. Athlete registration is down 30% from last year. We have a ton of inventory left on the wall. The local sport governing body was awarded the hosting rights to a national championship this year (coming up). It was last hosted here in 2009 and we won the bid to be the exclusive equipment retailer at the 2009 event. The committee was very late in sending out requests for vendor proposals but we were asked to submit a bid this year and did. We were just informed that we are 1 of 2 equipment vendors selected. The other vendor is our major competitor (they are larger and have 2 huge stores in the city), selling the exact same equipment brands. We have a couple of 'specialty' products but they are small-ticket items.

We know how much we sold and the profit we made, based on the 300 athletes attending in 2009. To split that (or make even less) with the competitor tent right beside us does not make sense. Chances are that they also have overstock from the dismal season but because they are such a large company, they can price gouge us. Adding the extra hours of physical work of setting up a tent every day at the site, setting up/taking down inventory daily and having extra staff on site drives the profit margin down more.

I really want to clear out inventory (plus I have the opportunity to bring in new stock on consignment for the event) and have a profitable tournament. My alternate plan includes: contacting teams in advance and offering "pre-order" items at discounted prices, first opportunity to pre-purchase existing inventory at 'sale prices', keeping our store open beyond tournament hours, offering shuttle van service from venue to our store, prize give-aways, etc. My other option is to book a conference room at the hotel where all the teams are staying and bring the "store" to them. Emotions are getting into my head because I've been a part of this sport community as a volunteer for 20 years (in business for 10). My alternate plans seem logical but then some self-doubt creeps in.

Anything you can add would be greatly appreciated!

Name for an online store

Hi! I'm planning to open up my business soon, but I have a problem with a name. It's going to be an online store with hair accessories. Do you have any creative ideas which might help me?:)

Hello to all members

Hello Membars,
I am Rohit from India and new to this forum. I am passionate about business and from boyhood I wanted to form a business. So, I never tried to get a salaried job. After completing my masters in computer science, I started learning web design, then development, and lastly Search Engine Optimization. For some two and half years, I kept learning and did some small freelancing. After that, for two years I was a full-time freelancer but I always wanted to form a company and to be a business man. 6 months back I started to form my own company. The most astonishing thing I have learned in last 6 months is that my previous 5 years learning and experiences is nothing compare to learning how to start and grow a business. I am going through my life’s most crisis full time but the things I am learning about life and business are priceless.

Although my first priority is my web business, I have done and took part in half a dozen other businesses. Also, I help my father in his manufacturing business. He is my inspiration, mentor, and hero.

I hope to learn from community members and to contribute some input.

CSP Corp.

mercredi 10 août 2016

Multiple Phone numbers and your online marketing

A conversation I've had with a couple of clients has been about posting multiple phone numbers everywhere.
From the front page of their website to their social media profiles.

Not different numbers for different departments. Just more than one number that goes to the same place.

I think it's cumbersome and actually unprofessional. That there is no reason to force people to make a choice no matter how small. Just give them the most direct rout to speak to someone. Don't leave them sitting there wondering what's the difference between the numbers and having to choose one.

Clients say that they think it makes them look "bigger". I think the opposite, it makes them look smaller, and unsure. Like a small company that's trying to look big.

I'm all for having 2 numbers that do 2 different things. Even if they just go to 2 different people and you make it clear what the difference in numbers is.
You should also include as much contact info as you can on your contact page.

But 2 numbers just for the sake of 2 numbers serves no purpose to me.

What do you guys think?

Finding a blend of investor and mentor

First post here, I've been a lurker for awhile. Really enjoy the discourse this board provides.

I'll get to the point. I'm interested in finding a blend of investor and mentor. The amount being sought is not great ($25,000), but more important than the seed funds are the engagement of a mentor - someone who has been on this journey before. I'm loathe to get a loan from a bank, although I do have assets as collateral. I also am not interested in giving up a significant ownership stake.

I'd gladly give the right person a 10% share of the business if they were active in mentoring me. The B plan for this biz is strong, it has a very real prospect of being a $1 million + business by 2018 (recurring monthly revenue model, low churn, reasonable cost per acquisition for new customers, etc).

How do you go about finding the "right" investor? People who are interested in the "give back" but also in seeing a real return on their investment. Many angels are looking to invest hundreds of thousands in turn for making millions on tech it seems. Are there angels that even operate with such low stakes?

Thanks in advance to all who decide to participate with replies!

Question on Tips

This one is for the accountants in the room...

I recently opened a small takeaway restaurant. We have a tip jar for cash tips and we also allow customers to leave a tip on our POS system if paying by credit card. The tip jar usually only collects a few dollars a day but the credit card tips can equal up to 10% or more of gross sales. The credit card tips are deposited daily in my bank as part of my total credit card sales from my merchant services provider. Accounting, allocating and distributing those CC tips have been a real source of irritation for me since day one. Out of desperation I recently enacted a system where the employees themselves create a daily tip allocation report. Each week I check the report to ensure it matches the total tips received then I withdraw that amount in cash and distribute it to my employees according to the report they provided me. My employees are responsible for the allocations in the report, so if there are any problems (other than if the tips they allocate are larger than the tips actually collected) I simply go back to my supervisors and tell them to figure it out. I don't consider the tips my money and I don't keep any of it. It all goes to my employees. I see myself as simply a pass-through service for the CC tips. The system seems to be working well so far.

I was discussing my system with a business advisor and she was concerned that because I was receiving my tips in a deposit I should be accounting for the tips received as revenue for my employees, either by providing a 1099 or including it in their bi-weekly pay statements. I am not recording the tips as income so my thoughts are that I'm really nothing more than an electronic tip jar and it is up to the employees to self report the tips they receive. Who is right?

I've never been a big fan of our tip policy because I feel it is not very dignified. We are a self-service restaurant and our employees all earn more than minimum wage. I have told my partner and my employees that if accounting for tips takes more than 15 minutes of my time per week it is not worth it to me and I will stop the practice. If I need to start tracking and reporting tips for my employees through their payroll or other methods then I will certainly stop this altogether.

Any thoughts?

mardi 9 août 2016

Looking for investment/debt funding

My name is Ross Marian and I am from Bangalore - India , My partner and I have set up a ‘Manpower Search Firm’ here at Bangalore - India and are at the moment exploring options with Investors/Investment Companies, while we are doing this, we have started 'bootstrapping' a little bit as there is a lot of demand for the service we intend to give i.e helping potential clients recruit their recruiting workforce.

Over the last few weeks, our boot-strapping efforts have yielded us 3 Client contracts with a mandate to fill over 70 positions (All Levels), such is the demand for the service we offer.

We have invested close USD $22,000 so far and our need is pretty urgent (though it hasn't reached the point of desperation yet).

The Amount of money we are seeking at the moment is between $150000 to USD $600000 (1 Cr to 4 Cr).

We are open to both EQUITY as well as DEBT funding, the latter being the preference.

I must add that I don’t have any co-lateral security to offer.

Interested parties may write to me for a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY and BUSINESS PLAN.
When you are able please visit my LINKED IN Profile, you will observe that I have been in the STAFFING BUSINESS for quite some time now.


My email address is

Thank you for reading.

Ross Marian

lundi 8 août 2016

Monthly Statement

We have an online system that allow out clients to see all their payment and invoices, we also send out monthly statements. (Yes I know that is redundant). The monthly statement runs from the first to the last of the month. They are emailed out the first week of the month. The biggest complaint I get on the statements is payments that were not received until after the start of the new month. Every month, I get calls along the line of "I paid you August 2, why isn't it on the [July] statement?" Other than politely saying that the statement is for July and that the Aug payments will be on August's statement, what more can I do?

3 Tips for Rendering Interiors?

it is is also a tool for visualizing and presenting your interior styles. that's why we have a tendency to square measure sharing rendering tips from time to time on facebook, in our video tutorials and here on the diary. now our focus won't get on the technical aspects however a lot of on alleged trivia which will be deciding issue once it involves presenting areas and interior ideas.

1. Eyes straight ahead
2. activate the sunshine
3. Decorate

samedi 6 août 2016

Starting an "Essential Oil distillation" buisness

Hi everyone,

I'm a 24 years old north african student, I studied and still study phytochemistry and I am thinking about starting my own essential oil distillation and plants extraction buisness (a small one obviously), the funds should be enough to get me started, I just need some advice from people who know about the subject or who are even working on it (if there are any). I thought about starting with two of these ( ) for the oil distillation along with the basic necessary material for a standard laboratory, I need someone to tell me if these are legit or if there is something better. The point is that I want to start with the basic Essential oils that are on the market and then try to investigate the plants that are available in my country to come up with new oils ( recent studies showed that we use less than a 100 for more that 1600 species).

For the plants extraction, I found this 12L soxhlet ( ), for medical plants extracts.

I know it may seem messy but I'm just getting started and my english is far from perfect, any advice is welcomed and I will be glad to discuss with anyone who will help.

Thank you

small business share transfer


I have a small business in Seattle area since 1997. In year 2011, I bring in a investor from China, they take 51% stock share and I have 49% share left. We had a lawyer to make corporation book and issue the stocks, the business changed from S Corp to C-corp because foreign investor.

Now we both agreed, change ownership to 50% to 50%.

My question is, what we need to do to make change ownership to 50% to 50%? a share transfer agreement?, re-issue the stocks? Do we need a lawyer to do this? how much cost?

Thank you in advance.


vendredi 5 août 2016

Importance of Foreign Language Fluency in Business

Hello to all users here! My name is Steven and I'm writing an article on the importance of being fluent in a foreign language in the business world. I have found some articles on the web on the subject, but I wanted to gain more input from all types of business people (including small business persons). So, I wanted to ask you all here on small-business-forum; Why is learning/being fluent in a foreign language important and vital to your business? Are there any reasons any of you all can think of that shows learning/being fluent in a foreign language is not necessary for a business? Obviously there are different types of businesses out there with different needs, so I would like to get as much input as possible from you all. Thank you for taking time for reading this post and I hope to hear from you all soon.

Please Allow Me to (Re) Introduce Myself...

(With apologies to Mick, Keith and the rest of the Stones)

Hello All-

I started on this site about 2 years ago, but my activity tapered off to zero for the past year as I was busy building my own business.

My partner and I opened a small take-away creperie about three months ago in an up-and-coming downtown business district. So far things have been going good, although it seems that each day presents a new learning opportunity in both business and in life...

I wanted to jump back into participating in the small business discussions here so I though a good first step is to let folks know that I'm back!


Drawing Tablet Recommendation?

Something for change after long hours of working on doing marketing :). I'm looking for a suitable drawing tablet (about 150$ or less) for my hobby but I dunno which one to get. Has anyone used or bought drawing tablet before?

jeudi 4 août 2016

Deciding on packaging amounts


I just wanted some advice on deciding packaging amounts. I am looking at a tub of either 240g or 200g of my product however not sure which would be the best bet.

Just wanted to know how others have gone about deciding on packaging amounts

Can I do a 1099 instead of w2?

I run a small food truck type business. I am only open for upto 5 months total out of the year. Can I hire people to work and give them a 1099? they would tell me what days they can work each week and I would pay them by check at the end of the week.

Starting a new business with a partner and I'm a little spooked

I am starting a business with another person. The entire thing is my idea from soup to nuts. My partner has made very few contributions in terms of the concept or how to execute the whole thing, but I need her because she has a very highly specialized skill, so I'm willing to split it all 50/50 with her.

I briefly told her my idea and she was really excited - then we met for dinner to discuss it at length and she's totally on board. But I got a little spooked because she started talking about how her brother can help with this and her sister can help with that, and she already owns a business and can make this a subsidiary under her business, and she might already have some funding, etc. I *think* that she's just overly excited, but as our conversation progressed it dawned on me that I basically just gave this woman the keys to the castle and I have no protection at all.

So I feel like I need to ACT FAST and protect my idea. I plan on getting a non-disclosure agreement and a partnership agreement for starters. Should I also form a business now, and if so, what kind (LLC, LLP, S-Corp)? I tried looking up the differences between these company types but I really don't understand them well or how to tell what applies best to me/us. Is there anything else I can do to protect my idea?

Thanks for your help.

LLC: When and how to claim deductions?

Hi all, new to this forum and new to small business. I recently created an LLC partnership and we took out a company credit card to easily make business expenses.

As I understand it, with an LLC the profits and losses are passed on to the members. So the LLC itself doesn’t get taxed. So, how do I claim deductions from business expenses? Is it when doing my personal taxes? And if so, how do my partners and I separate the business deductions?

Much thanks to anyone who can clear this up for me :)


I'm new member on this forum. My name is Emma Clark.

Hello Friends

Hi, This is Saya, I am new to this Forum. I am so glad to be a Part of this renowned Forum.

Question regarding bank accounts for non residents.

just a quick question regarding banking services in the USA, I've started a small LLC business but I'm wondering am I legally obligated to open my bank account within the US, or could it be anywhere in UK for example? Since I'm not a US resident, and as far as I know I can't do it online, are there any other ways of opening bank accounts for non US residents?
Thanks for your time.

mercredi 3 août 2016

Franchising vs Revenue Based Financing

My brother and I currently run a small HVAC company here in Texas. We've come across some business owners who have started up their own companies but wish they had additional capital to expand their operations. I'm wondering if their is some kind of franchise or other business model out there where we could provide funding to a small business in exchange for a % of revenue. I read something about revenue based financing but wasn't sure if that's the only option or the correct one. I tried looking into different franchising models but can't really find specifics on the different ways to go about it. Anybody know of how that could work? I don't think we would license out our name or anything like that, but possibly provide funding for insurance or to pay for an additional employee (just as an example). Any info would be great.


Replacement for Quickbooks

I am still looking for a decent accounting package.

  1. The software doesn't crash repeatedly, have data files that get corrupt, or generally looses your data.
  2. It has real support that can solve problem (which should never happen in the first place)
  3. It allows for truly custom statements (Not the window dressing the QB likes to say is customization)
    1. ​Something simular to a credit card statement, with a summary section, a list of charges and a list of payments.

  4. It allows for online payment by customers
  5. It can handle hundreds of invoices a month in a manner that does lack me a month to enter the invoices.
  6. It is designed for a business that has outgrown the small business platforms, but is not really a large business either.
  7. The software was written by someone that didn't flunk out of programming school

Has anyone used Sage 50, it is still around?
I looked at Freshbooks and several other online packages, they appear to be aimed at business that are smaller then mine.

Help me for my site


This is something serious.I need help.

which is mainly an app & game development company- We are located in kolkata,and have branches in Delhi and Germany.

I am working with the following keywords:
mobile app development company
android application development company
mobile game development
HTML5 game development
mobile app developers
iOS app development company

The problem is these keywords are not in rank ,not even in

I want to get ranking in

The on page is optimized properly.

I am doing the following things-
1. classified(in india+australia+uk)
2. Business listing(same)
3.image submission(flickr,photobucket,instagram,pininterst etc.)
4.guest blog( monthly 2)
5. press release(monthly 1)
6. article (weekly 1) submission(monthly 1)
8.ppt,pdf(twice monthly) posting
11. directory(weekly 10)
12. backlink analysis of competitors and trying to submit on those links.
13. blog post(monthly 2)
14. in house blog post.

What else can I do?I am in a bad condition,working for two months but rank is not coming.
i want ranking(within top 10)in,,

Please help

How to decide the amount for bidding to win a project from or upwork?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was thinking of starting my own website development company. I would like to win projects from project pool websites like or

I have a rather odd question.

How to decide the amount for bidding for a project from or How do bidders decide the amount to bid? Is there any course associated with this (bidding)? Any online tutorials or articles?

I know this may not the right type of question for this category but I did not find any suitable category either. Please tell me if there are better categories to post this question.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Raja Mukherjee

P.S. I know the process of bidding online at the above mentioned sites. But I do not know how to decide the amount for bidding.

Why Do People Still Use Microsoft Software?

This puzzles me: why do people still use Microsoft Office, let alone 365? Google exists with so much better options, the online thing is you need internet access if you want it saved to the cloud, but now they even allow offline access if you have the software downloaded. For literally $5 per user per month you get business email on your domain name (group emails like are free). They have an app store to make all their applications even more powerful. Their search destroys Bing, their entire business suite is literally $5 a month, assuming you use your own domain. If you use a Gmail email, it's free. Why do people still want to use Microsoft that runs at $175.00 and lacks almost all of these features?

mardi 2 août 2016

Congratulations, your business have been selected to win a line of credit.....

Has anyone been successful in getting those low lifes to stop calling? I'm getting 5 to 10 calls a day from those jerks. I keep blocking the numbers and they call from a different one. I'm on a do not call list, but that appears not to work. I have started filing complaints with the state referencing the caller ID number.

Any other suggestions?

Printing and sign board business

Hi friends,

I have a Printing and sign board business in Australia. And i want to spread my business in other country. Please help me in it.


Hi all,
I'm new guy to this forum. And I'm a good blogger , So apart from that I'm searching new things and daily updates on google. And hope to go a long journey with you.

lundi 1 août 2016

Didn't see this coming

My kind of guys.

3rd party SEO support providers?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am planning to hire a third party SEO support provider for my website.

I found from this link: that GoDaddy provides SEO support. When I contacted them I came to know that they even support websites not hosted with them.

Has anyone ever used GoDaddy's SEO support? Is it any good? Are their techniques all White Hat Techniques? Are their any better SEO support providers? Will they (the other SEO providers) support a website not hosted with them?

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Raja Mukherjee

Suggestions Please!!

Hello all,
Well, I’m planning to start a new business along with my best friend. We both have graduated in fashion designing and are planning to start a boutique. We want to have a good business card for our store that is attractive, and at the same time is cheap as well. I don’t know much about any good printing companies here. My dad suggested Captain prints, and I checked their site and found it very interesting, They have really good designs. I wanted to know if anyone here have got their cards printed from there. Is there any other innovative ideas or designs? Or any other good place where I can get my business cards printed? Please help. I want this start-up to be successful, it means a lot to both of us. Thanks in advance.


Hi all!! :)

Amusement Equipments

I belong to the company FunRiders. We are one of the famous company in the field of amusement equipment industry. We provide all types of amusement equipments include both indoor and outdoor. We undertake requirements from India as well as world wide.