jeudi 11 août 2016

Hello to all members

Hello Membars,
I am Rohit from India and new to this forum. I am passionate about business and from boyhood I wanted to form a business. So, I never tried to get a salaried job. After completing my masters in computer science, I started learning web design, then development, and lastly Search Engine Optimization. For some two and half years, I kept learning and did some small freelancing. After that, for two years I was a full-time freelancer but I always wanted to form a company and to be a business man. 6 months back I started to form my own company. The most astonishing thing I have learned in last 6 months is that my previous 5 years learning and experiences is nothing compare to learning how to start and grow a business. I am going through my life’s most crisis full time but the things I am learning about life and business are priceless.

Although my first priority is my web business, I have done and took part in half a dozen other businesses. Also, I help my father in his manufacturing business. He is my inspiration, mentor, and hero.

I hope to learn from community members and to contribute some input.

CSP Corp.

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