mardi 23 août 2016

Starting a marketing business "GSX Marketing Group"

I am new to this forum. I was searching for a forum in whitch I can find other people who can help me and share some ideas and give me advices on how to
make a successfull business. Well if I may start. I had and idea about making a marketing business. I have started it and so far created a website for it.
Let me give you some background about my idea/business.
Well like I said. I have created a marketing business if I may say so called: GSX Marketing Group. Its about helping indiviuals in marketing their business/projects etc. I also offer email marketing and marketing consulting. I already did some work for some people and friend to help them with their ideas. But I am always happy and willing to learn more to becoume successfull with my Idea of the business I want to have.
Like I said. I would like to hear from you what you think. I personally think that the idea of mine has potentail. But like I said.. I would like to hear it from you.
What do you think? Would you improve it? And any advices, tips are more then welcome!!!

Thank you again for reading my thread and taking your time to comment/reply on it! It means a lot!! Thanks again!


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