vendredi 19 août 2016

Market research section for an import export business plan

I want to start an import and export company. I started the business plan but I have been stuck at a particular section namely the market research section.:( The first thing I am not sure about is whether the market research should focus specifically on one product or whether we should just focus on importing and exporting in general between the two specific countries. The second thing I am unsure about is if I should try to do the market analysis myself or if I should somehow get the funds to employ a market research company. These companies fees are very high and as a start up we have to ask ourselves if spending so much money is really necessary, at the same time me and my partner have zero marketing background. We want to import a spread that people can use for cooking or just to eat on their bread. That would be the initial product but we do have other products that we want to import and export too, but only later once we have established our business like for a year or so. It will be relatively small scale at first. What do financial institutions actually look for in your market research? And lastly if anybody has any tips on how to get some very cheap market research done I would appreciate it.:confused:

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