mardi 9 août 2016

Looking for investment/debt funding

My name is Ross Marian and I am from Bangalore - India , My partner and I have set up a ‘Manpower Search Firm’ here at Bangalore - India and are at the moment exploring options with Investors/Investment Companies, while we are doing this, we have started 'bootstrapping' a little bit as there is a lot of demand for the service we intend to give i.e helping potential clients recruit their recruiting workforce.

Over the last few weeks, our boot-strapping efforts have yielded us 3 Client contracts with a mandate to fill over 70 positions (All Levels), such is the demand for the service we offer.

We have invested close USD $22,000 so far and our need is pretty urgent (though it hasn't reached the point of desperation yet).

The Amount of money we are seeking at the moment is between $150000 to USD $600000 (1 Cr to 4 Cr).

We are open to both EQUITY as well as DEBT funding, the latter being the preference.

I must add that I don’t have any co-lateral security to offer.

Interested parties may write to me for a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY and BUSINESS PLAN.
When you are able please visit my LINKED IN Profile, you will observe that I have been in the STAFFING BUSINESS for quite some time now.


My email address is

Thank you for reading.

Ross Marian

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