dimanche 8 septembre 2013

Designers/Developers - Desposits on projects that get canceled before they start

I was wondering what you designers and developers do when a client decides to change their mind and cancel the project after all they've done is give you a deposit (you've previously had successful projects with them so it's not a new client.. to put it into perspective). Do you guys return the deposit? Or keep it?

I know what my boyfriend always pushes for is to never give it back. A deposit is an agreement that you have the time to do their project, and if they don't go forward with it, they lose that deposit.. that's the purpose of the deposit. Now, he's talking from the construction/development point of view. If a construction worker gets a deposit, he's committed to THAT project.. but for designers it doesn't "really" matter.. does it? I don't generally work with contracts, everything is all email and I don't state anything about keeping a deposit if the project doesn't commence. They just know that I need a deposit to start work and the balance to deliver the final work.

Am I being a jerk if I don't give back a deposit? Do I have the right to keep it? Usually it doesn't really matter if the client comes back to me or not.. I just want to do what I'm entitled to, even if I haven't actually spelled it out in a contract per se.

What do you guys do? Am I being a softy for giving it back? Is there a right way of telling a client they can't get it back?

via Small-Business-Forum.net http://www.small-business-forum.net/managing-your-business/9650-designers-developers-desposits-projects-get-canceled-before-they-start.html

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