mardi 3 septembre 2013

Holding a media conference about your business or product

When do you hold a media conference?

This is a question that many businesses and company’s ask themselves every day.

There are a number of reasons for holding a media conference.

Firstly the most obvious reason is if you have something to announce or you are about to make a media statement.

The second reason for holding a media conference is if you intend to tell all of the media outlets.

It may be that you your company has just won an award. One of the media outlets rings your media gatekeeper requesting an interview with you CEO.

If that’s the only call you get, then a one on one interview is fine.

However media training will tell you if you get more than one request it is best to hold a media conference. That way all of the reporters come at the same time, and your CEO only needs to do the one interview.

However there is another reason for holding a media conference. And that’s if you have a major announcement.

In that case each of the media outlets would be notified of the media conference, its time and location.

And if it worthy enough, all of the media outlets should turn up.


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