mardi 10 septembre 2013

My First Post... Skype Group?

Hello. I've been going around to a bunch of different websites (YouTube and a few other forums) and posting about my Mastermind group on Skype. Basically a mastermind group is a group of entrepreneurs who will help each other out by sharing connections, tips, information, motivational tidbits, etc. What's different from this group and a forum site is that when you post in the group everyone is notified and because we aren't a huge group you will get to know each member a bit better than you would the 1,000s of different members on a forum site. We are currently at 13 members and everyone in the group seems to be benefiting. This particular group is currently made up of relatively younger entrepreneurs (currently all under the age of 30) but we definitly welcome all ages and experience levels to participate. If you're interested in the group you can add my skype: brett-shaffer and I will be happy to add you to the group. Thanks.


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