lundi 4 novembre 2013

Evaluate my website

Hi everyone, great to be part of forums and look forward to interacting with you guys. I recently started to experiment with an IT company as far as offering services such as web design, ECommerce, mobile app development, etc. I recently graduated from college and wanted to give my own business a shot. I have started to realize it is more difficult than I originally thought. Marketing has been my biggest issue, after making a page for the company on facebook and inviting the hundred or so friends I have, I have hit a plateau and I haven't even had my first client.

Just wanted to get some feedback as far as how the more successful business owners have gotten the ball rolling with clients, when you first started did you notice paid advertising worked i.e google adwords, how long before your first client ?

Also I completed the site PercivalTech but it seems like its not quiet there yet. If you could review it and give me an honest opinion to as how it can be improved that would be great. Thanks in Advance! :D:o:confused:


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