mercredi 6 novembre 2013

Van-Go and company Help! I need help to ask a potential broker the right questions

Hi Guys,

Its been a while since I posted here because I have been super busy with Game Store Setups and maneuvering for the new generations of consoles. However I have been very active with you guys in the past and have always received some great points of view. I need to bounce this off of you because I feel this is a huge step, and will probably result into me going to contract a broker to sell my setups. I have never utilized a broker because how my company is represented is very personal to me.

This guy stuck out to me,as there is no up front cost (I cant deny that it is a plus lol) and because I have actually heard of the company that backs his local firm (I wont post the name to assure you that this is no advertisement.) the firm that backs this specific broker according to him has 220 offices nationwide, so I am really excited at the prospect of them really being able to get the word out about my offering.

We had an initial conversation yesterday and I felt good about it, and based on an email I received from him late yesterday evening so did he. He has my non disclosure agreement now and will be reviewing it and sending it back soon so I have this time before the conversation ramps up to prepare and really ask him the hard questions to make sure I am not getting into business with someone who will misrepresent my company.

Questions that do not need to be asked are his background, and who he has already sold for, as he sent me an impressive resume, and reference sheet, listing clients and businesses he has sold, so that I can do my due diligence which is beginning today.I already know he wants no money upfront, only a piece of the sale.

I've got the most obvious question covered (what percentage do you expect to receive if we strike a deal.) But beyond that..I was wondering if you guys had any good questions to offer up to really make him squirm and allow me to get an even better sense of what i'm jumping into.

I hope i will get all the love on this one that I have come to expect from this group of forward thinkers. I am a huge fan of this free resource!


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