lundi 13 janvier 2014

Starting eCommerce Business from home

I'm currently developing an unique product that I've recently invented. I'm prototyping and talking to potential factories and suppliers. I have two U.S. Provisional Patents. I've registered a domain name. I've chosen a company name. So I've progressed to the point of ready to file for a Fictitious Business Name (FBN). This is in California.

It seems a business license is also needed. But what's the best strategy for starting an e-commerce business from scratch?

For example, I've heard of "drop ship" where a wholesaler takes care of warehousing. That way I don't need to worry about huge trucks pulling into my driveway in this quiet suburban neighborhood. Do I need to arrange that first? But factories and suppliers need a legitimate mailing address for my business before dealing with me. Then a business license also requires an address that is NOT a PO Box, while strictly prohibiting many types of commercial activity in residential neighborhoods.

Seems to be a catch-22. Or which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

What steps am I missing?


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