lundi 28 avril 2014

10% owner of Common Stock in Company. Do we have any Management say?

Hello, My husband entered into an employment agreement in 2003 where he would receive 10% of common stock from the owner/company after 6 years of service. The 6 years have come and gone almost 5 years past now. We are having a difficult time as the owner of 90% of the company makes every and all decision with no discussion. He tends to be frivolous with finances and spending habits. When the topic is brought up to him his response is he does not need to discuss anything with my husband as he is president and owns 90% and my husband is vice president and only owns 10%. He continually states he is the boss. Our issue is his spending habits is decreasing the value of the stock in turn our value of our stock.

Some say to us just sell and get out but in the contract he signed in 2003 it has a 1 year notification period if he was to leave the company for any reason plus a 2 year non compete after that period. This is our livelihood and we would not be able to make a living.

What do we do? Do we have any leg to stand on to be able to be heard on financial decisions? The contract does not list after the first 6 years anything about roles of the individual owners.

Thank you for any and all advice.

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