vendredi 18 avril 2014

Video Marketing, again

I originally posted this here, but landed in the introduction section. Now I'm a hardened 3 post veteran...

My name's Jeremy, I own CHADStudios a small production studio in Columbus Ohio. My website is here CHADStudios

I did get some good advice from David Hunter with thoughts on direct mail marketing. My main goal is attracting new business, as 90% of my work is repeat business from my relatively small client base.

Direct mail is something I will pursue, but what I'm really interested in is how to use my product (video) to really boost sales. I have a great handle on the production end, and even a background in direct sales which enables me to script videos with high impact and strong calls to action. Where I'm a little cloudy, is how to take these videos and use them to generate business. I've read the research, and preach the same gospel to my clients about how essential video is, but I've seen rather modest results with my own strategies.

I post to Youtube and, more recently, Viemo. I've spent money on AdWords, Facebook, and Linkedin, but have been unsuccessful in attracting new clients.

Is it a matter of just more for a longer period? Or am I missing a major piece of the puzzle? What are the best avenues to promote your video? Frankly, I feel terribly lacking with this void of knowledge... the creative end comes easy, but I fear my company will eventually tank if I don't grasp the essentials of the product I'm offering.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated!

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