mercredi 30 avril 2014

Help college student out!!!

I was wondering if a couple of people could help me out. I have a project due for my Business 280 class and i need to interview a few people. The interview is on negotiations. If some of you can take a few minutes to answer a couple of questions I would appreciate it.

1. Who are you, and who do you work for?

2. How many negotiations have you been involved in?

3. What types of negotiations have you been involved in?

4. What lessons have you learned?

5. What do you know now that you wish you would of known when you started in your field?

6. What challenges have you faced in your field?

7. How well do you prepare before?

8. What is your education level, and have you had any formal business training?

Anything else you feel like sharing would be great. Thank you in advance.

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