vendredi 25 avril 2014

Skilled trades

I found an interesting thread on another forum while researching for new equipment and setups to expand the welding side of my business. Even though the thread is 7 years old, there are many valid points that I feel need to be read and understood by all business owners. Please read all the posts before commenting.

I am placing this in the "Managing Your Business" section as it is up to us, as small business owners (even more so if they are involved in manufacturing or trade service), to try and remedy the issue. If the mods feel that this should be in the "Water Cooler" section I understand.

too few welders?

After reading through the above thread, I do have to agree with all the points made as to where the root issues lay. Unfortunately, there was no further activity on the post to try and implement fixes to correct the shortages.

The following list is what I feel needs to be done:

1) Work ethic and discipline (both being held responsible for actions and finishing what one starts) starts in the home and needs to be taught by us to our children.

2) Businesses need to stop looking at short term profits at all costs. Sounds counter-intuitive but if I can sell product 10% cheaper but none of my potential customers can afford to buy it (due to outsourcing eliminating work) than it's only a matter of time before I'm bankrupt and relying on the government to support me as well. Businesses also need to start taking on young people and actually training them long term rather than using temp agencies and head hunters to supply so-called talent.

3) Governments need to start allowing these "to big to fail" international companies to fail. As a business owner in the manufacturing and service sectors, it pains me to say that as I know I will be hit hard if this were to happen.

4) Unions need to accept that companies and governments don't have a bottomless pit of money producing unlimited funds. An assembly line worker should not be getting paid big dollars (more in Canada now than the US I think) while the millwright is only getting $15/hour.

5) Schools, from elementary through high school, need to teach kids more than what it takes for a child to pass a standardized test. They also should stop pushing university as the next step as the only way to pick a career - unless the student is "sub-optimal" than they are pushed into the trades.

6) Young people, as well as anyone who may be looking for work, entering the workforce must realize that they are not entitled to that cushy, high paying position just because they may have an education or ego. They need to realize that they have to start at the bottom and work their way up. They must be willing to get their hands and clothes dirty and work long hours for no glory or thanks. They must also realize that their appearance (mostly those with faces full of metal) does make a difference in the hiring process.

I think that's enough of a rant for tonight and I'll get off my soapbox now.

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