mardi 29 avril 2014

Startup business need funding

Hello everybody! Im making the plunge into entreprenuership and am trying to get some tips, advice, help from people who have been in a similar experience. Im basically trying to start a retail store but due to my credit (which is between 620-700), the fact Im a startup, and being unemployed I cant seem to find the funding I need to get things off the ground. I have a few personal credit cards with not more than a $1000 limit and a business credit card with $1000 limit bu its still not enough. I tried seeking help from local non-profits that offer microloans but even they want my own equity to be involved ( I dont have equity, just an dream). I dont qualify for an SBA loan as the few banks in the area that offer SBA loans dont offer it for startups. I even tried peer-peer lending but they also dont help startups and want a high credit score. I was wondering if anybody has been in my shoes and was able to get funding to start their business? I am currently bootstrapping as well and have gone to the extent of selling collectibles I own. Any help would be appreciated. Some more info to know is that my student loan will be back into good standing within a month, I have never declared bankruptcy, aside form my student loan I dont owe any money. I am current on my bills.

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