mardi 22 avril 2014

Launching my web platform Internationally.

Hello Every One. I am new on this platform. I have a question in mind . I need your opinion about launching my online business globally. Want to know if it will work. I have not gone global before. I have a web platform Monday Market. I was to start it in my country Nigeria, but from experience it may take this idea some time since the level of internet business is still low. I have couple of online business that i in the country presently. I have web design knowledge and also run an hosting company in Nigeria. I already purchased the domain name for the international platform.

I got an advice from my wifes brother and her wife . They are citizen in the USA. said i should launch this site globally in the USA and stop the Nigeria One.

My question is this. Will this idea fly ie could it work, since i have not gone global before. Are there any challenges i you think i may envisage.

Note Monday market is an online platform where Exhibitors meets visitors. Its a replica of physical traditional trade show . Please fill free to go through the site . but i have not completed it since i have not make up my mind.

Please i need your guide, advice. I see good site make good traffic. Also note that if its starts, it will have nothing to do with Nigeria. even the name.

Thanks All expecting your replies

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