jeudi 24 avril 2014

Legal representation. Covering my business and myself!

Hello all,

I am in the planning stages of opening a business. I have a few legitimate legal concerns to address before making this a reality. Hopefully, I can express those simply. Please let me know if further explanation is needed.

I plan to sell or rent an electronic device for home entertainment purposes. I had originally only been concerned with the legality of the product itself, but have now turned my concern towards protecting my business and myself in the unfortunate circumstance that my product could to cause personal or property damage. I assume that some type of legal protection should be in place and also an insurance policy of some type. The detail of this process has me at a loss.

Also, after I have filled with the state (LLC) will that also provide me with certain protects from the concern state above?

Any direction in this matter is greatly appreciated.


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