jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Need a professional website for your business (only $10 per month)

Everybody needs a professional website. Get in touch for a great deal.


See you soon :)

Business Opportunity - online and legit

Hi there,

I have enjoyed working the past 16 years in the hospitality, but I have to say I am missing the feeling of job security and the financial freedom, even though I have worked so hard.

Finally I came across a great opportunity and I would like to share my experience with you.

I jumped into Network Marketing a very dark industry to be in in first place, but after plenty of research I found a startup that wants to make it right, for everyone involved. They are not open yet to the public but they have introduced their whisper launch, you can join now and instantly make money.

I know its hard to believe, but let it surprise you.

Please email me for further information:


New Business Name -Looking for some opinions!

Hello All! I'm currently in the process of starting up a business, I've been stuck on finding the perfect name for my company. I'm starting up a photo booth and photo novelty business in my area and with so many photo booths out there it's hard to find a unique name and open domain. So... here's the top ideas thus far:

Starlight Snapshots

Country Lane Photo Booths

Mountain View Photo Booths

Star View Photo Booths

I'm from a small town out in the country, but close to small cities -It's a part-time business, no office location (so a street name is out). I'm looking for opinions on the top 4 I have, as well as, anything creative to capture the appeal of brides & those planning large events.

After you dance on the name game without success for a few days, it become hard to tell what's good anymore and what's not! THANKS!

Any Tips for Managing Budget in Accrual System?


In our company the various departments have fixed budgets that the department manager works within for buying supplies, tools, etc. I manage the machine shop. For my department I purchase tools, tooling, abrasives, and other items.

We use accrual basis for accounting against this budget. As I understand it this means that purchases are reconciled against my budget as invoices are received. It doesn't matter what my Purchase Orders total for a given month, only what is billed from vendors. My vendors bill when they ship the items. Some items ship same day and others may not ship for weeks. Unfortunately, I don't see real time what invoices have been received against my budget and don't have a good idea when some will be received. I get a weekly budget performance ( a list of accrued item costs ) to help me manage my purchases, but I struggle to keep tabs on when invoices are going to hit. It becomes a high wire balancing act trying to guess how much I have left in my budget when I can't see when things clear. I don't get a budget report the last week of the month because the monthly budget meeting will be the first week of the next month and I receive my monthly budget performance report. Unfortunately, the last week quickly becomes the most critical when I try to anticipate where I am.

Does anyone have any tips for keeping tabs on my budget expenses with limited visibility as to what expenses have accrued?


Cheap Tax Service

Looking for cheap tax services in Australia? Look no furthere than Success Accounting Group. We are offering the foremost quality tax and accounting services. For more details, log in to

Survey for all Small Business Owners

Hi All

I am looking to run a survey on all Small Business Owners that sell products as a business either online or in a store, to understand how they source and manage their product/inventory cost. There's only 13 questions and hopefully it will help me decide whether to fold my business or change the business model.

The survey link is here:

I appreciate your feedback and feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or comments about the survey.

Thanks again


Starting importing car air filters from China to Australia...

Hi E1,

I am looking at importing shipping containers full of car air and oil filters from china to sell online and to various mechanic workshops here in Australia.

Can someone please tell me what steps I need to take to avoid breaking any copyright laws etc and are there any restrictions relating to the type of materials my air filters have in them.

Is there a link to a govt website with importing industry information that I can use to research these legislation requirements.

These air filters are fairly fibrous and I am worried they might breach quarantine or shipping regulations.

Thanks in advance...


mercredi 30 juillet 2014

How to handle those people who "steal" my work

I think this is pretty much a lost cause - but someone might have an idea I haven't thought of - so here goes!

I create several event specific info dump sheets for one of my clients. She owns three franchises of a Children's Consignment Sale event and she's very successful. As such other franchisee's constantly look at what she's doing so that they can copy it.

A few of them ask if they can use whatever we've created - this is ethical and good. My client always directs them to me - because we put our specific event name and etc... on these dump sheets so those people do need the sheets altered.

I'm happy to make the changes for these potential new clients, for a small fee.

After hearing about the very reasonable fee, at least 75% of them simply pull the PDF files off of my clients website and re-create the documents in Microsoft Word, Paint, Publisher... whatever they have and they end up looking either decent or pretty awful, depending on the skill level of the user... And at this point, my idea of a "what we accept sheet" or whatever else they like is being used without my consent. We have no recourse through the Franchise because they expect all the franchisee's to share and share alike and/or to use their corporate contracted designer exclusively. Since I'm not her, they won't protect the value of my work.

I've thought about locking the PDF's so that they can't be printed - but we want our consignors and shoppers to print the files, so that doesn't work. I outline all the fonts on the uploaded PDF's so that everything has to be retyped. But outside of that I don't know any other way to protect my work from these people who are pirating my ideas...

Any thoughts? Including get over it... :D

Your experience with Yelp

I am not sure what is going on with Yelp these days? I made a Yelp account for a business that took three weeks to become public and even though it is public it is not coming up in search. I have a Yelp account for my own business which I tried signing into today but did not remember the password so I inserted my email an hour ago to change password and have not received an email from Yelp yet.

Can a moderator please approve my forum replies?

Hello, so I would like to ask politely for a moderator to approve my forum replies.

I can't contribute, if moderators don't approve!

But- I understand people are busy. So... ya.

But don't worry, I'm not a spammer.

Website Review- Looking for Help/Feedback

Hi All

I need your help to review my website and offer suggestions/feedback.

The site has been online for almost a year but has had no conversion yet. All of my sales have been outside of the site, at this point the website is more of a liability than an asset.

is there anything I can do? I cant change the layout because the company that setup it up wants to charge a arm and a leg so I am only looking for small cosmetic changes.

I really appreciate any feedback.


Hello from Simple Wholesale Solutions

Hello other small business owners

My name is Emily and my partner & I started Simple Wholesale Solutions in 2013. We import wholesale quantities of goods to small businesses.

I have joined the small business forum because I would like to connect with other small business owners to discus similar issues/experiences and offer/seek help managing a small business.

Looking forward to meeting you all. :D


Foreigner wanting to Register an online based business - Where's the best?

Hi, I mentioned in my intro post that I'm somewhat entrepreneurial and I have an idea for a business but am struggling to get my head around the laws and whats best for foreigners. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

My situation: I am a New Zealand citizen currently working in and out of the States (based in Florida for majority of the year) on a B1/B2 visa. This job is on a luxury super yacht, paid salary from the Cayman Islands into an offshore account. This will be the funds for my business.

Ok….setting that job aside. I am an idea for an online directory for the luxury yacht industry focused on entertainment activities for yacht crew. Where businesses can register, pay a fee and have their business advertised on a websites focused just at the tens of thousands of yacht crew. This will start in Fort Lauderdale Florida, eventually moving throughout the states and eventually international.

My questions are:

- Where is the best place to register a business like this that is based online, with no 'physical office'?

- and then once registered do I have any limitations on where i can/can't operate/sell advertising to businesses?

- If I were to go international in a few years time, will this business register be affected and limit selling advertising to a business in the like of France for example?

- And finally, the big and ugly word, TAX. This is a tricky one for me. If the company was registered here in the States what are my tax obligations? I (and other investing partners) would only receive dividends from profits, so how would that be taxed? Would that then bring the income from my other job (outside of the US and independent of this business startup) into question due to myself being an owner of an US business?

Or….. Is it best for me to register where I have citizenship in New Zealand? but then, can I operate overseas? ahhh:confused:

Such a confusing issue for me!

Any tips, advice, pointers will be a great help!



Hello all, I'm Braden from New Zealand

Hi, Just thought I'd say a big hello out there, or G'day as we would say down under.

Im a New Zealander, living/working currently in Florida, and traveling a large part of the East coast onboard a floating mansion entertaining the mega rich. Sounds good? Sure is! but I've got a itch inside of me and think I'm quite the entrepreneurial type so this forum looks like it'll be a great place to start and get some pointers.

Be good to get to know a few of you, any advice I can give I'll be sure to help, but other than, look forward to chatting with some of you.



Splitting profit with business partner

I know many people have asked this questions but looking for ideas also.

I have one other business partner joining me. Here are the details of the partnership:

- $120k total to start, we are both investing $60k each.

- I'm majority owner at 51% stake and he's at 49%. I have final say in major decisions.

- Business will be open 40 hrs/week.

- I will work 40hrs / week (5 days) full time

- Partner will stay at his current business full-time and work 8hrs/week part time at our business.

- S-corp (if that matters to anyone)

Now I have tried to research ways of paying us fairly but couldn't find much.

Our accountant proposed that we have the same set salary per year (i.e. $30,000/yr each) and the remaining profits leftover, we can divide that amongst hours work per year (i.e. I'll avg 40 out of 48 hrs worked per week at 83% of final profits and he'll avg 8 out of 48 hrs worked at 17% of final profits)

We will use our time sheets to determine final hours worked.

We can split profits quarterly, twice a year, or yearly but that can change as business grows.

Any suggestions, opinions, input would be greatly appreciated.

Affiliate Marketing Newbie

Hi all,

My first post and I'm seeking some thoughts, discussion and advice - that hopefully I can repay down the track!

I'm considering starting an affiliate marketing program for my company. The difference is, we are an online graphic design company - so we sell a service rather than a 'good'. I figure this can present some problems with managing an affiliate program for a service that may not be paid for up-front, as people normally would when ordering a product online.

Does anybody have any thoughts or experience in this?

mardi 29 juillet 2014

lundi 28 juillet 2014

Point of sale system - What kind are you using for your business?

Hi there, new here :)

I wanted some advice from fellow business owners.

I'm looking into getting a POS system, but there's so many out there and I'm not sure which one to go with.

Some information :

- My business is a salon

- Currently using the good old method of a cash register

- Looking for user friendly system, nothing too high tech.

Is it better to invest in a IPad, with a card swiper and downloading a POS software?

Or Is it better paying a company to supply the system and pay a monthly fee?

Pros and cons for both?

I should mention that I'm trying to keep this under $2grand.

Thank you for your time and replies :)

It's Crazy Dog Jenn - I'm back (I hope!)

Hi Everyone!

Long time, no read...

for the past few years life has been completely crazy, I became overwhelmed, intentionally quit blogging, unintentionally abandoned this forum. I've missed both - but I know the blogging isn't going to happen right now, however... I've really missed the feedback and input from this forum so I hope to join in the conversation again!

We moved (FINALLY) last Fall we left our in-town, 2 bedroom house and moved an hour away - closer to my husbands job and now have a nice 4 bedroom house in the country - the kids have room to play and my office is no longer in the corner of the living room. It's awesome. But I still have boxes to unpack and no furniture in the basement...

I'm doing more and more virtual assistant work as well as social media marketing - which is a new world for me. I'm still doing some design work as well and have a client who really wants me to finally take that web design class I've wanted to take for the past 5 years... I tried taking Real Estate classes because another client wanted me to become a licensed real estate agent so that she could hire me as an assistant. I can work for her without the license, but would be more valuable with the license. I've struggled to get through those classes - real estate hasn't captured my interest or invoked enthusiasm in my days so I don't think that job is going to come through. Then in a completely new vein I've had several people ask me to do some custom sewing for them - I'm reluctant to pursue that income option though.

We homeschool and I will have a 2nd grader and a kindergartener this school year! We'll be starting September 3rd! Oh and we have two new puppies - a 5 month old (Stormy) and a 6 month old (Blaze), both rambunctious black labs that we are training for hunt tests and/or dock diving as well as simply waterfowl hunting. Our two old dogs are still around too, Stetson is 14 and Drake is 12.

I'm back! It's time for me to really focus on what Crazy Dog Creative is going to be - getting involved with conversations with other business people is part of that!

dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Need S Corp tax return help

I work freelance in the film industry, and a few years ago took advice to form an single shareholder S Corp (in Florida where I live). I have since done a portion of my jobs using the company (rather than personally going on payroll). For a couple years I had an accountant do my tax returns, but for 2013 had such a small amount of income that I am attempting to do the return myself (using the previous year's return as a template, which was very similar financially).

I am confused as to how the accountant handled my salary and distributions, and how I should do it. Although I transferred most of the money to my personal accounts, he did not list any "compensation to officers" or "salary & wages" on the 1120S. I have read that this is what gives S Corp returns red flags for audits (and yes, I should have considered this when I got the completed return, it's true--lesson learned). He simply deducted expenses from the income and reported the difference on line 21 of the return, "Ordinary business income", which he then transferred to my 1040 return on Schedule 'E' and line 17 of the 1040.

My questions are this: 1) Do my past year returns need to be amended and/or are they an increased risk for audit? 2) How should I proceed this year? If I do take a salary, does the company need to do a W2 or something for me?

Thanks for any advice you have.

Hello it's zachariahlogan!

Hi, I'm Zach Logan. I've started a business with my dad called- wev've been in business for about 11 months, and every day has it's new challenges. I found this forum, because I was looking for a community I could participate, where I could not only contribute to the collective, but also harvest from it.

I joined- without previously reading any posts, but I'm very famaliar with v-bulletin and just signed up.

Anyway, I hope to meet the regulars, and this is my "hello" post.


New to business forum

Hello to all business owners.

I am an entrepreneur/health practitioner who ran a business/clinic for more than 3 years now.

Reason why I join this forum is because I want to expand or even franchise my current business/clinic. "All men think they are good in bed, until we reach the bedroom and think oppss, i just came." After being a business/clinic owner for 3 years, I am confident enough to begin another business/clinic however read my quote above!! When we reach another stage of business ownership, there are many challenging factors, and I hope to gather some advice from this forum.



samedi 26 juillet 2014

How much equity for silent partner

I am in the planning stages of starting a new company. I have been in talks with someone who would invest the initial capitol needed, $30,000. He will not have any day to day involvement once everything is up and running. He will offer consultation and fairly valuable industry and market insight. I will do all the work on a piecework wage and commission on the sales. How much equity would be fair for each party. Thanks in advance.

Started/Owned/Operated/Sold a Successful Compliance Business - Now Retired

Hi all. I have nothing to sell you, so you can lower your shields. I have started, owned, and operated five businesses since the age of 19. I am currently in my late 30s and am retired in the Wine Country of California thanks to the tremendous success of my most recent business (which I sold when I was 35).

At 19, I dropped out of college to start my first business and promptly had my butt kicked up and down the street. Like a lot of business owners, I was willing to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week but knew nothing about how to run the place. Got taken advantage of by an unscrupulous landlord and overextended myself on credit cards to pay for it all. It was the most expensive business school I could have attended - and was worth every penny. I learned to get everything in writing, who to trust (me), the importance of keeping an existing customer vs finding a replacement, etc.

I went back to school and got my degree before starting a burger joint at 23 with my (now) wife. While we did "ok," it was hardly what I'd call a success. We scraped by and learned a lot more about dealing with HR, payroll, inventory, actual business credit, business law, refunds, pissed off customers, and dealing with difficult third parties. After a year and a half of that nonsense, we sold the business (for a profit) and I went to grad school to get my CPA license (which I have never used and don't credit at all for any of my business success).

At the age of 28, I started a financial services business which (a year later) turned into a second financial services business that focused entirely on back office compliance instead of securities. Those businesses floundered for a year or so before morphing into my most recent business.

That business was a raging success, mostly due to all the experience and lessons I had learned in the previous businesses. I understood the importance of sales and marketing, blazing response time to client requests, being clear and concise with our website and pricing model, and underpromising/overdelivering. After expanding twice, we went from a 1 man shop in the middle of the desert to a nationwide firm based in midtown Manhattan. In 2011, we got bought out and my wife and I were lucky enough to retire early.

Since then, I've spent my days watching the vines and pines across the valley and not missing the stress of work in the least.

The first thing anyone asks me when I see them for the first time in more than a month is "I have this great business idea, can I bounce it off you?" A friend turned me on to this forum. I figured I might be able to help some people cut some of the BS that I had to learn myself in real time. If not, cool; I hope to learn some interesting things on the off-chance I ever decide to start up something again in the future.

Business or hobby?

I have a website selling some stuff and 100% of everything is done online. If I make a few hundred dollars a month right now, should I even bother to go through filing for an LLC, opening a business checking account etc? I plan on seeing a personal banker to get some answers or an accountant, but wanted to get an idea of what I was getting myself into. Thanks

What's your opinion on my business name?

I'm starting a luxury travel agency and we're going back and forth between business names. I'm affiliated with Virtuoso, the top luxury travel consortia in the industry, so keeping in line with that upscale standard is kind if important. I'm looking for a name that stands out, that emits the idea of luxury, glamour, fun and adventure. I'm looking to appeal to both millennials and baby boomers, concentrating on people with affluence age 21-45 (roughly). The names I'm interested are listed below. What comes to mind when you read each name? Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Va Va Voom Luxury Travel

Luxe Lotus Travel

Luxe Tailored Travel

vendredi 25 juillet 2014

Make photo slider online for free?

I am trying to make a basic photo slider online for free where I can easily embed it into a website. Do you have recommendations?

Another question....more specifically about wholesales and distributors

I researched some distributors for music equipment which I am interested in expanding into.

I signed up for an account on Harris-Teller, Inc. I am looking at their catalog right now and on the first page (it's a PDF) there is a thing that says, "all prices are suggested retail". Which I assume that means it is what they suggest me to price once I receive the product?

Well... how much is the actual product for ME to buy? Does that make sense? Like, how much am I paying? Not that amount right? I'm really confused...

Do I have to contact them and ask them about their prices?

Newbie question.... I'm sorry...

Just trying to learn

Thank you

Finding distributors, setting prices, making a profit, many other questions....


I'm very new to this business running thing. I opened an Amazon store back in March and this has really been my first business venture ever.

I've always wanted to run a small business. Currently I sell mostly video games on Amazon because I know a decent amount about them and such.

My biggest goal is to have a retail shop in my town selling games and movies, and other items like that.

But I'm only 20 right now and don't know hardly anything about business or how to do this. I've been buying my inventory through auctions on ebay, trying to spend as little money as I can to still make money but it's really difficult and a lot of times I either barely break even or lose money...

I want to look into finding a wholesale supplier or distributor, but I don't know or where to look or even what to really say to them, because I highly don't anyone is gonna wanna do business with someone who isn't making money....will they??

I think also I should expand my inventory into other products but I don't know what to look into or how... Also, I live in Alaska so I feel like shipping anything up here in bulk is going to cost a fortune, which I do not have.

I don't know how to make enough money so that I can eventually open an actual physical store, which is my biggest goal for right now.

Aside from running a retail game store, I want to run some sort of Music venue, and art gallery, or some sort of artistic "collective" if that makes sense.

That Idea is not clearly fleshed out just yet but my town doesn't really have many places like that and I always think about how I want there to be a place where artists can meet and work together and network and share their work.

I have multiple Ideas for businesses but I know it would be better to focus entirely on one before venturing to another. I just honestly have no idea how to start or really anything about business.

I'm taking an intro to business class right now, and I'm debating on switching my major to business or at the very least minoring in it but I don't know what to study or if that really is helpful..

Honestly... I know I am young and don't know much but I WANT to know and I WANT to learn so bad.

So, any advice that anybody has would be so appreciative because I don't really know anybody well enough who runs a business that I can ask questions to.


S-Corp Taxes - Can expansion / new branch be a capitol expense?

Hello everyone!

I currently own a S-Corp and looking to expand / open new branches in other states. I am seeking advice on taxes.

Company Profile:

Michigan based company - Single location for 40+ years

Product - Design & manufacture industrial pollution control equipment - worldwide market

Annual Sales - 15m

Question: If I open a new branch of the company in a different state (Texas etc) can the expansion cost be considered a capitol or other cost for tax deductions etc.

I'm open to any and all suggestions / recommendations.

Greatly appreciate any advice!

Ps. - this forum is fantastic, thanks again in advance..

Hello Everyone!

I am James and new to this forum. :)

Help me

Hi friends,

I have a small electronic store website. Please give some suggestions to improve my business sales. :)

Hello Everyone

I am new here.

Best way to increase my Business ?

Hello Everyone!

NOVA CrossFit offers a strength and conditioning program accessible to ANYONE and EVERYONE, regardless of prior experience or fitness level.

Visit: - www{dot}novastrong{dot}com for more information about my business....


jeudi 24 juillet 2014

I'm an Account Executive with BlueGrace Logistics


My name is Steve Daniels and I'm an Account Executive with BlueGrace Logistics, but I love the idea of being a business owner one day and operating my own book of business right now is a great start. :o

I'm 26 and I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, currently living in Brandon, Florida but enjoyed a few stints in Schentady New York and New Jersey. I'm a pop culture encyclopedia, love all types of film and music and adore my spouse and our daughter.

I look forward to getting to know you all and taking in your best practices.


Please rate my below slogan: (tks a lot)

When you need to be at your best, then you need a coach!

mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Managing Business Travel in Your Company

My name is Michelle and I am a user experience design student at General Assembly in New York City. I am currently working on research project about the changing landscape of the business travel industry.

My team recently created a brief online survey on the topic and we are looking for business that have to travel for business purposes. The survey is very brief (12 questions) and takes about 5-6 minutes to complete. At the moment, we only have 5 respondents and we are looking to have at least 50 respondents.

Since this is a class assignment, we are under some time pressure to have a report by midday tomorrow. Your responses would be valued greatly. Of course, all answers are anonymous and we will not spam anyone.

Here is the link to our survey -

Thank you in advance.

Would you use a tool like this on your website?

I have an idea for a web application. The concept is a changeable sign for your website. The best meatspace equivalent I can think of is one of those changeable signs in front of a restaurant or church. The style of sign could match the style of your website.

The service I would provide is the ability to update the message quickly without having to mess with HTML, Wordpress, your CMS or FTP. You would be able to change the sign using nothing but email. The service would provide you a unique email address that only responds to messages from your email address. Type out what you want the sign to say, press send, and the sign gets changed.

Do you think this sounds useful? Do you already have an area of your website where you change the message regularly?

Greetings! New forum member

Hi folks,

My wife and I own a truck accessories and off-road retail business in central MA. We've owned it for 7 years now and are always looking for new sources of information and ideas. I look forward to participating here and learning as much as possible.



Best way to advertising service for business

I am the leader for a group of freelance procurement or sourcing agents in Asia. We provide procurement service to clients around the world. Unlike other procurement agents and companies in Asia, we have been offering transparent services to our clients. But this honesty is lowering our profit and forcing us to find more clients to make up for it. We are having difficults finding more clients so we tried to coop with local merchants around the world. The idea behind that was for the local merchants to use their name in the local market and find more clients, while we do all the actual procurement works and give the local merchant a share in the profit. It is impossible for us to travel around the world to find local merchant partners. Does anyone know a good way to find local merchants via the internet? Right now we are focusing at the US and Europu market. If anyone has good suggestion or good sites we can use, please tell me. Thank you.

Free advice for anyone buying from or selling to Asia

Hello everyone,

My name is Jeff, I am the leader of a group of freelance procurement agents in China. I have had more than 10 years of experience in the Asia market. Anyone that wants to buy from or sell to the Asia market can send me their suggestions or questions. I will try to help out as much as I can. Thank you.

Independent Contractor Billing Question

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and have a question about billing my client.

Currently, I have a contract with a previous employer to provide backstopping support. I work remotely, from home. The work I do ebbs and flows, and is largely dependent on the needs of the internal profit centers that I support. Some days I may be swamped with work and working diligently for a full 8-hour day, other days I may have one request come through that will take only a half hour, but I will have made myself available the entire workday and been on email, rather than take on personal things, like run errands or engage in other hobbies.

The department I work for has assigned me as the backstopper for several profit centers, so it is up to me to keep an eye out for requests from these centers and respond when those requests come in. I am not waiting on my direct supervisor to assign me ad hoc work.

My question is - for these slower days - can I bill a full day for being available, even if I receive few requests? Note that my contract is silent on retainers or fees for being on-call.


Ever want to expand into the UK / EU Market?

Has anyone ever considered expanding internationally?

Selling or providing their services into the EU/ UK Market place?

Greetings From an American Based in London :-)

Greetings Forum,

My name is Erik. Im originally from North Carolina, but moved from Washington DC to London back in 2012 to complete my MBA studies focused in PR & Digital Marketing. Once my studies were completed, I was scouted and currently work as the Business & Web Development Manager for a UK based fullfillment company. My expertise is spread into a few areas. International Business Development, PR, Digital Marketing, SEO, Adwords, Wed Design.

I am thrilled to join the network and look forward to networking with you all.

Kind Regards

Massapequa DJ School | Massapequa Music Lessons

Intimate Class Sizes

DJ Academy gives focus to each student

by limiting class size between 6-12 students.

Classes are held on the latest cutting edge DJ gear.

Private DJ & Production lessons are also available upon request.

Progressive Class Schedule

DJ Academy classes feature a mix of history, technology, and music production.

Students will have the opportunity to study with pro DJ instructors, work on cutting edge gear, and perform on a national stage.

Seminar with Guest DJ’s

and Entertainment Personalities

Students will be exposed to well known guest DJ’s to motivate and inspire.

mardi 22 juillet 2014

Aids you to definitely shred excess fat quicker

Customers utilizing NitroShred could get that you should gain coming from elevated muscle tissues in addition to gain a lot more demanding advert meaner system. This kind of formulation will help you gain the particular chiselled system. In all probability you'll have got elevated energy level in addition to toughness. NitroShred contains pores and skin vital in addition to normally generated elements. A number of the main substances contains: NO, L-arginine with virtually all been clinically experimented with in addition to which can accelerate bodybuilding in addition to boost energy programs. This kind of formulation has protein in addition to nutritional vitamin supplements degrees at the same time. With regard to more details proceed here==>>

Fair Profit Split

I left a firm at which i worked at for 15 years and had a very large client offer to follow me when they heard i was leaving. I worked out an exit strategy with my previous employer and agreed to pay him back a percentage of his loss in profits due to the client following me.

I could not totally go out on my own because i am not a licensed professional in the field that i am in so i joined forces with a colleague i knew who is licensed and has an unlicensed partner. They currently have their own company and we agreed that we would start a separate company to which i would bring my client and expertise. they would assist in funding the company for 6 months. Its been six months and they've funded me till no and they have just been paid back every penny and i can carry myself. The licensed partner only reviews documents for about 1 hour a week and the unlicensed partner has put about 30 hours into the company in the last 6 months. Our original agreement was that i would have a salary (they don't get one because they have a separate company which they make a salary from) then i would pay my old employer first before splitting profits, then they would get each 50K and the rest of the profits would be split 50% me and 25% and 25% for each of them. We are now about ready to get into the partnership agreement and discussions about long term, since i will technically not need them once i'm licensed in 3 years, so i told them it should be 70% for me and they split 30% once i'm licensed and that i should be running the new company since they have a separate company that they are running.

I'm being accused of being greedy, but the way i see it is i could have gone to any other licensed professional but they could not have had the opportunity to make about 100K a year each for just carrying me and assisting me for 6 months.

am i wrong, should i continue with them knowing their mindset or just agree to move on once im licensed.

Web Maintenance Issues

Hello all,

I am the owner of a boutique clothing shop in LA, and I have had a pretty bad experience with the web so far. I paid a web designer too make my site but now I am stuck with it. I searched for web maintenance companies on Google, but most of them were way overpriced. But then I came across this site called that supposedly offers unlimited web maintenance for $30/month, and they will even host your site. Has anyone on here had any experience with them?



Business Plan Software

Does anyone have good suggestions or have knowledge of the business plan software that is out there?

What's good/bad?

Who does a better job than others?


Revision of site

I got back to the site and redesigned it to make it look a bit better.

Three questions:

1. Is the site's design good enough ?

2. Is POS the most popular tool used by businesses to catalog the products they sell ? (I can't find any solid answers)

3. Look at the SERP, is their anymore information that needs be added to each result (link to businesse's site...etc) ?

I want to make sure those questions are answered before I start creating a way to integrate businesses into the site.

Link to the site: PriceMane

Image of the SERP:


Attached Images

lundi 21 juillet 2014

Domestic premium rate numbers


We are offering MEGA PAYOUTS on LATVIA, ESTONIA, COMOROS, GUINEA, GAMBIA, EASTTIMORE.. And this is not the end… This MEGA PAYOUT is applicable on all the terminations .. Offer Valid for this Weekend Only… Hurry !!!!!, For more information, please get in touch with us… Have A Great Weekend

Skype : sales.shriparas

Skype : support.shriparas

premium rate numbers


Premium Rate Numbers available with great access. New Series and good range. If you have volumes, You have chance to shoot up your capital this weekend Great Payout with Flexible Payment Options ( Weekly/monthly) available.

All terminations available with great payouts .


Skype : sales.shriparas

Skype : support.shriparas

New Unique Email Service

I am creating a new Email Service with unlimited space! unlimited folders, I wil be hiring an advanced developing team and this email service will be like no other! you will be able to go into the advanced settings and choose when a certain person sends you an email what folder it goes into, Gmail will be in no comparison to this service! you will be able to login to your email and have exclusive spam protection, instant messaging services to chat with your friends and family, chat room integration, unlimited attachments! virus detection upon upload and download of attachments, links, etc.. this service will be like no other..

As you can see ive considered crowd funding ive received 70 visitors with 18 referrals.... no contributions yep with 52 days left.. this email service will be like nothing on the market, what am i missing? anything i can do to spice up my campaign? can anyone help me out with a video? people are more attracted to donate with a video..



Advice on POS (Point-of-sale) market

I'm wanting to get into this market and start a business that develops and sells pos systems to businesses. I need any advice I could get if anyone with knowledge could help, thank you!

Promoting Yourself

Since I didn't want to hijack another thread, I thought I'd pose my question here. This is kind of an odd dilemma to have, considering my job is promoting the company for which I work, but I'm really bad at promoting myself. More than anything else, I think this is the biggest hurdle I face when I consider starting my own business. I know I have ability and I'm good at what I do, and I'm confident that I could find work, but I worry that I'll be so reluctant to promote myself that I'll miss out on chances that I'll need to capitalize on to be successful. It's not that I'm shy, I can stand up in front of a room of people and speak or write for a national magazine without an issue. The issue is more that I feel like promoting myself is like bragging.

Did anyone else have this problem when they started out? Am I just being nuts?

Need Forum List

Hello Everyone,

I need a list of furums which allow link from first post.

If anyone has the list, please share with me..

I Need Edu Backlinks ! [ Buy ]

Hi All User

I Need Edu or gov Backlinks , Please help to buy them ! Please introduce me to a site

dimanche 20 juillet 2014

I have an Idea

Hello Guys, I'm new here and I'm really hoping someone can help me here. I'm a nurse but I have given up my nursing career to try something new. I've been through a lot of jobs, hospital to call centers and now freelance writing. I don't know, I guess I'm really seeking for something that will match my personality. While I was working as a nurse and a call center agent, one thing that I've been doing that is constant was selling stuffs. Back when I was still working in the hospital I would sell perfumes or whatever I can profit on. When I worked in a BPO company, I've been selling stuffs too (I was really doing great)... Right now, I'm turning 32 and I feel like it's a high time to start something but up until now I'm kinda lost if what business to venture into. I'm not rich but I have the drive to do business, really.. I always get excited of the thought of running my own business. I have an idea, since I love dogs (I got 2, a female Labrador and a male Maltese), I thought of sewing dog accessories like their beddings and other basic stuffs needed. Any input from you guys or suggestions would be of great help. Thank you for reading my story. :D

New Forum Member

Hello everyone.

I just joined this forum not too long ago and wanted to post a formal introduction. I am a broker of various cash flow services including invoice factoring funding services for small businesses.

I have been in business since 2006, but I am still constantly learning new things about my business. I look forward to learning what I can and contributing what I can to this particular community.

Questions about starting a new business (single member LLC)

Hi everybody. I'm just getting started with a small-time side business (expected revenue < $10K per year, no employees). This is my first time, so I just wanted to make sure I had all my ducks in a row in terms of getting set up properly. I have done the following things so far:

1) Business plan, location, and financing

2) Registered the LLC (single member) with the state

3) Registered the business with the IRS and received an EIN

4) Registered online for state taxes

5) Currently checking in with county and municipality to see what steps need to be taken to get started

6) Also deciding on a bookkeeping software for the business

Any help would be greatly appreciated in terms of other steps I need to take in order to get things going the right way. Thanks!

Hello everyone!!

So nice to "meet" everyone. I joined today in hopes of sharing information and learning some new best practices for running my business. I only recently thought about joining a business forum and I'm glad I did - this forum is awesome with a tremendous amount of helpful info!

samedi 19 juillet 2014

one item - two prices

I'm new to the forum because i ran into a problem i don't have and answer for. I own a small retail shop and a customer came to the counter with an item that had my retail price on the front, unfortunately the wholesale price was still marked on the back of the item. He demanded i sell him the item at the wholesale price saying that "legally" i had to. Even after explaining it was left on by mistake and i would actually lose money selling him the item at that price it didn't matter to him. He persisted. What is the law on this situation ? Can anyone help me find the correct way to handle this in the future ?


Hi there.

I'm Mike. I'm a web developer in Charlotte, NC. I'm interested in software as a service.

I look forward to asking and answering questions with you guys.

Does anyone here have experience with lead generation?

I always wondered how lead generation companies generate the leads that they have and sell to insurance agents, salespeople, and anyone who would purchase those leads.

What are their tactics of operation? Do they have access to online lists that the general layman would not have access to? I will give a personal example.

Part of my job as a loan officer is to locate small businesses that are in need of loans. I work for a lending company that specializes in assisting small businesses to get approved, even in "hard cases" (bad credit, no collateral, no guarantors etc)

One thing that would help me a lot (and I know that this is a long shot) is to somehow access public lists of applicants that got rejected, or legally receive access to private lists, if that is possible. Is there a way to do that?

So I guess my question is a two-part question:

1. In general, how do lead generators generate leads? What are their methods and tactics?

2. Are there any online/offline resources that I can turn to which would actually increase the likelihood of finding businesses in need of my services?

I appreciate any helpful info and tips that I will receive here. Thank you all ahead of time :)

vendredi 18 juillet 2014

What do I need to have a storefront?

I'm a full time e-bay power seller. I'm running out of space to sort/store and pack items. I could get a unit at a storage facility, but for about the same cost, I could use a friend's vacant storefront on a month-to-month basis.

I'm not sure I want to take on the responsibility of actually having a B&M business, though. I'm seeking advice on what really goes into having a storefront. What liabilities am I taking on, do I need expensive insurance, what licenses would I need?

My plan is not to run a regular store. I would be using the space mostly for storage and packing. I do use Craigslist and Facebook for in person sales, so I would be "open" by appointment.

I deal mostly in antiques, paintings, collectibles, etc. The place is in Chicago, if that helps, at all.

Website Designer Here

I'm a new website designer who wants to start their own business.

My father is a small business owner, so I have a lot of information saved from that.

I want to market myself towards artists and other small business owners.

Any suggestions for a newbie?

So I have usually had an instance of yahoo, cnn, this forum open to glance at throughout the day. I considered CNN to be the least biased. There may be better news sites that present both sides of the story. If you know of one, please post it.

That's not the point of this thread though. CNN for a long time has had advertisement videos including their own running all the time. That uses bandwidth. Within the last few weeks they have added automated audio to their site. So I am talking to a customer on the phone and all of a sudden I have Wolf Blitzer screaming at me over rockets blowing up in the background. This goes against every standard I've heard of on sites from distracting moving objects across your screen to unsolicited audio. What are they thinking?


3 Types of Ecommerce websites that I will NEVER buy anthing from

Seems to me annoying the customer online has become an accepted practice. To be honest, sometimes I don't know what people are thinking. You don't need the hard sell if you have a great product and good service.

I shop online religiously. For everything. However, there are 3 kinds of sites that I refuse to even consider buying anything from, and there are many that follow in their footsteps.

  1. The "Give us your email address before you browse" site. I hate this. How do I know I even want you to have my email until I know who you are or what you are selling? is a HUGE offender of this. They won't let you see the website until you either give them your email address, or sign in with Facebook. That whole "we're building an exclusive clientele" crap doesn't work.

  2. The immediate "Join our newsletter" pop up. Again, if I like what you have I'll join. But the hard sell is a turn off. I'm not really that excited to see yet another eCommerce website.

  3. Poor or no product descriptions. Just prices. C'mon. At least try and make me want it.

My question is, do these sites work in spite of their annoyances?

What's one good thing about owning a business?

You can work hard and smart to still have your job. I just got laid off today and had my position eliminated with no warning today. I had to immediately leave and the ex boss said to use him as a reference.

Psh! a part of me is relieved because I feel like I can focus on myself a bit, find myself, go into finding my passion for entrepreneurship which I know I always wanted. I will probably try to find a pt corporate job if possible or wherever life takes me.

I can't trust someone else to my security. Articles were right, job security at corporations are a lie!

Business Success/Failure?

Define business "success" and "failure" in your own words, from your own experience or imagination.

These can be big or small successes/failures.

Hello Everyone. Im new to the Forum and hope to help other business

Hello Everyone. Im David Hamlen. Owner of Choice Checks LLC and just opened up a new store called Specialty Business Checks. Were located in Macon Ga. We wanted to expand our business with a new online store. Specialty Business Checks will offer PS Mailers, Health Care Products, financial products and Compatible Filing Products. Choice Checks started 8 years ago and we are excited to promote our new business. We will be glad to help others and give information that will assist your needs. Helping each other isnt always about money, but it is about being successful.

Thank you

David Hamlen

Specialty Business Checks

New business - silent partner split of equity

I was approached by an acquaintance with a reasonable idea who I would trust as an honest partner

He is a store owner with ability to have contracts with companies for items to purchase wholesale. He also is able to somewhat protect the store as his specialty items cannot be sold from a store within the geographic region.

Looking to set up some variation of an online store.

He would like the idea completely funded by another, but will be doing most work involved at the same time as running his regular store with use of additional employees.

Initial investment over 6 months would likely be 100K.

Project should turn profitable around 8 months with ongoing profit around 20K per month (hopefully more),

I need some help in structuring the split

What should equity share be?

He asked for a 75-25 split in his favor after complete payment of money that was invested.

Is this fair? Other thoughts?

Should I be upgrading the stereo when buying car?

I recently put in a deposit for a new 2015 Mini Cooper S in Thunder Grey. It's still in production but I am wondering if any of you know much about audio in vehicles? I am still wavering on wether or not to upgrade it from the stock option. It is a Harmon Kardon. Since it's a new body build (F56) vehicle there isn't much reviews that I can find online. Cost is $750. But I will be doing a lot of driving of over an hour to the gun club on a regular basis. I will be leasing so the payments will be $13 higher. It's not a lot but for someone that drives less than 5,000km/year it may be over the top haha. Keep in mind I also fully loaded it, and still want to add tinted windows + stripe decals. It "IS" my dream car so this is why it's a difficult decision. I just don't want my "wants" to be overshadowed by what I really need hah.

What are your experiences? Have you upgraded the audio in your car? Is there a difference for someone who's not musically inclined?

If it helps, the type of music I listen to is Industrial, Darkwave, EBM and some Black Metal.

How to get website traffic and be trusted?

Because my target market is Australia. So our team spend three month to gather material of blank t-shirts in Australia market. After market researching, we decide to start our website. Two month passed, there is no enough visitor to our website as expected. It is very bad for us. There is a question left. How to get the traffic? And how to make people to trust our website and buy? There is no doubt that we have a very good price and free printing for one color and one printing. What is the key point to make people trust our website and buy our products? I feel that i will lost on the road.

Looking for best Digital Marketing Agency in India?

I am starting a business which is related to apparels and accessories. I want a digital marketing company which can handle all online marketing strategies. Please suggest some best agency in India.

Update your Plug Ins. New Security Exploit Discovered in All In One SEO

Got this from ZDNET yesterday.


Since May, security company Sucuri has found serious security holes in WordPress plugins WPTouch (5,670,626 downloads), Disqus (1,400,003 downloads), All In One SEO Pack (19,152,355 downloads), and MailPoet Newsletters (1,894,474 downloads).

All vulnerabilities have been patched in new versions of each plugin. The various vulns can allow an attacker to use your website for phishing lures, to send SPAM, to make you an unwitting malware host, infect other sites (on a shared server), and more.

Source: WordPress plugin vulnerabilities affect 20 million downloads | ZDNet

Hobby / Game store in very small town?

Hello all,

I am currently investigating if i should open up a small hobby / game store in my local (small) town in Denmark europe. And when i say small, i mean small! 3.000 people only. But in the summer time, A LOT of tourists will come (around 10-20.000).

The shop would focus on these 2 brands:

  • Magic The Gathering

  • Warmachine

These are 2 brands i myself is into (just got into warmachine, been into magic for a while).

The idea:

In my town there is next to nothing for young people to do (and we do have a school, so it's not like there isn't any). There is a small "Youth club" where they meet once or twice a week to play video games and watch movies, but thats about it. I would like a store / place where people can come and have a good time, playing Magic or Warmachine. They could meet up with their friends, play a few games, buy some drinks and just relax and have fun! Then, hopefully, also buy something now and then to expand their collections.

The store would feature weekly playout / tournaments in both games to get something regular going. Also feature tryouts, where people can come and learn about the games (they can do this at any time) to see if it is somehing for them. The store would then have warmachine and magic cards they could borrow and try out a few games with.

Opening hours:

The shop would (at first) properly only be open around 2 days a week, from 19:00-23:00 or 16-21. The reasoning behind this, is obviously not to go all-in right away. It can then be expanded / changed to accomodate how it goes. Was thinking of having 1 day a Magic night, and the other a Warmachine, so each brand gets some attention on a weekly basis.


Here is also a catch -> it will actually be located in my basement. I know some people are off-put by this, and while it does contain some negative sides, it surely does bring in a lot of possitive ones.

Having such a store in a basement, actually fits the theme. I would then decorate it fully with a wizard / skulls / dragons theme, and make it like a cozy dungeon. The basement has its own entrance, so it is completely seperated from my main living quarters.

My house is right next to the most trafficated road in the town (this doesn't say much with only 3000 people, but in the summer times with tourists it does!). I could then put out signs and posters to promote it.

Also, and properly most importantly, there is no monthly cost. I pay my rent as it is, so they store would not cost a single dime to maintain (except for the startup fee for buying decors and items). This is obviously a great plus, as it leaves little risk involved in starting it up.

It aint that big, but it has what is needed. A toilet, which is needed for tournament sessions. The "main-hall" where i would have a magic table, a warmachine table, and maybe a small paint / assembly table if someone wanted to sit and paint down there. Next to that room, would be the items in stock. It aint a big room, but it needs to be isolated from the playing area so i can lock it if i decide to put someone else in charge of a game night. In that room i would put up some shelves and products, so if people wanted to buy i would go into that room and fetch it out. It is still big enough for people to go around and watch the products, but there cant be more than 5 people at one time in that room. The "main hall" can properly host around 8 seats for magic, 3-4 playing warmachine and 2 people painting.


I know i will not be making a living of this (at first, who knows where it can go). That is also why it will just be 2 days a week at first (maybe just 1 if it has a slow startup). I go to school studying computer science, and that is what i will be working with when i graduate in 1-2 years. So it is a "hobby" bussiness so to speak. That, however, doesn't mean i dont want to make a profit! If it goes well (i mean really well) i could move into a real store, assign some staff and maybe actually grow it quite big. But, that is waaay down the road.

I would also open a small webshop, just to put myself out there, as there is no harm and little cost since i can create it myself.


Little to none. Obviously the online competition is fierce, but i still think i could sell a little now and then. However, there is nothing in the town i live that does anything like this, and neither in surrounding towns (there is a town with around 10.000 people 20 min. away).


The current playerbase is small. I have a few friends that regulary plays magic in towns that are 1 hour drive from here. I think we are around 6 regulars, and i could see having most of them as regular customers. Obviously, the goal would be to get more people into it! I know that is hard, but it must be doable.

Also, the nearby cities 15-20 min away would also be a place to promote. There is no shop like it in those towns either (the closest one is 40 min away from those, so they save 50% transport time).


There is not much risk involved with this startup, but it would still be an investment of around 2-3.000$ for decors and stock items. Then obviously a lot of hours, but that is okay, as i see it as my own hobby as well, and getting people to play with for myself as well. But is it possible in such a small town? Is it stupid? Can it make a profit? I think it can, since i won't have a rent, so whenever i sell anything i make profit, but i still gotta actually sell something.

I look forward to hearing everyones response, and i would obviously be interested in all the feedback in the world!

Thank you, and best regards,

Jeppe B. Joergensen

Entry Level Research Market Analyst

Hi All,

I am a Entry Level Research Market Analyst and I know an analyst is a very important member of the team that develops great new products so, my question is how to become a great marketing research analyst? and how it will help me in my career?

Newbie here!

hello from Chicago in IL I am a Market Research Analyst. Just wanted to introduce myself.

jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Inexpensive Cell Phone Recommendation

A friend who doesn't make much money needs a new cell phone. GPS, text, Androide. decent reception,not much more. Does anyone have any recommendations? Used would even be ok, but I'm skeptical of rebuilt stuff.

Customers and Social Anxiety

Throughout my life I've always been very introverted, shy, reclusive, and indoors. I never really socialized or needed to, until starting my own business. I'm in the third year of operation. The first two years of business really helped me improve my social skills and interacting with customers. This thread will convey some information to others about my experiences with customer interactions.

Regardless the type of business, small or large, personal or impersonal, customer interaction is absolutely essential. Because no matter how good your product is, there is a degree that people are willing to go to buy a superior product. Even if you have the best product on the market, if your customer interaction is poor then you may lose a lot of customers. Conversely, like a used-car salesman, if your customer interaction is very good, impressive, and skilled then you can sell poor products at high prices. So customer interaction really is necessary, and a key to successful business.

#1 Best product + poor interaction = mediocre business.

#2 Worst product + impressive interaction = mediocre business.

#3 Worst product + poor interaction = failure.

#4 Best product + impressive interaction = success.

I believe that the cheaper product being sold, the easier it is to sell. Because people are more willing to spend $1 than $1000 on whatever, including junk. People will buy junk, at a cheap price, if the salesman is very charismatic & attractive. So charisma and attraction (beauty) is very important in business.

Coming back to the point of this thread… if you have social anxiety or introversion then I recommend a few jobs where you interact with a lot of different people, to help improve your social skills. This is more essential in some careers and lines of work than others. But ultimately, just about every career and profession, requires social interactions on some levels. Even industrial jobs, social interaction is beneficial. Charisma and attractiveness are almost always positive; I cannot imagine a career where charisma is detrimental to the success of an individual or a business.

People feed-off positive emotions & feelings. People are repelled & disgusted by negative vibes. If you emit negative vibes then people will not return to your business. So even if you are in a negative state, a bad mood, you really have to go out of your way to pretend to be positive. You have to fake it. And this is something I personally have trouble with. It's taken me a long time just to "fake it". And a lot of people can see through the fakeness. So developing and practicing a fake "positive" persona is critical. You really have to practice at it, acting, and appeal to people's emotions for the most part.

Most people don't want "honesty" when short-selling. They want a "feel good experience". Honesty is far down the list of customer priorities. The good, positive feeling is #1 or very high on the list. Most people care about the experience rather than the product when it comes to disposable income and cheaper commercial goods. But admittedly this would be very different in a hardware store, selling random car parts and other industrial goods. In the more industrial environment, the quality of the product gains more value than customer experience.

In short, some business are very "pro-social" and others are very "anti-social". However, being pro-social is almost always a plus for you, personally.

How to make a profit off of a transaction

So I have this idea that I'm working out with an investor. To not try and get into any specifics here's what I'm trying to do...

Someone has a "Membership card" that they use at a local business and get a discount, I'm basically charging the business a small fee for that transaction for bringing that customer to that business when they use the membership card. What I'm trying to wrap my head around how to automate getting that small fee without having to bill the business. I've thought about building an app that the member pays through, but I don't think that's the best solution, I would rather the business swipe the card, the fee gets sent my way and the rest towards their merchant account.

What would you suggest?

mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Moving LLC from MO to CA

I have recently posted about change in membership in out LLC. Thanks to everyone for responding.

There is another wrinkle to this ordeal - once the member leaves, I am going to move the LLC from MO (where it is registered now) to CA (where I, the only remaining member live). CA allows for the foreign LLC's to be domesticated using "Articles or Organization - Conversion" form. As I was filling it today though, I read the following statement on the website of the Secretary of State of CA:

"A domestic (California) stock corporation (Corp) can convert into a California other business entity; a California limited liability company (LLC), limited partnership (LP) or general partnership (GP) can convert into a California or foreign other business entity; and a foreign business entity can convert into a California Corp, LLC, LP or registered GP if the conversion is permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction of the foreign business entity".

The way I read it conversion might not be possible if MO doesn't allow it. I've Googled quite a bit today and read on the MO state website but can't really find an answer. Would anybody by any chance know whether or not MO allows its LLCs to be domesticated (moved) elsewhere? If not, would the best course of action be to call the Secretary of State office in MO?

Hello From a Newbie

Hello everyone

Just joined the forum and looking forward the cooperate from all of you.

Hello everyone!! Good morning!

I'm new to this forum and from the discussions that I've partaken in so far, I can say that I am more than happy to be here. I like the fact that in general all the threads are really resourceful and alive (because most internet phpBB forums have slowly dwindled in activity ever since Facebook came around), so it was a pleasant surprise to see that it's nice and lively here. :D

I am a loan officer that specializes in small business loans, and one day in the future (hopefully within five years) I am planning to open up my own business. I am reading a lot of marketing/business articles lately, and I figured why not network and connect with people who are actually doing it in practice, not just in theory. I really like the discussions that go on here, as they are very helpful. Also, if there is anything that I can do to help, I'll be more than happy to assist. :)

upcoming technologies

are you curious about upcoming technologies? If yes just click on the link, and get knowledge about upcoming technologies as well as top 10 technologies of 2013.

upcoming technologies

Experience in Facebook marketing and professional relationship

I'm going to share a recent experience, I'm assuming a number of you may relate and possibly have feedback :) ..

I was recently contacted by a UK based business owner through a freelance site for assistance in managing his FB ad campaign for a children's IT summer program he is hosting in a wealthy part of the UK with low population. I had done a FB campaign in the past that was relatively successful (yoga, Los Angeles) so I said I would manage his campaign to maximize clicks but did not promise conversion. We dabbled with the campaign for a week launching 4 ads with different photos, target audience specs and different copy. Despite people clicking on the ads there were no conversions after a week and so I recommended to try a more social approach through FB groups and personal outreach rather than paid advertising since the audience (parents) tend to be social and want to trust the program, and as we could see FB advertising was not bringing in desired results.

He became frustrated that I did not offer other target marketing options and gave me a 1 star rating saying I'm great for non-targeted marketing. He even said he is a "gentleman" and would pay my invoice even though I did not deliver. This was very frustrating to me since I had gone through a full procedure for his campaign and kept in contact with him practically on a daily basis to go over results and ultimately determined FB advertising is not ideal for him.

I am wondering if any of you create a buffer in this situation? i.e. How do you draw a plan at the beginning to ensure both parties have an understanding and prevent a situation like this.

He had asked for assistance specifically in Facebook advertising but I did mention there are other key factors in conversion such as his website layout and ultimate presentation of the program. He still put the blame fully on me though.

Experience in Facebook marketing and professional relationship

I'm going to share a recent experience, I'm assuming a number of you may relate and possibly have feedback :) ..

I was recently contacted by a UK based business owner through a freelance site for assistance in managing his FB ad campaign for a children's IT summer program he is hosting in a wealthy part of the UK with low population. I had done a FB campaign in the past that was relatively successful (yoga, Los Angeles) so I said I would manage his campaign to maximize clicks but did not promise conversion. We dabbled with the campaign for a week launching 4 ads with different photos, target audience specs and different copy. Despite people clicking on the ads there were no conversions after a week and so I recommended to try a more social approach through FB groups and personal outreach rather than paid advertising since the audience (parents) tend to be social and want to trust the program, and as we could see FB advertising was not bringing in desired results.

He became frustrated that I did not offer other target marketing options and gave me a 1 star rating saying I'm great for non-targeted marketing. He even said he is a "gentleman" and would pay my invoice even though I did not deliver. This was very frustrating to me since I had gone through a full procedure for his campaign and kept in contact with him practically on a daily basis to go over results and ultimately determined FB advertising is not ideal for him.

I am wondering if any of you create a buffer in this situation? i.e. How do you draw a plan at the beginning to ensure both parties have an understanding and prevent a situation like this.

He had asked for assistance specifically in Facebook advertising but I did mention there are other key factors in conversion such as his website layout and ultimate presentation of the program. He still put the blame fully on me though.

mardi 15 juillet 2014

PCI-DSS 3.0: New requirements for HPP and DP

In the past, some developers have recommended that their clients use Hosted Payment Pages (i.e. redirect to PayPal) or Direct Post (i.e. Stripe) so they could still be PCI compliant on shared hosting services. However, with the new standards, that's no longer a viable possibility. Sites using HPP or DP credit card processing now fall under SAQ A-EP instead of the rather trivial SAQ-A (or arguably the much more difficult SAQ-C) because the security of their site can impact whether or not data is transmitted securely to the wholly outsourced provider.

Instead of a 14 controls to meet, eCommerce sites using HPP or DP now have to meet 139 controls, most of which are outside of the control of a shared hosting customer.

How to prevent customers to return items?

Hey all,

I have an e-commerce store that sells goods online.

Like every business there are returns.

My question is how do I convince someone to keep an item he wants to return?

I would appreciate to get some techniques that you can share with me from your own experience, Ill share some of them that I'm currently using:

1. first I ask the customer is there is any other item that he would like to exchange to or if he want to upgrade the quality of the item? (Diamond jewelry).

2. if they complain of the quality then I send them a free return label and tell them that the item will go through inspection and I upgrade the quality for free.

3. offer them a discount to keep the order.

thatch pretty much what i'm doing...

if someone can share more with me it would be great:))

Accounting report that i'm trying to build

Hey everyone,

I have a question that I'm sure that was asked before but I couldn't find an answer...

I'm trying to build a bottom line report that takes all the expenses (cash, credit cards, wire transfers, checks- everything pretty much) and minus them with incomes of a specific month and to get the net profit.

The problem is with orders that people are returning back they return something that was purchased on lets say April but they get the refund only on May.

Do I need to include this order as a profit on April month and a loose (refund) On May?

I'm trying to understand how it goes as far as accounting...

Please help if you have had this question before or you can put more light on this :)))

Thanks a lot!!!

Should I notify my Bank about an internal change in LLC membership


I just joined the forum, my apologies if I am posting in a wrong section.

Here's the question. I am a partner in LLC founded in 2011. The company has a single bank account, we've been doing pretty well. Recently one of the partners decided to leave the company for personal reasons. We worked out the terms of separation, everything is going well on that end. My question is should I notify the Bank about this internal change in the company once the change is finalized? If so, is there a, sort of, general process for this or does every financial institution has its own "rules"?




Difficult to pattern in the andraida your Hobby? Forgot kintatu Now it can not open t

Solution 1: Looking for work in the course will be set ektibheteda Internet connection.

Think pattern at least: 5 times looking for input. Then an option, "Forgot Pattern"? Tap it and press OK.

Tap the account that your Google Gmail - I.. D. and password grow. Remove input as appropriate.

Successfully G - mail id. Give login you will be asked to pay New pattern lock. Now you must press to activate the new pattern is easily remembered mercy draw any pattern.

lundi 14 juillet 2014

Cops Always Right

So my wife goes out with a couple of her girl friends at midnight Saturday. I went to bed and left my phone in the other room. My wife’s not a drinker. She had under 2 beers. Bars close at 2am. She went to the house of a friend who recently had a kid.

The kid was constipated so my wife made a run to a 24 hour Walmart for a laxative. The mother lived in a trailer park that is known for drug activity. My wife is driving a brand new $35k Toyota SUV. My wife is latina BTW so there could be some racial issues involved. I have no idea but it does happen here.

So she goes to her friends house, drops off the laxative, and leaves. As it turns out there was a row of cop cars hidden watching the complex because of drug activity. She had to make a U turn leaving.

Cop pulls her over, says its because of a wide U turn, makes her take a breathalyzer. She passes. She says she was tired and wanted to go home. He said she would have to call someone to drive her home.

Now I can understand the cops side of this. She drives into a known drug hotspot and leaves within 10 minutes. A typical scenario for a drug handoff. He probably thought she took whatever drug. That's why she didn't have any drugs in the car.

The thing is she tested negative for excess alcohol, and there was zero evidence of drugs. I don't understand how he could just prevent her from driving like that?

Just joined!

Looking forward to seeing where I can help and answer questions small business owners may have about sales, marketing or business in general.


LP, LLP, LLC etc. - what should we do?

We are toying with the idea of investing into a friend's company. We're doing this obviously since it would be a "win-win" for everyone. And of our friends, we're the couple with the funds and financing. We would like to do the following:

1. Provide Start-Up Costs

2. Assists w/Marketing

3. Have the Start-Up Costs paid to us within 6 months

4. Earn 20% of all profit

What should we pursue in? LP, LLP or LLC?

where to advertise for employees

i am having a heck of a time finding a new part time employee.....ive been advertising on craigs list for 2 weeks now.....ive gotten 3 good resume's out of about 20.....2 never showed up for an interview and the 3rd never returned my call.....the other 17 were all high school kids w/ 0 experience or pizza hut employees/jiffy lube employees........

i need someone who is able to use power tools with some work experience in some trade of some sort......i think the part time thing is the deal killer and thats why im not seeing more good applicants

is there some where else i should be advertising?

Hello from Avalara TrustFile!

Just wanted to say hi to all the aspiring business owners sharing their experiences. Our goal is to develop tools to make getting your business off the ground a little bit easier. Best of luck!

Starting a spa in this economy?

I'm looking into becoming a massage therapist and an esthetician. Learning one at a time and maybe perhaps take on nails. I want to focus mainly on skin...heck maybe even target athletes that compete in body building and figure competitions (think dark spray tans, sport massages, and waxing). But of course I would also like to cater to other services for the usual women... I'd like to read more into laser hair removal too if that's possible without a doctor.

I'm worried about the economy though. Worried my business in the future won't do well. I've had massages before and it seems like places are booked two weeks out so that gives me hope. Is this a bad idea?? I need to eat and have a roof over my head.

How to word a temporary closing of my business for medical reasons

I need suggestions on how to broadcast that my business is temporarily closed for medical reasons (my husband is having cancer treatments out of town for several weeks at a time in the next months) I was thinking of posting that the business is closed for an unspecified amount of time due to a medical hiatus but it just doesn't sound quite right. Any help?

GET Your EX Back

Love is an eternal part of our life. It is a feeling that cannot be defined but can only be felt when you are with someone special. One shares a very special bond with the person like nobody else. One loves to spend time with that particular person, share laughter, giggles, tears, and all good, bad times together. Every person needs a companion to spend life with and is in search for the same. There are times, when a person enters your life, you feel complete when that person is around, and feel completely void when that person is not around. Such feeling is called love.

hello friends

hii.. freinds..

i beolng to india i join this forum community i think this is best for me...

It took me awhile to activate my account. Registered with wrong email address

Hi All,

first I want to say thanks to

It took me awhile though to activate my account, visited threads for like 1 week, I even tried replying to some post but I was not allowed.

Then I checked and edited my profile and came to editing my email address, it was there I found out that i used a wrong email address when I registered, no wonder I havent received the email activation. :-) my bad!

Looking forward to contribute more here in the future.

dimanche 13 juillet 2014

Ameriplan Representative-- Lori says hello to all other small business owners

Hi all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Lori Miller and I am an independent business owner with Ameriplan- the Nation's #1 health discount benefit company in the united states. If you own a small business and unfortunately can't offer their employees any benefits. We offer affordable benefits for you and your employees and their families for as little as 49.95/month. I don't want to sound like a walking advertisement, but with the cost of healthcare today, we all need to know that there are alternatives. For more information please email me with the subject line health discounts and email This is available in all states with the exception of Montana,Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Vermont and Alaska. thank you all for taking the time.. I'd appreciate some feedback on this.

Retail finance for my customers

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

My name is James, my company is NC Aquatech. We do installation of aquariums and are also a licensed retailer of all related equipment and marine livestock.

I am looking to increase my sales by offering some sort of contract payment or finance options for my customers. We are not a large enough operation to provide these options alone, so I am looking to involve some sort of third party finance company or bank.

Here is a short list of companies that I have found offer services like these, I have done a small amount of research and these companies seem to be the better of the bunch. By that I mean BBB Rating of A.

-East bridge funding

-Wells Fargo



-MRC Military

-First Franklin

-Citi Bank


-EBA Raleigh

-Strategic merchant solutions

-Auctus Rebus

-US merchant systems

I am concerned that the larger banks will only accept contracts from high score customers, 700? I'm sure that some of these smaller companies that will loan to customers with a 600 or below score will have inflated APRs. Some providers I didn't list wanted a 159% APR on a $1500 loan, I would not insult my customers with that offer.. Others want larger installation fees for equipment, we are not looking for this option either.

US Merchant Systems has decent reviews, but has numerous resolved complaints on the BBB. Auctus Rebus has a good score, no complaints, and an A+ rating but I cannot find a lot of information online about the company itself. They also seem to be the best fit on options for us (39$ per month, No equipment needed, We are paid in full within 48hrs).

Tomorrow I will call and get more in depth information on these companies policies. Really my inquiry is, does anyone have any experience or knowledge on consumer finance that they could share with us pertaining to this matter, or on the finance companies in question?

Thank you ahead of time for your responses, James.

{Jiyo}Watch Germany Vs Argentina Live Streaming

{Jiyo}Watch Germany Vs Argentina Live Streaming

This Final match would be a tensed match beyond any doubt, anxious 90 minutes. Both groups would make an effort not to

surrender first in this imperative match. Argentina played a demo of in what manner will they get down to business in the

last, as Mascherano kept Robben and Sniejder truly for the entire match and he will look like to grab an alternate

comparative match winning execution against Germans. Be that as it may he would need to from the beginning note it down

whom he is going to check in this match as he would need to browse various skilled Germans like Kroos, Khedira or Ozil. So

this match is not just about Messi and Messi. Argentina will additionally have completely fit.

Germany Vs Argentina Live Stream

samedi 12 juillet 2014

Looking for feedback

New to the site and glad to be here! First and foremost I want to state that this is still an idea. I really believe this can be extremely helpful for couples around the world but before I pursue development Id like some feed back first. The idea came to me during a discussion with my girl friend a few weeks ago. I cant get in-depth about the details at this point or it would reveal the uniqueness.

If someone told you there was an APP that would not only make improving your relationship easier, but enjoyable, could you honestly say you wouldn't be interested? In this day and age of high divorce rates and dysfunctional relationships, it's time for something that not only helps you work on your relationship but makes improving it fun. You say your relationship isn't dysfunctional? That's great, its what I love to hear, but you must admit there's always room for improvement in many aspects of life, and I'd feel comfortable betting that most people's relationships have significant room for improvement. I've created a unique program for improving relationships. Its an extremely revolutionary tool that will help couples around the world!

My question: Would you be interested in using an APP that claimed it makes working on your relationship easier and even enjoyable?

Please give me Grocery Store Business tips!


Indo-Asian Grocery Store has wide grocery selection of Asian, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian/Persian, Mexican,South African, South Korean, and Sri Lankan products in Australia. I want to grow up my business if you have any suggestion please share with me.

Visit: - www{dot}indoasiangroceries{dot} for more information about my business....


New Bank Account Question

I'm starting a new home business and will be opening a separate checking account for business transactions. My bank requires a minimum deposit for a business account to avoid monthly charges. If I seed this account from my personal funds with enough to cover the minimum plus some extra for initial expenses, how is this initial funding handled from an accounting perspective? Can I treat this initial balance like a zero balance. I don't want this to look like business income and be subject to taxes.

How did you know corporate wasn't for you?

I am realizing that I can't stand it. What did you hate about it? Every day for the past few years I've been wishing I could open a business but I have no idea what to do =(. My parents and sisters own their own businesses and I just wish I could find something I'm interested in...

How to grow up my fruit corp fruit hampers Business ?

Hello Everyone!

We doing Fruit hampers and fruit baskets online from Fruitcorp Fruit Hampers. Gifts for all Occasions. Xmas Gift Hampers, Easter Gift Hampers, Mother’s Day Gift Hampers, and Corporate Gift Hampers. Order online for delivery within Australia.

If you have any suggestion to extension our business. you can share with me.

Visit :- www{dot}fruitcorpfruithampers{dot} for more information about my business....