mardi 30 juin 2015

Small Business Owner Here

Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself to this wonderful forum. I recently started a web design business called Grand Rapids Website Design. I'll be thoroughly looking over this forum to find helpful information that I can use to enhance my business skills. Anyway, its good to meet all of you!

MBA Survey on Starting Online Consulting

Business Consulting Survey

We are conducting this survey to gain a better understanding of management and consulting services used by all organizations. This information will be used for research in the University of Dayton's MBA capstone class. Completing this survey will allow us to get a better understanding of what organizations desire in management consulting. We thank you in advance for your participation.


Hello SBF

Just signed up and wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm a small business owner and look forward to learning some things as well as help others out.

Online communities

Hello everybody,

I am currently doing a benchmark for the launch of a community and I would like to ask if you maybe know some companies who launch online communities which failed.

I heard about the Mercedes community but that's all.

If you have some examples to share or some examples you think about, it could be great !

Thank you very much ! :D

Mr Electric Franchise


I am wondering about the relevance of franchising and appropriate benefits. I have been contacted by Mr Electric about becoming a franchisee and wondered whether it was worth it or not. I've added a thread on some electricians forums but wanted to get a more business perspective to see whether it was worth buying a franchise.

I'm currently working for myself as an electrician but I am unsure which route to take, Franchise or not?

I contacted Mr Electric to see what they have to offer and it seems good. I’ve spoken to them 5 times now and for an £18,000 fee I seem to get a lot including help with starting my business and lots of training. Basically lots of help with things I am bad at.

It seems good but I’m not ready to take the plunge just yet as I like to get advice from various places before committing to a decision.

Could anyone provide information on the Mr Electric franchise and perhaps franchising in general to help me make my mind up?


International Contractor Services

We at Umbrella Contractor Invoicing | Invoicing Solutions for Freelancers provide very competitive International contracting services to our clients around the world. Some of our benefits are:

Free corporate debit Master card
Ideal for International Contractors, Expatiates and Self Employed Professionals
Full coverage across Europe, Middle East and Asia
Gross and direct payments
Payments made in all major currencies
Maximum income retention
Profession Indemnity Insurance
No responsibility for managing a limited company
No start up or exit limited company fees
No joining fee
Prepared invoice and set-up facilities
Receive payments weekly or monthly depending on your payment preference
Full liaison with your Agency or Client to ensure a smooth transition of all payments
24 hours set-up
Pay as you use the service: invoicing fee (Includes Corporation Tax and VAT management)

CamG - new service for video calls! Will be happy to know ur mind!


We start new service for video calls and will be haappy to know your mind about it! Please visit us - CamG - Get Paid For Video Calls

CamG is a service meant to ease the life of companies providing services that require personal presence. Our video chat service eliminates obstacles like traffic jams and distance to name a few. Now you're able to provide your service to anyone and everyone anywhere in the world with the CamG free to paid chat option.

You can try our service as a free chat or you can use it for your business as a paid chat!

Do your work and we will think about everything you need!

Will be happy to know your mind!

Attached Images

sell internet business idea

i have uniqe internet business idea but i cant launch it
i want to sell this idea .The idea of a new way to buy and sell on the web

my email: sfa0731(@)

Saying hello

So, I just decided to join the community.

I have owned a couple of businesses along the years, and now I thinking of moving into the online world.

lundi 29 juin 2015

Business Broker Confidentiality Agreement Question

Hello All,

I have recently started to look around to perhaps buy a small business for my family and I, and am new to the game to I have a question.

I saw a listing online of a business that I want to get more information about, so I entered my information on the online form to request more info. and the broker sent me an agreement to sign via email. Essentially, the agreement stated that If I do not purchase the business through this specific broker, I am not allowed to use the services of any other broker for a period of 2 years to purchase the business in question. Nor can I contact the seller directly or engage in any sort of negotiations with any other party other than said broker.

Is this typical of brokers?
I want to inquire about this before I sign the agreement and make a dumb decision to limit my options. I wonder if the business could be listed somewhere else as well.

dimanche 28 juin 2015

Business vs. Personal Mileage in a Trip

I have a question about business and personal mileage driven in one trip which I'm not finding a definitive answer for. My wife thinks the whole trip should be counted as business, I don't. Today's example is typical.

We drove to the YMCA for a workout, which happened to be on the way to a new client she needed to meet. So after that, we drove from the Y to the new client. Then to another new client meeting, and then to a job site (she cleans houses) to finish a job, then home which is our home office.

She's convinced that the whole trip including to the Y is expensed as business miles since she would have had to drive that distance anyway to get to the new client meeting. I've been saying that only the miles driven after leaving the Y count as business miles since travel to the Y was for personal reasons.

Who is correct?

samedi 27 juin 2015

Young Guy Seeking Advice

Well to start off I am 21, live in Iowa, have a son, and am newly working at a local foundry doing parts grinding in the millroom (ah the joys). My job history for being 21 is long, although most of it is manual labor in factories (food processing, machining parts and assembly of gas valves, meters, etc and my current job) and janitorial (was even my own boss working for contractor for a good while!).

So what brings a young guy like me here? I've always dreamed of running my own business. For awhile I figured on starting a janitorial business starting small in residential and then expanding out to cleanouts/commercial. Due to the costs of equipment, PPE, gas, etc. decided to lay it down for now. Although now I find myself wanting to do something along the lines of Kydex holsters and some "novelty" wood items. Don't know why but I love manufacturing and it helps keep my anxiety down once I have a routine. I figured my costs to start making holsters out of home would be around $400 and for advertising use local shops plus online and just do flat rate USPS shipping to keep everything simple as possible.

Anyways just looking to get advice, opinions, etc.

vendredi 26 juin 2015

From a legal standpoint, what's your responisiblity with customer's docs?

Hey guys, here in NY we are running into a problem with some local buyers. A lot of these guys don't wish to give up a copy of their Articles of Incorporation even though they have one and have physical storefronts where we can visit them and view their docs posted on this wall. As a wholesaler are we legally bound to have a copy of their docs please? Or would storing a copy of the invoices given to them for each transaction be enough?

Advice on old fashioned door to door b2b

Hello everybody, my name is Dillon and I just started business as a broker of employee benefit programs, and small business legal plans. I am brand new to this field, and the best way my mentors say to market myself and the product, is the cold call and door to door sales. I am focusing right now on going business to business, marketing legal plans, as I have found they are needed most in the marketplace right now. My question specifically is what has worked for you-(or your salespeople) to get in and get an appointment set?
So far, when I have gone into a business, almost right off the bat they either ask me what I'm selling, or tell me they don't take solicitors. I realize this is mainly due to confidence, posture and experience, but what other tidbits do you guys/gals have that might help me not to be perceived as the "dreaded salesguy"? My product is incredible, it can save businesses literally thousands a year in legal fees, and there is always genuine interest once I get the appointment. However I can only help a business or pay my rent if I start getting appointments.
Any advice is appreciated!

The power of the written word...

How important is the power of the written word? Why is it important to be able to craft your words not only coherently but in a timely manner?

I throw out these questions because I come across Jason Fladlien. Jason's main claim to fame is to be able to write 400 words in 7 minutes. Yep that is 400 words in 7 minutes including research by Jason Fladlien. I took this course because I was curious to see how that could be done? I am not at 7 minutes yet but at 15 to 20 minutes. I think practice is the key...

He has interesting techniques. His favourite formula: 1 sitting + 1 problem = 1 solution. To find out more Google Jason Fladlien or 400 words in 7 minutes.

I have nothing to do with Jason. It is just one of many shiny objects I have purchased during my Internet travels.

I think it warrants mention in this Copywriting forum...RR

PS: If you think this is impossible then think about this for a moment. If you: "Believe you can and you're halfway there", Theodore Roosevelt


Hello everyone,

I am a small business owner of a technology consulting firm called Innovation Cubed. We build web sites and do technology consulting, but our primary focus is becoming the clients' technology advisor and helping with a long-term vision on how to improve busines and the use of technology for acheiving business goals.

I'm excited to join this forum, and look forward to reading and writing posts.

Best regards!

jeudi 25 juin 2015

import-export business

Hallo , everyone, this is my first day here, I would like to start import-export business, how can to do this ? who can help me?

How do I find venture capital?

For example, there is a hotel for sale in my area for $4,500,000 that would profit me a lot of money if I could rent it out. How can I find someone to loan me this? I can show them the financials on paper and they would see that the numbers work. It is already an operating business and has been for years.

There are many for sale and it doesn't have to be any as expensive as $4,500,000. I could buy something even for $35,000 that would make a profit. Banks won't loan to me yet. Maybe a "venture capitalist" would?

Has anyone used a venture capitalist before? What kind of terms and rates do they generally offer?

Is there such a thing as a 100% LTV loan?

Is there any way to buy houses or larger properties with 100% of the purchase being financed by the loan?

The only way I can think of is by a personal loan, but I am not including that.

mercredi 24 juin 2015


Hello friends,

Hope you all doing well.

Hello Everyone! I'm looking for advice...

I hope everyone is well. I am excited to dive into this forum and make some contacts that will help guide me on some business decisions that I need to make very soon.

My father in law, Rich, wants to retire and has offered to give my wife and I his heavy haul trucking company. My wife, Allison, and I jumped at the opportunity because it will allow the two of us to work together and not have to spend more time each week with our co-workers than we spend with each other.

It is a small company consisting of five trucks. Three trucks that we own and two that we broker for.

Allison is currently a financial business manager for performing musician and has been doing that for four years. I have been a soldier in the Army for the past 13 years.

Our plan is to spend the next 6 months learning the day to day operations of the company and then begin to run the company ourselves. Our goal is to grow the company from a "mom and pop" operation into a successful business.

We aren't formally trained business people though and we don't know what we don't know and I have many questions.

I hope I will find some answers in these forums.

Look forward to some interesting discussions!


Very Old Website need help

My website was built by me many years ago and I did not know much html. I know it needs updating, but I am so worried I will loose my #3 rank in google. What should I do? It has been at #2 and #3 for keywords for 10 years and do not want to loose my spot. Thanks for any help.

First Time GOFUNDME How to get traffic

It's my first time launching a gofundme project for a non-profit. How do I get attention besides facebook, nobody cares on FB about anything but pets and kiddo photos.

Determining pay percentages on new est. busn

Hey how's it going everyone. I'm new to this site/ forum. Well anyways just recently 2 friends and I started a mobile detailing business. Now let me explain how things started. First we found a nice van with all the proper machines. 100 gallon water tank, Honda generator, Honda pressure washer. Now the Van cost $4000. One of my friends invested $3000 and the other $1000. Now technically they invested in the van because I have been detailing cars on the side for a good 5 years and decided I wanted to start my own business. Ive only contributed a couple hundred in supplies. But plan on investing back into the business with some of the money I make. But now that we have started working. My friends are already money hungry. Both asking for a 30% each on every job that I work.( I am the only worker detailing the cars.) and 40% for me. The one friend that invested $3000 will not being doing any work w/ the business and just will provide money when needed. The friend that invested a $1000 dollars will be doing minimum work. So far he has set up a couple weekly accounts with some of his well off family members. One a lawyer, the other a doctor. The law firm will be once a week 7 cars with basic washes $25ech($175 a week). The doctors office 4 cars, two basic washes($25 x2=$50), and two full details($120 X2=$240). Now that gives you input of so far what's happening. I need a fair percentage split. I was thinking 70% for me, 10% back into the nest egg, and my friends 10% each. Now is that in unfair to them since I'm doing all the work. They both make ok/ good money already and I quit my job for this. So I need a minimum amount to pay my bills and eat. I will being doing more later down the road. Now the friend that invested $1000 wants to already start making business cards, flyers, and t-shirts. But I feel he is getting to far ahead. One, because we technically aren't established as a true business with the city. I'm pushing for our business license and business insurance. And then getting those things made, and from there I will do advertising myself. I've got some college credits for a few business classes. But I feel he is being naive towards my input. As for the business ownership percentage. I said 51% to my friend that invested $3000. And to my friend that invested $1000, 39% and me 10% because we wouldn't have made this business if it wasn't for my ability and skills detailing cars. And as time goes by I will buy into it more for a stronger percentage of it. Please someone give me some advice. I would very much appreciate it.

mardi 23 juin 2015

Securing operating credit prior to purchasing existing small business

Greetings, fellow businessers! :) I am new to this forum and already it has been a wealth of information!

I'm still somewhat new to the small business world and I would love some advice. My boss is getting ready to retire I have an opportunity to buy the small tech business I currently work for. The actual cost of buying the business will be financed through the current owner, but the owner want's to see that my business partner and I can secure the necessary line(s) of credit to operate the business (to handle cashflow fluctuations and carrying customers on net terms) before we can proceed. The target is a minimum of $200K available credit -- ideally $300K.

My question is this: What would be a reasonable way to go about this? I understand that this credit is critical to successfully operating this business, but how can I go about getting that much credit to operate a business when I don't have any legal ownership of the business? Is this a common expectation when acquiring a small business?

I have already tried talking to two banks, one national and one local, but they have been vague and very slow to respond. Mostly I want to make sure I have realistic expectations going into this since I don't really have a point of reference currently.

Thank you in advance for your help!

New here!

Hey Joseph here,

Just want to introduce myself to the community!

How would I find private investors for a real estate firm?

I know that large real estate firms use private investors. I want to just use banks but can't right now. How would I find them?

Hello! :)

My name is Angela and I'm currently a minion looking to stop being a minion and start being her own boss. I am looking to start a type of consultation service and as of this post have no clue how to start! I'm apologizing in advance for sounding clueless and asking potentially stupid questions, but I was always told that the only truly stupid question is the one you don't ask. Thank you for your patience as I learn and hopefully grown my own business. :D

Starting From Scratch

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm looking to start a consultation service but am drawing blanks when I look for the first steps required to get started with the legal process. I have a good idea of what I want to do, my target market, even have a rough draft of a business plan, but I don't know what all is needed before I can actually move forward and start taking clients. If anyone could help point me in the right direction I would be immensely grateful. Thank you again.


Prisoners Escaped Using Tools Shipped In Frozen Hamburger Meat

I've been following this story and first off am surprised these two haven't been caught yet, read this new twist and am just shaking my head haha


Talk about mystery meat.

Cops appeared to be closing in on a pair of killers, as details emerged Monday about their escape: Tools used in the “Shawshank”-style caper were smuggled into the prison inside a shipment of frozen hamburger meat — and a cabin they used while on the run belongs to corrections officers.

Joyce Mitchell, the prison worker accused of helping Richard Matt and David Sweat escape, allegedly got a corrections officer to bypass the metal detector and deliver the meat to the murderers...

Prisoners escaped with tools smuggled in hamburger: report - NY Daily News

Increasing my business chances for a line of credit or loan

Now most of you guys know me for asking a lot of questions. How can I up my chances of getting a bank loan or line of credit. I have 3 credit cards that I use. I have a credit union one a discover one and a commercial one locally. Do I need to have my business fully registered to do this, do I need to have paper work that shows my expenses and profit. If so how can I show that. I am new and I have no experience on how to obtain this feature.

Another question that may be irrelevant is with those credit cards with a business transaction such as travel gas and etc are those tax write offs once my business is fully registered as an LLC or does it count now.

Need Help

Me and My friend..we started this project called Meddy Bear 2 years ago...Medical social network from all over the world
and we are growing really fast we have 7 page(main pages) that contions all the medical specialities
our main page : meddy bear: 300k
Medicine: 420k
Cardiology 230k
Pediatrics 320k
Neurology 300k
Doctors 330k
Doctors and future Doctors 400k

i wrote the main pages but we have other page (specialities) and we almost 4 milions like
and all under one name meddy bear...people know Meddy bear from all over the world...we are looking for investors..cuz we don`t know how to make money from it...we don`t have the money for one big site
we are doctors not business men,,and we are growing really fast
My name is Doctor Isam you can find me on facebook : Ghantous Isam

Hi there, I am small business owner too....

Hello All,

Couple of years back I quit my job at HP and started out a Design Services business, as I always wanted to work in my own Business. 2 years down the line started selling Web Hosting too.

So now I am a proud owner of a successful Web Hosting and Web Design services firm. My journey has been a roller coaster ride but I love it...

I am here to interact and listen to other business owners, learn from their insights and help people who are willing to gain from inputs.

Hi from nc

Hi, I'm devin, new to forum. I am a flea market vendor, I make crafts and buy some things to resell. I don't do regular schedule or commit to one market or area. I prefer floating markets nomad style because I enjoy travelling and camping.

lundi 22 juin 2015


How I can start hotel business ?

Outsourcing Mail & Banking - Mailplus Franchsie. Any feedback?

Hi All

I have recently become aware of an outsourcing business called Mailplus. The company provides morning delivery and afternoon pickup of mail, as well as a banking service. Has anyone used this company and would like to provide feedback? It sounds like a great way to save time and money. I'm looking at a franchise territory to buy, but have some concerns of the future needs of mail and banking. More companies are using email and electronic banking. Is this business doomed to fade away or will small business always need this service?

Your comments would be appreciated.

Thank you

Former MLB Player Killed on Father's Day in Murder-Suicide

This took place right down the road from my friend's home, former baseball player Darryl Hamilton has been murdered by who I'm assuming was his live-in girlfriend


HOUSTON (FOX 26) - Former Major League Baseball player, Darryl Hamilton was killed in a murder-suicide in Pearland. Pearland Police discovered the bodies of a man and woman inside a home on Island Breeze St Sunday afternoon after responding to a 911 call. Investigators believe the woman, 44-year-old Monica Jordan shot 50 year-old Hamilton several times before taking her own life. They were the parents of a 14-month-old child who was in the home, but not harmed. Neighbors say Jordan has lived in the home for a few years now with 2 other kids from a previous marriage. Investigators have not said what led up to or may have caused the shooting. The investigation is ongoing.

Hamilton played 13 years in the MLB with a number of teams including the Brewers, Rangers and Mets. He was most recently an analyst with the MLB Network.

Former MLB player killed in murder-suicide - FOX 26 News | MyFoxHouston

Selling rental properties

Had a quick question about selling rental properties.

I'm aware of using a 1031 exchange to reinvest capital/profit from rental properties into new rental properties to avoid taxes. However the timing and restrictions of the 1031 exchange might not work well in my situation.

I own 3 properties and have a sales agreement on 1 - scheduled to close in July. One of the 2 unsold properties still has a mortgage - does anyone know if I can use the profit/capital from the one being sold in July to pay off the mortgage on the one with the mortgage to avoid paying taxes?

In essence would this be a way to just move my capital within my current investments?

Job Interview Horror Stories

I'm so glad these days are over for me, one of my most hated things in my younger years were job interviews.


“A family friend referred me to this guy who owns a PR firm, and suggested I meet him just to chat, learn about his firm, and get an idea of what PR is all about. I show up and he takes me out to lunch. Lo and behold…it’s an interview. We sat there for two hours—I didn’t even take a bite of my food—and he laid out scenario after scenario asking me to come up with creative solutions. It felt impossible. Then took me back to his office and said, ‘Okay, time for your writing test.’ Excuse me?! He plopped me down with a laptop and went, “Write me an article about the importance of staying fit in inclement weather.” No internet, no further instructions. I banged out three-quarters of a page in 20 minutes. A week later, he called and said I did great on the writing test and had me come back to meet more people…for three more hours. Days later, he called again, wanting me to come to a day long ‘innovation workshop,’ but thankfully I couldn’t make it. Still, he had me come in again to talk to him and his VP. Every step of the way, he’d also ask me about current events. He told me to start reading the newspaper and every time I spoke to him, he quizzed me on the day’s happenings. Finally he said he’d have a decision for me by the following week. He called and proceeded to interview me once more. Half an hour later he called back and offered me the job. It was the most absurd—and unexpected—interview process I’ve ever experienced.” —Caitlin, 23

Job interview horror stories - Business Insider

Question about LLC


I started an LLC back in 2012, but thought I dissolved it a year later, but did not do it with the secretary of state. I only did this with the IRS. I did this because I was not really ready to get started, but I am now. The SOS dissolved my LLC on their end. I filed the paperwork with the same name and received a note that the name was not available and that I could either choose a new name or pay $200 for the two annual reports that I missed and a $100 renewal fee. I could also wait until 2019, when the name is available again (ha).

The issue with a new name is that I have many digital and physical assets that I have created with the old name and either way would have to spend money on changing either the assets or renewing the name.

I guess my question is if I was to put a Roman numeral I after my name: Example Company I LLC, would I need to add that to all of my assets?

What you do in this situation?

Thank you!

dimanche 21 juin 2015


HI this is good site for forums

Should I be worried that I gave out my social to a scam site?

I applied for a loan from something I found on craigslist. I gave them my social security number. I later found out that it was a scam.

Should I be worried? How can I protect myself. I did not give them any bank account information.

moving my busiess

i would appreciate any advice regarding moving my brick & mortar pet business back to my home where it originated.
Not sure how to exit and liquidate. Most of the dog and cat and small animal products I will not be stocking however there are approx 20 people that say they will continue to do business with us at the house. and I will be ordering it for them specifically. Do I just conduct a sale on all the products and customers will benefit during this liquidation or do I just select products that will be marked down.
i hope I was making sense. Essentially I will be resuming my parrot business at the house but there are customers that have parrots as well as other pets.
Sorry if confusing.

climb mountain in indonesia

Let's come to Indonesia we climbed the mountain with me if you want to visit Indonesia and mountain climbing do not forget to contact me I'll take the registration attenuate climbing, especially for tourists who want to vacation in Indonesia, thanks

Typical project planning challenges


We're an interdisciplinary group of enthusiastic planners working on improving the state of the art.

If your work involves a lot of project planning, your experience is crucial for taking the next step towards more effective ways of mastering challenges.
To that end, we've designed a short survey( about 5 minutes) focusing on what's important to you.

We'll be happy to report back our insights to you as soon as possible.

Please share your expert knowledge to make planning easier and more fun.

Link to survey: Survey

samedi 20 juin 2015

New LLC owned by S corporation

Greetings. I own a small S corporation and need to start a new, single-member LLC to protect a separate line of business and also to avoid separate tax filings for both businesses.

The S corporation is the registered agent for the LLC. Does the LLC need its own EIN? What other steps do you recommend for proving that the S corp owns the LLC?

LLCs and foreign hosting

Hi guys, I signed up for this forum today to ask for some advice. I have just registered an LLC in Michigan, and I will be doing web hosting and design. I intend to use servers and domain registers in other states for my business. I will not be providing services for businesses in those states though, as my clients are mostly Michigan based. Do I have to register as a foreign LLC in the states where the servers, which I will using, are located? Also, do I need to register in another state to buy a domain from a registrar established in that state?

BUY 3 units of Apple iphone 6 128GB @ $840 USD (With a money back guarantee)

Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus (Latest Model)- 128 GB - Unlocked AND BRAND NEW -SPACE GRAY/SILVER/GOLD COLOURS

*We have both US AND EU SPEC in Stock.

Take Note : We offer BUY 2 Items and Get 1 item for free with free shipping worldwide

==Asking Price for 3 units of Apple iphone 6 Plus 128GB : $940 USD (With a money back guarantee).==

==Asking Price for 3 units of Apple iphone 6 128GB : $840 USD (With a money back guarantee) ==

*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 128GB - $760
*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB - $800
*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 128GB - 940

Our prices are better than good. They're guaranteed! We're confident you'll find the best prices at our store. if you find cheaper elsewhere, we will give you this price minus 10%.That’s our Best Price Guarantee and it’s just one of the ways we help your business grow.

Why buy from us ?
* Your privacy is guaranteed
* Our prices are second to none
* Insurance Secured Transactions
* We ship Monday to Saturday.
* Free shipping on qualified orders
* We offer a reasonable discount on bulk purchase
* We ship the same day after confirmation of payment.
* We offer a 45-days return policy and a 100% money back guarantee.

Shipping Company :FedEx,UPS,DHL.
Delivery Time : 2Days
Minimum Order : 1-50 Unit
Delivery to any location

acecommunicationsukltd @ g m a i l . c o m

Skype ID : acecommunicationsukltd

WTS Brand New Unlocked Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB $470

Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus (Latest Model)- 128 GB - Unlocked AND BRAND NEW -SPACE GRAY/SILVER/GOLD COLOURS

*We have both US AND EU SPEC in Stock.

Take Note : We offer BUY 2 Items and Get 1 item for free with free shipping worldwide

==Asking Price for 3 units of Apple iphone 6 Plus 128GB : $940 USD (With a money back guarantee).==

==Asking Price for 3 units of Apple iphone 6 128GB : $840 USD (With a money back guarantee) ==

*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 128GB - $760
*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB - $800
*3 Units of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 128GB - 940

Our prices are better than good. They're guaranteed! We're confident you'll find the best prices at our store. if you find cheaper elsewhere, we will give you this price minus 10%.That’s our Best Price Guarantee and it’s just one of the ways we help your business grow.

Why buy from us ?
* Your privacy is guaranteed
* Our prices are second to none
* Insurance Secured Transactions
* We ship Monday to Saturday.
* Free shipping on qualified orders
* We offer a reasonable discount on bulk purchase
* We ship the same day after confirmation of payment.
* We offer a 45-days return policy and a 100% money back guarantee.

Shipping Company :FedEx,UPS,DHL.
Delivery Time : 2Days
Minimum Order : 1-50 Unit
Delivery to any location

acecommunicationsukltd @ g m a i l . c o m

Skype ID : acecommunicationsukltd

vendredi 19 juin 2015

How would you market a book?

Small at home business keeps getting denied for merchants

Hello my name it Thomas and this is my first thread and just signed up today so I can get some help
I started a small online business here at home renting out vacation homes. I'm partnered with a women who is a property management company which is the one who has access to all the houses. My listings are on, I'm licensed in the state to conduct business and I have a small business checking account opened. But I keep getting dropped from all the merchant companies because I'm a HIGH RISK business. I've been dropped from, square, merchantmaverik and my own bank. I just applied for
Now I do understand why I'm considered high risk, my age, it's from home, and I have no credit ( which I'm currently working on ) , and the most worst is that every guest I get I have to manually type their credit card info because they are all out of state and even from different countries which is another blow. It is impossible for me to get a physical card and I cannot charge them when they arrive in town because everything has to be paid 30days prior to arrival. Even the people working at the merchant companies don't even know what I can do. I make between 10k to 35k a month in sales but it verys often due to seasons. So if anyone can point me in the right direction it would help me allot because I'm receiving bookings and I cannot make charge at all. I've applied for. Few high risk merchants and waiting to hear back from them. But if anyone can save me time it would be greatly appreciated.

The Male Pill is Coming...

This is pretty interesting and will change things quite a bit - the first mentioned is an injection, but the others slated to be released in the next few years come in pill form. I'll just leave this here so those interested can read for themselves:


Vasalgel is a non-hormonal male contraceptive owned by the medical research organisation the Parsemus Foundation. It’s poised as the first FDA (Food and Drug Administration panel) approved male contraceptive since the condom.
What's more, it's estimated to hit the US market around 2018-2020 - and could change the way we view contraception for ever.
It's easy, too. One injection would last for years. Research tells us that at least half of men would use it.

Contraception: Male Pill is coming and it's going to change everything - Telegraph

saving for annual expenses

I've been doing the accounts for my small business for almost decades.
We like to set aside monies monthly to cover those bills that come periodically, that otherwise would make our cash-flow run backwards (property taxes, insurance, utilities, etc.)
I've been doing it a way that I know is not correct. But it has worked.
If I knew what to call this, I am sure I could find an answer online.
We call it accruing for annual bills.
But I think accrual has a different accounting definition.
We currently are an s-corp, in California, doing cash based reporting.

Can someone tell me what this is called? Or, how to properly set this up on our balance sheet?

It's time to sell it, need advice

Hello everyone. I own 2 businesses and want to sell one. The one I want to sell hasn't been very active for about 5 years and I have been in the process of selling off it's assets for the past few years. Currently, the value of the assets is near zero and the website gets almost no traffic and I only get about 2-4 orders per month. The reasons for this is as follows:

- I lost interest and have put no effort into it for years.
- I don't have the resources to compete anymore.
- I found something else I'm more interested in.

However, the business name (and therefore the domain name) is extremely lucrative to my competitors and has been copied many times. There are currently over 6 domains out there which are nearly exact copies of my domain name and at least 2 facebook accounts that are using my business name that are not me. I know that there is demand for my business name and that others want to use it. But I don't know what the dollar worth of my domain name is.

Also, I have a logo that I'd be selling. The logo is my own intellectual property and others have made variations of it also.

I need advice on how to sell my business as a package which includes:
  1. Logo - my own intellectual property (I created it) but not trademarked or patented at this time. I am the sole owner.
  2. Website - I am the sole owner.
  3. Business name - I am the sole owner. Not trademarked or patented at this time.

My questions are:
  1. Should I trademark my logo and business name first? Would this add value?
  2. Should I contact my competitors and see if they are interested in making an offer?
  3. How can I determine what my business is worth?
  4. Should I list my business for sale online?

I'm not here to advertise the sale of my business, I'm just here looking for information because right now, I know just about nothing and don't know what to do or how to go about it. Any responses are much appreciated.

Start-up Investment Return

I have been talking with a friend about helping her start a restaurant. She has a very good idea for a unique eatery in this area that we both believe would do well. There is a restaurant space we are eyeing that is in a perfect urban neighborhood location for this venture.

My partner is originally from North Africa and although she is very knowledgeable about the restaurant business from many years working in the US as a waitress and manager, she does not have a formal business background. Also, English is not her native language so she sometimes does not grasp the nuances of running a business. This is where I am helping her with the project.

We are preparing her business plan and I know that she has very little money to invest in the business. The space we are looking at right now is four bare walls and a concrete floor, so it will require a complete build-out. I do have some savings that I would not mind using to help her get off the ground. I don't necessarily want ownership in her business, preferring to help her out until she can get the concept up and running. Although I do believe it is a good concept and could eventually grow to other locations, or even franchise if she is lucky, and I would like to be a part of that growth. But that's for another discussion...

My immediate question is what are typical terms investors ask when putting in cash to kick-start a business? I don't want to ask too much of her and the business, especially when it is just starting out, but I would also like a decent return on my investment which is in relation with the risk I'll be taking with the money. Ideally I'd like to be out of the investment in a 3-5 year time frame, and maybe still hold a small residual of equity in the event the business does grow like we hope.

I know there are many smart people on this forum. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Stowaway Falls To Death - 2nd Stowaway Endures 8000 Mile Trip

This would be beyond horrifying for me as I have a fear of heights, two stowaways endured a trip hanging onto the undercarriage of a plane, one fell to his death and the other is now in the hospital in critical condition:


A stowaway, who clung to the undercarriage of a British Airways plane departing Johannesburg, South Africa, has fallen to his death in London, the airline announced Friday.

A second stowaway managed to hold on to the plane. The body of the man was found on a building, reported the BBC. The survivor, who is believed to be a 24-year-old man, is now in critical condition in hospital. He was discovered in the undercarriage of the flight, after enduring an 8,000 mile journey and freezing temperatures.

Stowaway Falls to Death From Plane Flying Over London

What are the potential legal problems from opening an after hour club?

A girl wants me to put up about $3000 for one month rent and start up expenses to open an after hours club. She said she has done this before successfully.

This is a place that is open after the bars close and is held in a warehouse.

She admits there will probably be drugs there. As the owner, can I get them to sign a waiver or something and not be responsible for any drugs on the premises?

Alcohol would be provided for free and would be assumed along with the price of admission. It is too late to sell alcohol at that hour and obviously everyone would be ID'd and searched at the door.

Assuming all the zoning is okay.

What could you foresee going wrong here?

jeudi 18 juin 2015

Hello there!!!!

Hi everyone!

My name's Addah and I'm a newbie here, nice to meet all of you..and I hope to learn a lot from here :)

Have a great day ahead!

Business Email Setup

Here's the deal. I have a partner an hour and a half drive from me. We both get the same emails. We use Thunderbird.

The biggest problem we run into is we both answer the same email, not only doubling the work but making us look like we don't know 'who's on first'.

The Thunderbird db, at least on my end, is getting to big. Occasionally, I'll get an order from someone I quoted 2 years ago. I like to have access to my sent items so I know what pricing I gave them etc. I don't really want to erase historical info.

So it would be nice to have a remote server setup that does this:

- Notes that my partner is working on a particular email

- Saves historical responses that we both can see.

I'm looking at a cloud storage backup HD. I don't know if that affects any of this.

I'd appreciate any ideas.

Any franchising advice for a newbie headed for Hungary?

Hello everyone,

I wasn't entirely sure whether or not it's the right place to do so, but I guess it won't hurt to ask.

Well, it'd probably be a good idea to drop a word of introduction for starters. I'm a 34 yo English teacher (originally from Wroclaw, Poland) However, for some time now I've been planning to move to Hungary with my wife. The only problem is that we have neither friends nor relatives there with whom we could stay for starters. That's why we'd probably have to find a job or set up a small business before we leave Poland. I have been in contact with a few English language schools in Hungary and a couple have offered me positions. However, I have since done some research on the Internet and found only bad reviews for the schools. That's why I came to a conclusion that starting a franchise of my own would make much more sense that seeking employment as a contractor. That's how I came across a small, budding Polish school of English called Speak Up.

However, I'm not really sure whether or not my experience is going to be sufficient and so I have a number of questions you guys might have the answers to :) First of all, has anyone had any experience with running a company in Hungary? Are there many obligatory forms and registration processes I'd have to go through? (sorry, I tried to google, but I don't seem to be able to find a definite answer :/) Then, do You think that a language school may have a chance to provide any further franchise opportunities? And could You possibly provide any ground rules for a complete beginner, like where is it best to invest on the Hungarian market? Oh, and is there a way to find out whether or not it's going to be friendly? Anything else I haven't mentioned? Many thanks for Your replies, I'd be more than grateful for Your help guys :)

Partnership Designation/Allocation

A friend and myself had a similar idea of opening a "Wellness" facility - offering fitness classes (yoga, TRX, bootcamp, etc.), massage, food/snacks, nutrition consulting, and cooking classes just to name a few services.

My friend is a single mom with a few kids and has no capital. She has no intellectual property rights. She has no certifications outside of a exercise science degree. She has very minimal experience running a business and finds it difficult to even conceptualize what it looks like to run something from the top down. She also doesn't have a clear picture of how the business would be structured and how she envisions her place within it - both financially and from a Roles & Responsibilities point of view. This also gets more complicated when you consider what happens in practice - what exactly will she even be able to do with the time restrictions that being a single mom with multiple kids will impose on her.

I work for a Fortune 50 company at a high enterprise level - so I'm familiar with how all the pieces of a business need to work, integrate, and communicate with one another. I have also run my own real estate business (on the side) for a few years and will be liquidating it to create the capital needed for the Wellness venture. I also have experience with writing policies, standards, operating procedures, training, and processes. I'll likely be the primary person serving our marketing and website needs - to name a few areas.

My question is about how to create and structure this "partnership". My friend says she brings value by being a great instructor (which she is), having a unique style (which unfortunately isn't branded in any way), and having the idea for this business (which we both had). Combined with having no capital to invest - I'm having a hard time justifying what % of the partnership she should get, if any.

My initial instinct was that she could just be a manager and have some authority in the business. Since she's not putting any capital to risk - I had a hard time understanding why she would have final authority over the high-level business decisions.

I want things to be fair, but have no idea how to thin through the situation and consider what she's actually bringing to the table to help calculate the extent to which she's involved in the business.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Mindbody/Front Desk vs QuickBooks

I'm currently in the process of looking for business management software (such as MindBody (MB) or Front Desk (FD)) and realized that a lot of the information needed to file taxes is collected and can be reported through the software. However, I wasn't able to clarify if this made something like QuickBooks pointless - or if I would need this software on top of MB or FD.

It seems that I can get all of the reports I need to file taxes from MB or FD and QuickBooks would be redundant. I could essentially hand all of the reports to my tax accountant from either program and I'd be set - the difference is that MB and FD allow me to manage business operations in addition to data collection.

I tried to confirm with one of the staff at MB, but couldn't get a direct answer.

What's your experience between the 2 pieces of software?

mercredi 17 juin 2015

Legalzoom Legit?

Hey there, Ive been wanting to get my DBA so that I can get my business in order, but since Im lazy I was looking for a way to get one online. Thats when I found this site called "Legalzoom". Does anyone know if this is a legit site? I just want to make sure my "paperwork" so to speak are all legal and since this site is offering something thats pretty important, I wanted to make sure it was legit. Thank you.

Man Claims KFC Served Him Fried Rat

I wouldn't read this if you haven't eaten yet!


LOS ANGELES, California -
Los Angeles security guard Devorise Dixon claims KFC served him a deep-fried rat, but KFC believes Dixon is deceiving the public.
Dixon said he bought a three-piece box of chicken tenders at a KFC in Los Angeles and found what he said was a deep-fried rat instead.

"It was very nasty. I spit it out. I looked down at my hand and I realized that it was in the shape of a rat with a tail and everything in it," Dixon said.

...After KPRC published this story on, KFC reached out to KPRC and sent us this official statement:

"A customer has made a serious claim against KFC and refuses to cooperate in the investigation. The images the customer originally posted do not include this second angle because it clearly shows it's a piece of hand-breaded white meat chicken. Based on this, and the fact that he refuses to allow anyone to see the product, we are left to believe that he intended to deceive the public with this hoax and we are considering all options."

Dixon said he went back to the restaurant with photos and his receipt and said the manager "freaked out," apologized and offered him a free meal, which he declined.

Dixon said he is getting a lawyer.

Los Angeles man claims KFC served him fried rat | News - Home
Attached Images

Moving a WordPress site from HostGator to 1and1 Hosting

I need to move a WordPress site from HostGator hosting to that of 1and1. Is there a way I can do it simply and easily?

Thank you for any help.


Need a lot of advice

Anyone have any advice on how to properly manage a small family business. We are a family owned septic company that has been in business since 1965. It consist of my mother and father, my sister and her husband, my girlfriend and I and 4 other employees. My sister, mother and girlfriend are secretaries, my father, my sister's husband, me and another employee are truck drivers and 2 others are laborers. Here are the list of problems.

1. My father has no management skills, his motto is that the employees are friends, and they must be kept happy so they don't quit. This is a major problem since the employees have overstepped their boundaries and think that since they are friends with the boss, they can do what ever they want, and disrespect everyone else.
2. My sister was given a position of management, she has no management skills whatsoever and is just as bad as the other employees. She puts in her 8 hour day and leaves at 4pm sharp every day. Doesn't ever work a weekend, and never puts any other effort in.
3. Due to the lack of management, there is a lot of work, and other tasks around the shop that are not being done. The place looks like an absolute dump.
4. Before I started working on it, there was no form of accounting, no body kept track of sales or expenses, no one had a clue if we were actually making money or not.
5. We have employees who lie, a lot and will fabricate lies to make other employees look bad and possibly get them in trouble. My father knows this but he refuses to fire anyone.
6. Most of our employees will sit on the clock and waste time talking or eating. I have calculated that they waste at least an hour every day from sitting around.
7. Our expenses are out of control, we waste money one excess electric use, wages, food, drinks, fuel, maintenance, etc.
8. Our prices aren't nearly enough to turn over a reasonable profit so we can re invest in the business.
9. Being a sewer treatment plant, we have very strict guidelines to follow by the Department of Environmental protection. If there is something incorrect we can be fined enough money to be put out of business. There is multiple DEP violations here ranging from minor to very major, and my father takes no action in correcting them.

And lastly. I have been working my ass off, I am the first one here every day, and the last one to leave everyday. I work out in the field, I do estimates for work, I call and talk to customers, I do the accounting, I do the payroll, I pay the federal and state taxes, I try to clean up around our shop when I have time, I try to lead and manage our unruly employees. This is only some of the problems, but I really need some advice.

Hello from Singapore, the tiny red dot in Asia

Hello everyone. I am from Singapore, a country which is so small and compact that we can travel to each corners in less than an hour time. Basically, majority in my country can communicate in more than 2 languages (English, Mandarin and Korean for me)

Starting a business is never easy. You need to learn to handle everything on your own at the start. Right now, I am running a hosting company with 2 other partners with different skill sets but same mindsets. It's an uphill task for us to be different from our competitors and the small market in Singapore.
However, I believe I can learn a lot from this forum and hope I can apply them as the business progress. So once again, it's nice to be here in this forum!

!! Provide offshore jobs!!


We are the growing and award winning consultancy in Delhi. We recruit candidates those who are interested to work overseas.

We are interested to meet new business proposals for those who wants to hire candidates from India and get them placed in their companies.

For more info contact the Manager - or catch me on skype @ megha.mehta088

PR 5 but no Backlinks?

I just bought a domain that has a PR 5, it wouldn't let me check to see if there where any back links because the domain just expired.

However I bought this because I assumed because it is a PR 5 which I was able to check that it would have back links but it doesn't?
I'm really confused why it doesn't have any backlinks but is ranked pr5.

Please fill me in.

mardi 16 juin 2015

How did you make your first profitable real estate investment(s)?

I am currently using the only strategy that is available to me, and that is to take out commercial real estate loans and personal loans to fund the down payments.

I am having a hard time finding properties that will rent out for more than the combined loan payments. The only thing that even comes close is to buy cheap houses with a lot of bedrooms. For example, I found a $40,000 house with 7 bedrooms that barely breaks even. I don't have time to save up a down payment. That would take years.

How did you make your first profitable real estate investment. The only real estate investments I am interested in are: houses, RV parks, mobile home parks, apartment complexes, and hotels. But for now, I think only the first three would be within my reach.

Advice needed, customer asking for deposit to be returned

We are a window blind manufacturer, I recently took an order for some blinds, total £400 and she paid a deposit of £100. Blinds were made and installed and she was delighted with them and agreed to pay the balance by bacs that day. Unfortunately we were unaware that our sewing machine had developed a fault that week and two of the louvres stitching came undone after we left. I immediately ordered new fabric and remade 15 louvres and made an appointment to re-visit within 3 days to replace the two faulty ones and check all others.

When I arrived she said, these are shoddy, (even though we have made blinds for every other room in her house in the same fabric etc), remove them immediately and refund my deposit. I did all I could at the time to resolve, even saying we would replace all of the louvres with new ones but she refused. I am the wife of the team who on the day went there with no van or tools to remove them. I did however remove all of the louvres and said my husband would be back to remove the hardware. They became quite threatening and told me I wasn't allowed to leave the property with her blinds until I repaid the deposit, after asking the husband to sop blocking my exit I left (with the louvres).

I have not been back in touch yet but have now received an email from her saying that she will take me to small claims court. There is nothing on my order form/contact regarding deposits but it does state that all goods remain the property of us until paid in full.

I am just angry with her to be honest, she was fine with everything until I got to the property then, and I don't think she planned it, she waived her hand and dismissed me and our costs and hours of work making a product that is bespoke and cannot be resold.

lundi 15 juin 2015

Uh Oh

I'ts 11:45pm mon and tomorrow is my anniversary. I didn't forget the date, just didn't know what today’s date was...

Milestone Achieved

Late last week I wrote out the final cheque for my purchase of the business. 3 months ahead of schedule and 27 months earlier than letting the note run for full term. So everyone, in your best Scottish accent with your faces painted blue, yell:


Now, where to direct the freed up cash. Savings, sales channels, equipment, building, vehicle - so many choices, all needed and all will impact the rest.

Merchant services

I'm opening a small retail store and I've been trying to choose a merchant service company. Can anyone recommend a company they are happy with?

Whats next?

I've obtain a resale shop in my name dealing with furniture and appliances. This is nothing I want to do but I see it as an opportunity. What should be my next steps to building and branching off this store? I want my business name to build credit and get into a good financial standing with banks so I can obtain loans for other ventures. I thought maybe I could take out 500 to 1000 loans and pay them in full within a couple weeks. Any help would be appreciated, thank


Hello my name is Brandon. I've stumbled across this site looking for help for my newly aquired business that was passed down to me. I'm hoping to gain lots of knowledge about entrepreneurship, legal, and financial aspects of business. Thanks

funding for startup

I am interested in buying an established website and I need to know if there are loan companies or investors I can reach out to other than crowdfunding or angel investment who weren't able to help me.

dimanche 14 juin 2015


Hi , My name is Avery James. And i am working with Historical Option Data. They carry end of day historical option prices history for all U.S. Equity options including stocks, Indexes and ETFs. Our bulk history begins in 2002, and SPX data in 1990.

Making Money With AdSense

Hi! So I launched my very own forum and I was wondering if there is way I can start making money on AdSense? I have a banner on my website and right now it has made literally no money, yet I have 500 uniques a month. Am I missing something?

Shipping from China

In a couple months, I will be shipping a large quantity (one product, but about 1,000 units) from China to the U.S. I have done a bit of research on shipping options but thought I'd check in here to see if there are others importing from China.

My product is relatively heavy - about one lb/unit. So the shipment will be over 1,000 lbs. I am wondering if anyone has tips for what courier to use that they have found reliable and inexpensive (relatively speaking, of course. This will not be cheap).

I will not be in a huge hurry to get the products, so the method of shipment will not be an issue. Sea freight should be fine.

Any advice would be great!


samedi 13 juin 2015

Setting Your Own Salary With Multiple Businesses

Hi all,

My main business is an auto detailing & reconditioning business, which I have set a minimum monthly income for myself enough to cover my personal expenses.

I'm getting ready to start an eco-friendly mobile detailing business and adding employees.

My question is, if you have multiple streams of income (businesses, investments), how do I set a salary for each business? For example, the mobile detailing business that I am starting. I know I have to meet a certain amount every month to cover business expenses, but my personal salary, I have no idea what to set it at.


Prior Motel.

Hello All,

I'm interested in purchasing a motel complex. It is location perfect (on main roads, near major attractions, parks and water), location can't go wrong. The motel was built in the 50s or so and has great land to add new amenities if need be. My issues sits with the fact that the listing agency states that the land has more value than the structure as well as the fact that upon research I see that the motel has a 1 star rating from patrons all of which reporting poor service, poor rooms (they seem to have been barely updated and I do mean BARELY) and suspicious owners. My question is should I bother in looking into this motel after prior reputations and reports about both the owners and the complex? Is it possible to reinvent the place and indicate that it is not a 1 star place? I does not to get a lot of patrons but I have no idea if its because of the reports or because people just don't want to go there. I've driven by before and visually its not eye catching!!

It is listed as $699,000. I have yet to go see it -- as a considering buyer and INSIDE.

What do you all think? Worth it or not? I'd like to hear your information without the factor of money.

Thanks Everyone!!

[Apologizes if this type of thread exist prior to submission.]

Finished, Unsaleable Goods - How to Account in Inventory

I have a successful craft business. Not sure how to value finished, unsold goods that I have been carrying for a couple of years. They are unsellable
now because I have switched to online sales only and the products only sell well in person-to-person venues.
q. 1 - Is the value of these goods the cost for materials that went into the goods? Or should I also include an estimate of my personal labour involved?
q. 2 - Does this become "dead stock" that I apply as an inventory expense this year, or should I have applied it the year of production.
(In the year of production there were sellable goods that I had at the end of the year.)


Business is how you put yourself in front of the community. It is batter way to explore your ideas and make a batter achievement by using your ideas commercially. I am hare to make an improvement in myself.

vendredi 12 juin 2015

Business Directories

Hi everyone. Get your Business website listed on our 12 Business directories for only 99 USD. Please visit for more information.

How to do easy online marketing in dubai.

Hi everyone, I am starting a business documentation services business in dubai. I need to find an easy but effective way of marketing.
Suggestions will be much appreciated.

Outlaw Country Singer Goes Out In Gunfight With Bounty Hunter

Being a fan of old country music, thought this was interesting as we usually hear of rappers involved in these situations but this guy who was into the Outlaw country scene lived the life of his music


A bounty hunter trying to detain a country music singer wanted on a DUI charge shot and killed the man in a gunfight at the singer’s home, authorities said Thursday.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was looking into the circumstances of Tuesday night’s shooting of 65-year-old Randy Howard, agency spokesman Josh DeVine said in an email.

Howard was a member of country music’s “Outlaw” movement, which rejected Nashville’s polished music in favor of a rougher sound. Howard shared the stage with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Hank Williams Jr., and has written songs for Hank Williams III, according to Howard’s LinkedIn site.

Hank Williams III posted a picture on his Facebook page Thursday of him and Howard smiling together under the words, “RIP Randy Howard.”

Howard had been charged with fourth-offense DUI, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and driving on a revoked license, DeVine said. But he missed a court appearance, DeVine said.

Howard’s friend Terry Dotson told Nashville TV station WSMV that he had tried to drive Howard to his court appearance, but the singer brushed him off.

“He said he wasn’t going back to jail. That’s what he told me,” Dotson said.

Authorities: Singer Randy Howard Killed in... - RAM Country on Yahoo Music

jeudi 11 juin 2015

entering payee information

i was filling out the payee information for w9 on's createspace as i wrote my first book and they request tax info for making payments to me (Assuming my book will sell of course). i am using my LLC as the payee and i am the only owner...

i wrote sole proprietorship, wrote my LLC name and used my own SSN.... then on next page, among two more things which i understand, also there was the following: " I certify that:

-I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding,

and it also says -

The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. "

do i check these or leave blank? i dont understand what these are so i dont know if i check these or not

i mean i did not enter any facta or whatever codes ... so why do i check or uncheck if there are no codes???

I started a Facebook ad campaign but I'm not getting the return I want.

I started a Facebook ad campaign but I'm not getting the return I want, what am I doing wrong? My service provides small businesses with the platform to survey they're customers and analyze that data. (more info on BUKKIN) How should I market this, If I'm using Facebook ad's what keywords should I use? Are there better platform than Facebook to get website clicks? This is what I'm seeing now: Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 9.17.35 PM.jpg
Attached Images

Hello from NJ (and high school)!

Hi, my name is Dan and I'm a high school student in New Jersey, but I have the heart of a true entrepreneur! I recently connected a survey analytics tool that I specifically tailored to small businesses, built a website around it, and am now trying to get the word out! It's very overwhelming but I don't know, I kinda like it. How has everyone else's experiences been? Is this worth my time? (I hope it is!). If you have a minute check out my website! BUKKIN | Take Back Your Customers, America!!

Is our business name OKAY? or is it time to ReBrand?


We are an Internet Marketing company and we focus on providing internet marketing services (SEO, Social Media, Web Design, etc) to our business clients and entrepreneurs. Currently our company name is "Lindsey Interactive", while this name deals directly with what we do, we wanted to get the opinion of others and see what they think. Does our company name directly reflect what we do? Should we change it to be something more "one word" something not so PERSONAL as my last name (The Owner) is Shawn Lindsey.

Please let me know your thought process and what your opinions are.

Christopher Lee Passes Away

Christopher Lee has now passed away at the age of 93. An old favorite of mine, I loved the old Hammer films when I was younger and later his work in the Star Wars films.

Prolific British Actor Christopher Lee Dies at Age 93 - ABC News

I got a kick out of this story:


Filming a scene in Return of the King (seen only in the extended version), when Grima Wormtongue (Brad Dourif) stabs Saruman in the back on top of the tower, Christopher Lee corrected Peter Jackson on the fact that when a person is stabbed in the back of the chest, they do not scream (as the director wanted), in fact the air is pushed out of their lungs and they “groan” with an exhalation of air, very quietly, as their lungs have been punctured.

From Peter Jackson’s DVD commentary: “When I was shooting the stabbing shot with Christopher, as a director would, I was explaining to him what he should do… And he says, ‘Peter, have you ever heard the sound a man makes when he’s stabbed in the back?’ And I said, 'Um, no.’ And he says 'Well, I have, and I know what to do.’”

The crew said that they knew Christopher Lee had been in the British Royal Air Force Intelligence Service in World War Two, and they didn’t really push him for more information about how he knew in such detail exactly what noise a person makes when this is done to them.

He wouldn’t have told them anyway.

When pressed by an eager interviewer on his SAS past, he leaned forward and whispered: “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yes!” the interviewer replied, breathless with excitement.

“So can I.” replied a smiling Lee, sitting back in his chair.

Would I be taking a big risk?

Here is the deal. I started doing my own web sites for my business maybe 15 years ago +/-. I started using Front Page and then 4 or 5 years ago started to use DreamWeaver. I have 8 or so web sites for my business two of which are the ones I would consider the main ones. Of those two the one that is most important was set up long ago when I was still using FrontPage. I bought a theme when I set it up and as far as design and colors it looks decent. I have tons of good content. We generate enough business from it that we can't keep up and I get compliments on it (maybe not as many as I used to but still compliments and really no complaints. With the Google change in giving priority to mobile friendly or responsive sites I decided that later on this year I would update the site using Wordpress.

I am going to do a couple of my less important sites with wordpress first just as a learning experience. Actually I started on one which is currently a mess but it is one that really had little purpose anymore and little traffic so I don't really care.

Now here is my concern. I had not checked to see how we do on a search for quite some time. Currently on the two most important search terms, one being the type of equipment we make and the other the process you do with that equipment we come out # 2 on one of the terms and # 3 on the other. (not counting the 3 or so paid results)

There is a saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". If I redo the site, I could easily end up on page 17 of the search results. Should I take the gamble or play it safe and not fix it?

Hello from Houston

Hi everyone!

I specialize in SEO, Online Marketing, Social Media, and Website Design.

If you have any questions or need help, make sure to contact me!

Have a Great and Blessed Day!

small business

if you want to start small business so please think about your business and decide your plane and then what should you is very most important in business field that which type of your plane is create.first of all you ask any oldest perssion that is your any experience holder. if you want to search Google and then desied.thank you.

Do you need a purchase agent?

Hello All,

International shopping is getting more popular. I wonder that if anyone want to buy items from China? I'm working in logistics field so I can provide a beneficial shipping fee and a reliable service to individual. If so, would you like to use this service?

mercredi 10 juin 2015

Let me help you grow your business!

My name is Beesan Yaish and I work for YP Marketing Solutions. We are all about helping local businesses grow! I am based out of Michigan and I am eager to help your business get online and get found on multiple search engines and help you create your own landing page; customized to suit your business needs. If you are interested in getting more customers through your doors and increasing your ROI, give me a call at (248) 304-7278 and we can set up an appointment to discuss further what YP can offer. If it makes sense for both of us to move forward, we will make big things happen for you and your business! Get ahead of your competitors and call!

Beesan; Digital Marketing Executive

Hi everyone, my name is Beesan Yaish and I work for YP Marketing Solutions! We work with local businesses to help them grow and increase their ROI. I live in Michigan; so if anyone is looking to get online and get found through multiple search engines; please contact me at (248) 304-7278. We can discuss your business plan and work together to create the best marketing package for you. Call me, and if you like what you're hearing we can set up a meeting to see if it makes sense for us both to work together!

See what YP Marketing Solutions can offer you!

Effective or CREEPY?

In the thread about houses Howard said

"Interesting. Is it any creepier than when ads follow you around the internet based on something you've searched for?"

A few months ago I had a company trying to sell me a service that did exactly that. Basically if someone searched for my product and visited my website it would post ads that followed them around to other sites they visited.

So, my question is how do you see something like that. Is it an effective way to keep your product in front of qualified prospects and could be an effective use of my advertising money or is it something that people would think was creepy and might just upset them enough that you would never sell them anything.

Just for the record I didn't sign up for it but I am sure they will call back.

Best credit card and bank payment options?

Hey guys, is there any safe way to accept CC directly to avoid fraud? I mean is it enough to have a buyer's shipping address match his billing address?

Also, is there any such thing as Bank to bank "escrow"? Someone told me too that ACH bank wire offers protection for a seller?

Is that... Is that my house??

This has been going around other forums and I wanted to share it here with you.

A roofing company is going around taking pictures of people's houses and then sending them a postcard with the picture of their house.

Read the article and let me know your thoughts and how you'd react.

Roofing Company Sends Me A Postcard Of My Own House

Couldn't find my previous posts? am i wasting my time here??

There has been lot of days i am waiting for my account to activate like basic member.i post frequently on this thread on the areas of my interest but i couldn't find my single post which i have posted from past few days. tell me i am wasting my time here ??? please help???

Hi from Asia! :)


My name is Suwandi, I am Co-founder of sleekr. We are based in South East Asia. Recently we launched Release 1.2 of sleekr.
sleekr (intentionally in smallcase), helps small businesses manage their staff from their Day 1. Our features include company policy builder (template available!), time-off management, sickday notification, instant approval of holiday request, self-service employee data.

Have a great day, everyone! Wish you the best for your business!



Authorised Dealer

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mardi 9 juin 2015

The Forum Has A New Mobile Theme

Hey All,

I just discovered that the last time I upgraded the forum a new mobile theme appeared. I set it up to be the default theme for mobile devices, though I'm not quite sure how vBulletin determines what's mobile and what's desktop.

Regardless, the new mobile theme should be working so if you want to check in while on your phone or tablet, it should be a lot easier now. No more pinching and zooming to read anything.

There's one caveat. I leave the site open on my phone and tablet and after setting up the mobile theme I was still seeing the desktop theme. I think it's because the forum set a cookie indicating I wanted the full site. If you see the full site on your phone or tablet, scroll to the very bottom of the page. Look in the bottom left and you should see vB Default Style. Change it to Default Mobile Style and you'll see the mobile theme. It shouldn't change how you see the site on a desktop, but if you do see the mobile theme on your desktop after making the change, I'm guessing you can follow instructions in reverse and set it back.

Let me know if you're having problems and what you think of the theme. I haven't checked it out beyond the home page yet, but will when I get a chance.

Hi from New York

Hello, Im new here, I just start my new company, I hope I will get a lot of usefull informations here on the forum, maybe I can give some good posts to.

----->Promote something of yours to 1.3m Instagram followers<-----

Hello guys,

I am currently offering you the ability to promote your Instagram/Facebook/Website or anything else on my 1.3 Million follower Instagram account.

The account I will be is in English so most users are Canada/UK/United States.

The prices are as following:

$30/30 minutes
$50/1 hour

10x30 minutes/$180
20x30 minutes/$350

PayPal payments accepted.

If you are interested or have any questions email us here:

New: Mobile Theme

Hey All,

I just discovered that the last time I upgraded the forum a new mobile theme appeared. I set it up to be the default theme for mobile devices, though I'm not quite sure how vBulletin determines what's mobile and what's desktop.

Regardless, the new mobile theme should be working so if you want to check in while on your phone or tablet, it should be a lot easier now. No more pinching and zooming to read anything.

There's one caveat. I leave the site open on my phone and tablet and after setting up the mobile theme I was still seeing the desktop theme. I think it's because the forum set a cookie indicating I wanted the full site. If you see the full site on your phone or tablet, scroll to the very bottom of the page. Look in the bottom left and you should see vB Default Style. Change it to Default Mobile Style and you'll see the mobile theme. It shouldn't change how you see the site on a desktop, but if you do see the mobile theme on your desktop after making the change, I'm guessing you can follow instructions in reverse and set it back.

Let me know if you're having problems and what you think of the theme. I haven't checked it out beyond the home page yet, but will when I get a chance.

Sold my Company now looking to help others

I founded my company in 07' and recently sold. It is a dream that took many years to fulfill but I would like to offer guidance/advice to anyone that is getting started with their business!

It's a tough journey but it can be very rewarding!

Post any questions you have below.

Good luck on your journey! :)

Sold my Company now looking to help others - Post any questions you have

I founded my company in 07' and recently sold. It is a dream that took many years to fulfill but I would like to offer guidance/advice to anyone that is getting started with their business!

It's a tough journey but it can be very rewarding!

Post any questions you have below.

Good luck on your journey! :)

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone I am new to this forum and I have joined this forum so that I can take part in discussions and learn a lot from it and also provide help if I could.

lundi 8 juin 2015

Why do I need 300,000 a year?

Hey guys, just need some help with something. I own my own business, and right now it's just me and my partner. We each make around 120,000 a year. Our business basically provides computer and technology support to businesses for about 900$ a month. Many other businesses have come to us saying they want to work with us, but we have enough work as it is. For whatever reason, I'm having trouble deciding on whether or not to expand and get an actual office and some employees. If we did, we would each make about 300,000 a year, because we would have enough support to handle more businesses. I have no idea what I would do with 300,000 dollars a year. I already have a nice house, a couple nice cars, and really everything I need. I don't even work that often, so I'm pretty blessed. If I hired theses employees, I would work even less. I'm only 24. Can someone help me decide whether to expand or not? To some of you this may sound weird, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't know what to do with that money. I never wanted to be an elite person, just wanted to have some nice cars(lambo), a one bedroom apartment a tv so I could watch family guy, and have enough money to pay for an upper middle class life. That was my goal. What should I do?

Small-business/Startup investor connection website

Hi, I have been researching in creating a website that connects small businesses with inventors and business help. I have noticed that there are a decent amount of these websites already in existence, but have high minimums to invest. Would start-ups be interested in investments ranging from 500-10,000 dollars with smaller shares in business, hopefully increasing amount of investments. Does anyone think this would be more attractive than similar small business investment websites?

Get Business info list

Maximize your direct mail and telemarketing efforts with quality business info list includes business name, address, phone number, websites, email, popularity and any other info you need, you can get customized list with

1. Location(radius, state, city, zip code, longitude and latitude)

2. Business type like restaurant, hotel, beauty/spa..

Email me your search criteria

Price, pay by paypal, call 646-504-3027

$100 for 500 contacts 0.2
$200 for 1000 contacts

$800 for 5000 contacts 0.16

The Web Design Boom is over. Long live Web Design.

I've been pondering this for a little over 2 years now.

The web is quickly moving away from obsession with "Original" designs to continuity. I hear people say all of the time that all websites look alike. That's because we're centering on what works. In many instances trying to do something away from the "normal" structure can be the kiss of death for your site, increase your bounce rate, and have all kinds of unwanted affects.


As a discipline, web design has already exhausted its possibilities

You know what else looks almost exactly alike? Mobile apps. And we accept that, actually expect it, as the norm because it makes them easier to use for everyone.

People are more interested in the information, and how quickly and easily they can consume it, not praising your wonderful website design. Of course it has to be professional..but with the rise of professional templates readily available on pretty much all CMS platforms, easier implementation, and better and better website builders combined with support that attract budget conscious consumers and businesses...fewer people (and small businesses) are forced to call a web designer than use to be.

Of course a website builder is limited, and you can't build anything complex with it, but they still eat into a big portion of a market that we used to get 100% of.

Add to that...the website isn't your company's center of attention anymore, search engines are now voice activated computers, and more people search on mobile than desktops and laptops.

In 2010-2013 my business was 90% new website designs. In 2014-2015 thus far, at least 70% of my business is now support services and consulting.
Not new website builds.

Design is here to stay. But websites? Of course there will always be a need. Not having a website is like not existing. But it's not the center of attention anymore. It used to be everything. Now it's just one element and a lot of people are just going for "good enough".

If all you do is web design and nothing else, it's going to get harder and harder to make a living.

This article hits the basic points on all cylinders.


Things are moving in the direction of digital assistants like Siri, and especially Google Now with the new changes announced for Android M: they aim to provide you the exact bit of information you need, when you need it. This implies a shift from web pages to web services: self-sufficient bits of information that can be combined to other services to deliver value. So if you are looking for a restaurant, you get the reviews from Foursquare or Yelp, the directions from Google Maps and the traffic conditions from Waze.

This switch from web design to experience design is directly caused by the shift from web pages to digital products, tools, and ecosystems. Web pages are just part of something much bigger: mobile apps, API’s, social media presence, search engine optimization, customer service channels, and physical locations all inform the experience a user has with a brand, product, or service. Pretending that you can run a business or deliver value just by taking care of the web channel is naïve at best and harmful at worst.
- Source: Why Web Design is Dead | UX Magazine

What do you think? Am I calling time of death too soon?

Dividing shares

Hello all, i'm new to this forum and i hope to get help from you guys..

I'm soon starting a motorsport business that deals with car tuning, performance and all accessories. I want to know what is the fair share between me and my partner. here are the facts; all currencies in Saudi Riyals, $1 = 3.75SR

Capital: 1,100,000 SR
My cut: 600,000 SR
partner: 500,000 SR

i'm not sure if I can call him a silent partner or not, but i will tell you guys what I have done and what he will do. so far,
pre opening
My part;
* i have done all contracts with all dealers that we will franchise,
* set up location and facility setup from A-Z (equipments, tools, flooring, building, showroom, designs, furniture, etc...)
* contacting all equipment companies (lifts, etc...) (USA, Germany, Italy)
* Set up shipping contractors
* made full business plan
* found and choose employees and technicians
* found broker
* designed and set up website, emails

His part;
he will contact customs broker
basic oversee of operation of facility build

post opening

My part;
motor sport president, leading management, corporate communications(franchise)

His part:
Basic oversee of shop
responsible of employees visas + visiting oversea experts visas

so what do you guys think? what should be the fair percentage divided?

Thanks all in advance!


I am a young man from SC, who has a desire to help my fiance start a small side business. I don't know much about the laws and management of a business, so I decided to scour the internet to seek help. After a few failed attempts, I stumbled upon this place. It seems friendly enough, so I figured I'd set up shop here in this community. Hopefully I won't be too much of a nuisance and I can get the help that we need.

My fiance has finally decided to put that art degree to use (after much coercion :cool:), and is going to start a small business of drawing paintings, portraits, and most important of all, custom made pinatas. Her work is amazing with the pinatas and I really think it would do well here because of the high volume of Hispanics. The only place to get pinatas is big chain stores and a few Hispanic shops that only sell mainline pinatas; nobody does custom work. I think it's a wonderful idea. I promised her I would help her do the managing part, so she can focus on the work. We don't plan on it getting big; just a supplemental income. That way she can do what she loves, and she doesn't to work a part or full time job when we get married and/or have kids.

Any advice or critique is welcomed. I'm looking for all the advice we can get. I also have a few questions about legalities and it would be a tremendous help if someone could point me to the correct forum to post my questions. I wasn't sure if it would be the "law" or "starting your business" sub-forum.

Thank you in advance and I hope to be a contributing member of this community!

As a salesman,what we need to do?

Marketing is not that easy.We need to have a detail understanding about our product.And patience.I work for an LED lighting manufacture about two month.Searching for the internaltional cooporation.Any suggestions?

dimanche 7 juin 2015

How to price e-zine ads?

If I have an e-zine with 10,000 subscribers, how much should I price full page, half-page, and quarter-page ads for? Thank you. My niche is beauty and makeup.

Sending a Postcards - CardSsmile


I wonder if sending a personalized postcards it still have a lot of people to enjoy it? or now everythings is basically online?

In my opinnion sending regualr mail it DIED but at the same time It would be nice to recive some maill with cool pictures and text on the back and big smile in the front of the postcard. Its not the same as just send somebody Online postcard or picture that nobody basicaly look at it or just look and DELETE because they have Millions of the same pictures everyday..

I oppened the bussines like that with sending regular mail postcards to people to make them smile :) at the same time put a little bit spicy in it and make a contest who will have the most reccomend people win prizes! :)

so far its not to much people join it but I think it will be more with time! what you think? it's gonna end up bad or there is a chance to put old mail in life again.

Best Regards

CardSSmile us

Android Development and Programming

Around the I/O Google announced Android Developers Courses in partnership with Udacity. I started taking one about a week ago.
It's actually very interesting and I think it's going to go well.

I'm also eyeballing the introduction to Python class, but after I get over the half way hump with the first class.

I'm not looking to develop apps as a service, but there are a few ideas I've had for a while and I need to know how to do for myself.

Just wondering if anyone else on the forum develops or tinkers with developing mobile apps, or is interested in it.

samedi 6 juin 2015

Can being a male effect my clientele?

I would like to open a cleaning & errand service all in one. I feel that because I am a male it may effect who I can get as far as clients. Maybe they feel more comfortable with a women cleaning. I wanted to focus my errand service toward seniors. I feel as if seniors would feel more comfortable talking to a women. What's your opinion?

Food from the locals ( uber for food )


I am working on mobile application to allow people to order cheap food from the neighbourhood families. which can offer good , tasty and homely food.This is
pretty much Uber for food..

I am trying to asses the plan and also trying to understand legal issues .

Can you please put your thoughtss?


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Visit: - www{dot}puppiesou{dot}com for more information about game...


Are you looking for exciting holiday packages?

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Are you looking for Property Management in Del Mar ?

Hello Everyone !

Property Advantage Specializing in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad, Carmel Valley and Throughout North County San Diego. We are a leader in residential property management, vacation rentals and sales & leasing throughout the greater North County San Diego Coastal area. If you looking for Property Management, call us 760.585.1700

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Are you looking for hoists maintenance systems?

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Are you searching free directory site?

Hello Everyone !

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Visit: - www{dot}listmysites{dot}com for more information about SEO....
