mardi 1 décembre 2015

Hello from Silent Texas

Hello everybody!

I am Joseph Tijerina, owner of Silent Texas, I have been in business for 8 months now and I'm always seeking information. I stumbled on this page with google search. I read through some posts and I seen some great questions and some outstanding answers. Thank you!

I constantly search the web for answers to my questions as a small business owner and constantly in a trial error bases with marketing and advertising.
Which is how I ended up here.
I look forward to chatting with you guys with anything I can answer from personal experience and of course ask questions to the veterans of business.

A little bit about my business:

Silent Texas is a Brand/Service, we offer retail of apparel of my designs. (we are heavy on 2nd amendment designs)
Service side we are a Screen Printing, Embroidery, and Digital Prints (banners, business cards, etc.)
Products | Silent Texas | Speedy Service and Quality

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