dimanche 6 décembre 2015

Small business financing by paygorilla

To my fellow small business owners, my name is Fernando Diaz, I am the CEO of a start-up called paygorilla.com. I have a baking career in trade finance and later in internet/tech applied to trade finance. I have decided with a team of brave colleagues to take on small business financing in the U.S. as a Transformative Massive Purpose. We believe we can do this by connecting companies via free electronic invoicing. To do that, among other things, I am writing a blog to talk about small business finance and share ideas with the small business community. I will try to write as often as time permits, but no less than once a month. Please give me feed back. Anything, you can share (needs, ideas, comments, facts, stories, etc) works for me.
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By the way, we need feedback in paygorilla.com. Use it (its is FREE) and give us feedback. Those with quickbooks, we will select some small businesses that give us good feed back and give away gift cards

All the best !!

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