dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Home Based Business Idea

Hello all, I currently work full time in retail banking and have been in banking for 10 years. I'm good at it, but the hours are very long and come of the corporate "asks" are getting ridiculous, causing a lot of stress amongst us. I am looking to transition to something more flexible and was approached by a business client about working for them as an outside contractor. My service would be basically "invoicing" their clients and managing accounts receivables. They currently use someone else who is doing it for multiple companies and apparently she is making errors, so they are looking to find someone new. They pay her 8% of gross invoices (this company invoices about $750,000 a year) and she works out of her house. So I got thinking that if I started my business and took on 2 or 3 companies for this service, I could have a more flexible life, solid income, and maybe get my weekends back. Does anyone in here know anything about this type of business? I've researched some invoicing software, but as said, thought I'd throw it out here in the forums and see if I get any answers. Thanks.

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