mardi 3 septembre 2013

Where to open a Bank account for a Delaware LLC ?


I have recently formed an LLC in Delaware (US), for my online activities. However I'm living outside of the US (in Poland). My recent LLC does not have a Bank account yet, so I'm looking to open a Bank account somewhere. I have heard that opening Bank accounts for Delaware LLC is not an easy thing to do.

Can someone advise me, where do people usually open Bank accounts if they have a Delaware LLC and they are not living in the States? I have not found any discussion related to this question, this is why I'd like to ask you guys, maybe some of you have experience with this.

Any help would be really appricaited!

Thank you in advance,



2 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. If you need any help regarding the bank account opening then please see an financial expert or talk to the bank manager and discuss about LLC in Delaware.

    HCBL Bank
    Yeh Bank Zara Kuchh Khaas Hai
