mercredi 1 janvier 2014

facebook advice

after seeing a friends business listing on facebook ive decided to do more w/ mine

he has contests and gives stuff away...posts his recent jobs, etc

funny stuff seems to do well

how do you find more people you know for your facebook? (you have to pay don't you?) to get a linked in type way to try to get people to join your facebook page

I know a few people closely, but I know 100's in a mid level/business level...if I could send them some kind of invite like on linked in im sure I could have 100s of people instantly...right now I think I only have a few of my wives friends(she's doing my facebook for me)

im planning on doing some funny stuff and having a contest of my own...anything to get people to show their friends and grow my facebook network

im not into facebook at all.....but my wife pays with it all the time and gets updates from people she barely knows or hasn't seen in 30 years

can facebook be used to spread my business around? or am I just wasting my time and writing things for people who already know im a plumber?


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