mercredi 1 janvier 2014

Staring an online E-Commerce website, maybe two

Hi All

Hoping maybe someone here may have some advice, input or knowledge. I live in California and am starting an online website for giftware in the next month or two. I was going to do a sole proprietorship but it was suggested I do an LLC. However from what I'm reading, in CA, even if you file for LLC< you can still be considered a sole proprietorship technically. But for taxes purposes an LLC will owe a minimum tax of $800 and an LLC fee of $900

Instead what I'm considering doing is the sole proprietorship with the primary business name. Ex. Lexie Smith's Gifts and More. Then for each of the websites, doing a DBA for them. Ex. 1st website DBA Lexie's Gifts and More & 2nd website DBA European Delights

does anyone know if this will work okay, and if so, I know I have to do the DBAs but do I need to do a separate business license for each or since I'm doing them as DBAs under the primary name will one license work okay

I"m trying to get this info up front, so I dont say have to change it down the road if I were to add a 2nd website or more. there are no employees or anything, its just me working from home. I do know I need a home based business license in addition. the 1st website is going to be primarily if not all drop ship and the 2nd website will most likely be mail from home items (after buying wholesale)

Any information, input or suggestions is greatly appreciated



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