jeudi 2 janvier 2014

In Need of Some Honest Opinions!!

Since starting college, something always struck me about entrepreneurship. Yet, I never really thought of myself as a entrepreneur. Weird, I know. I just never felt passionate enough about an idea to the risks associated with starting a business. Well that's true until I thought of this....

A large majority of students study abroad sometime throughout their time in college. The main piece of advice they'll hear before starting their experience aboard is to pack light. That means not bringing things along that can be bought abroad, like towels or sheets. I mean you aren't forced to follow that advice, but you're also limited to typically one suitcase when you're flying. A service that delivers customizable international care packages (that could be rented ideally) filled with things like towels, sheets, electrical outlets, bins, hair dryers, etc. (basically things you don't necessarily have space in your luggage for) to your international place of residence could solve that issue. With this service, I expect more students to worry less about preparation and more about their amazing experience up ahead.

I'm posting this to hear your opinion before I expose this idea to the masses. Do you think this idea is valuable? (I value honesty)

P.S. My name is Tamika!


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