jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Startup business, help with validation/ website review

Hi guys,

I stumbled onto this site and I think it's a great resource for business. I know i'll be using this heaps.

I'm working with a couple of other people in developing an online business; its an online marketplace for buying and selling adspace.

Media companies will list the spaces they want to sell, and users/buyers can buy online.

I have been doing research on lean startup (mainly reading works by Steve Blank) and at this validation point we need a minimum viable product (MVP) which is our site, to test if we are solving problems that businesses actually care about. To test validation we are measuring website hits and signups for users/customers.

We will validate the seller side by having face to face interviews with them.

I would love ideas and feedback on the following:

1. any additional validation tests I could do.

2. website form and design - we haven't had any signups yet, is this due to site design?

3. Any feedback in general on our concept and idea.

our site is

Any feedback you guys give is very valuable to me, as this is a form of validation.

I just want to make sure we are doing something that adds value to users and sellers before investing $ in growing the business.

Thanks again for the support.



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