mardi 1 avril 2014

Eat 24 Breaks up with Facebook

Eat 24 is a nationwide delivery service and app. I use them quite a bit myself.

Recently they've announced that they've decided to remove Facebook as part of their marketing for reason that we've been stating here: What's the point if the people following you won't see your updates?

However, they did it much funnier:


"Dear Facebook, Hey. It's Eat24. Look, we need to talk," read a post on the Eat24 blog. "This isn't easy to say since we've been together so long, but we need to break up. We'd love to say 'It's not you, it's us' but it's totally you. Not to be rude, but you aren't the smart, funny social network we fell in love with several years back. You've changed. A lot."

Read the full post here:

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