mardi 1 avril 2014

Ordering System

Hello, all. New to the forum and hoping to find a little guidance. We have a wonderful problem. We have orders coming in so fast that it is becoming difficult using our old systems to track them. We sell educational materials mostly to institutions and so we deal with credit cards, PO's and checks as the typical form of payment. Right now our rep requests a quote via a Google form, it gets turned into an official form via Quickbooks, sent back to the rep who sends it to the customer. Once they have agreed to payment (via a PO or something), the rep requests the quote be turned into an invoice, it is then sent to the client and the materials shipped. The rep then delivers the invoice to the client via email for payment.

There are lots of communication nightmares in this system and we track the actual checks coming in against the invoices in a Google spreadsheet. I am wondering if anyone can recommend an integrated system that will track orders, quotes, invoices and possibly inventory giving both the internal support team and the field rep a good view into things. it would be nice to trim some of these steps as well.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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