mardi 1 avril 2014

Proprietary subscription model, or patreon?

Hey all,

I've run into a problem while reworking the model for our comic company. While things aren't set in stone yet, what I'm currently looking at is a proprietary membership/subscription model which goes into content development, contests, server payments, and more. Tack this on with our merchandise store and that was (for the most part) considered our primary funding platform. I'm also reworking the site to support ads for "some" advertisement revenue, though I know this will be minuscule for a while until we start generating foot traffic; not too much additional work for setting the membership site up either.

My question however, is it a good idea to go proprietary given the many crowd sourcing platforms that have arisen, and also taking into account the massive indie boom that seems to still be thriving right now? We didn't have much luck with our Kickstarter campaign when we tried, but a platform like Patreon seems a bit more promising. From what it seems, it almost mirrors how our subscription service is supposed to work.

Though the obvious disadvantage is there, where Patreon takes a percentage of the cut each month, is there anything else that I should be aware of before "trying" to adopt something like this into our primary funding model, or should we stick with developing something proprietary? The social awareness and cognizance of Patreon seems promising considering also the additional marketing effort that would need to be put in if going proprietary.

Thoughts? Thanks all :)

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