vendredi 29 août 2014

Any Niche Affiliate Marketers out there?

Hey guys,

So I`ve been blogging and doing online marketing for quite some time (2 years), more so as just a hobby dealing with things like swimming, fitness, health, marketing, some retail marketing topics. I`ve started working more regularly on a niche ecommerce affiliate sales website to see if I can get it up and running to actually make a profit. I`ve done relatively minimal work with it and have about $7.80 in commission junction revenue (2 products sold).

I used to have the website deal with the whole market (for example dog treats) but now it deals specifically with a particular brand that is super low in competition.

My plan is to build up this brand/niche site with more traffic and hopefully more sales, then when I feel I have reached a plateau of search traffic from this brand, I`ll expand to another niche brand in the industry.

Is this a sound strategy? What kind of tips can anyone give me to make sure that I`m on the right path to gain ground in niche search results and customers. I do understand a bit about creating conversion oriented design, calls to action, etc.

I was also thinking about using Fiver to promote my products through posters and cards located where my particular customers hang out.

Anyway... what are your guys thoughts so far?

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